Total Test Weight (W) = ________
Passenger Capacity of Upper Deck:
Weight on Upper Deck = (Number of Passengers on Upper Deck) * (Wt per Passenger) * 1.33
Weight on Main Deck = Total Test Weight-Weight on Upper Deck.
Mp = (W) (Bp)/6; or
Mw = (P) (A) (H)
Mp = passenger heeling moment in foot-pounds (kilogram-meters);
Mw = Wind heeling moment in foot-pounds (kilogram-meters)
W = the total weight of persons other than required crew, plus the personal effects of those persons expected to be carried while aboard the vessel (total test weight) in pounds (meters);
Bp = the maximum transverse distance in feet (meters) of a deck that is accessible to passengers;
A = Area, in square feet (square meters), of the projected lateral surface of the vessel above the waterline (including each projected area of the hull, superstructure, cargo, masts, area bounded by railings and canopies, but not protruding fixed objects such as antennas or running rigging).
Mw = wind heeling moment in kilogram-meters (foot-pounds);
P = 4.9 kilograms/square meter (1.0 pounds/square foot) for both protected and partially protected waters.
A = the windage area of the vessel in square meters (square feet) with all sails set and trimmed flat;
H = height, in meters (feet), of the center of effort of area (A) above the waterline, measured up from the waterline; and
i = f(2L-1.5L')/4L
i = f(2L-L')/4L
i = maximum allowable immersion in meters (feet);
f = freeboard in meters (feet);
L = length of the weather deck, in meters (feet); and
L' = length of cockpit in meters (feet).
46 C.F.R. §178.330