Note: The combination of detented rotary switch and pushbutton controls is acceptable, provided UHF channels, after their initial selection, can be accurately tuned with an expenditure of time and effort approximately the same as that used in accurately tuning VHF channels. A UHF tuning system comprising five pushbuttons and a separate manual tuning knob is considered to provide repeated access to six channels at discrete tuning positions. A one-knob (VHF/UHF) tuning system providing repeated access to 11 or more discrete tuning positions is also acceptable, provided each of the tuning positions is readily adjustable, without the use of tools, to receive any UHF channel.
Note: Differences between UHF and VHF channel readout that follow directly from the larger number of UHF television channels available are acceptable if it is clear that a good faith effort to comply with the provisions of this section has been made.
47 C.F.R. §15.117