Section 2.47 - How will the bureau notify you if it denies your fee waiver request?If the bureau denies your request for a fee waiver, it will notify you, in writing, of the following:
(a) The basis for the denial, including a full explanation of why the fee waiver request does not meet the Department's fee waiver criteria in § 2.48 of this subpart;(b) The name and title or position of each person responsible for the denial;(c) The name and title of the Office of the Solicitor attorney consulted;(d) Your right to appeal the denial under subpart H of this part and a description of the requirements set forth therein, within 90 workdays from the date of the fee waiver denial letter; and(e) Your anticipated fees, in accordance with § 2.49 of this subpart. 77 FR 76906 , Dec. 31, 2012, as amended at 81 FR 11130 , Mar. 3, 2016; 84 FR 61828 , Nov. 14, 2019