Where Ei, Hi, and Ri, are described in paragraph (a) of this section. Reference uncertainty is expressed in percent of span.
= [SIGMA] * tdist
[SIGMA] = the standard deviation of the reference uncertainties determined for each transducer (Ur,i)
tdist = the "t-distribution" constant as a function of degrees of freedom (n-1) and at a 95 percent confidence level, where n = the number of transducers of a specific make, model, URL, and turndown tested (minimum of 5)
subscript i represents the results for each transducer tested of a given make, model, URL, and turndown
subscript n represents the results for each influence effect test required under § 3175.133
Ezero,n,i = Zero-based error for influence effect n, for transducer i, in percent of span per increment of influence effect
Mn = the magnitude of influence effect n (e.g., 1,000 psi for static-pressure effects, 50 °F for ambient temperature effects)
DZn,i = Zn,i-Zref ,i
Zn,i = the average output from transducer i with zero input from the test device, during the testing of influence effect n
Zref,i = the average output from transducer i with zero input from the test device, during reference testing.
Espan,n,i = Span-based error for influence effect n, for transducer i, in percent of reading per increment of influence effect
Sn,i = the average output from transducer i, with full span applied from the test device, during the testing for influence effect n.
= [SIGMA]z,n *tdist
= [SIGMA]s,n * tdist
Ez,n = the zero-based error for a make, model, URL, and turndown of transducer, for influence effect n, in percent of span per unit of magnitude for the influence effect
Es,n = the span-based error for a make, model, URL, and turndown of transducer, for influence effect n, in percent of reading per unit of magnitude for the influence effect
[SIGMA]z,n = the standard deviation of the zero-based differences from the influence effect tests under § 3175.133 and the reference uncertainty tests, in percent
[SIGMA]s,n = the standard deviation of the span-based differences from the influence effect tests under § 3175.133 and the reference uncertainty tests, in percent
tdist = the "t-distribution" constant as a function of degrees of freedom (n-1) and at a 95 percent confidence level, where n = the number of transducers of a specific make, model, URL, and turndown tested (minimum of 5).
43 C.F.R. §3175.135