Note to paragraph (a)(3): The Commission strongly recommends that parties employing U-NII devices to provide critical communications services should determine if there are any nearby Government radar systems that could affect their operation.
Path-loss (L) = [SIGMA]i P(i) * Li = PLOS * LLOS + PNLOS * LNLOS,
where PLOS is the probability of line-of-sight, LLOS is the line-of-sight path loss, PNLOS is the probability of non-line-of sight, LNLOS is the non-line-of-sight path loss, and L is the combined path loss. The WINNER II path loss models include a formula to determine PLOS as a function of antenna heights and distance. PNLOS is equal to (1-PLOS). In all cases, the AFC system will use the correct WINNER II parameters to match the morphology of the path between a standard power access point and a fixed microwave receiver (i.e., Urban, Suburban, or Rural).
dkm_los = 4.12 * (sqrt(Htx) + sqrt(Hrx)),
where Htx is the height of the unlicensed standard power access point or fixed client device and Hrx is the height of the radio astronomy antenna in meters above ground level. Coordinate locations of the radio observatories are listed in section 2.106 , notes US 131 and US 385 of this part.
47 C.F.R. §15.407