Environmental justice is the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other Federal activities that affect human health and the environment so that people are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects including risks and hazards, such as those related to climate change and cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens on communities with environmental justice concerns; and have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment. Advancing environmental justice further requires Federal agencies to provide opportunities for meaningful engagement of the public, including communities with environmental justice concerns who are potentially affected by Federal activities. When planning for location decisions, which is the federal activity for purposes of this rule, Federal agencies must be especially mindful of how proposed locations would impact communities with environmental justice concerns. As appropriate and consistent with applicable law, Federal agencies should seek to minimize negative and maximize positive impacts in these areas, using available data and meaningful engagement with local stakeholders to identify such communities, and identify, analyze, and address adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards of the Federal activity.
41 C.F.R. §§102-83.75