41 C.F.R. § 102-79.95
The telecommunications service provider is responsible for any reasonable costs to Federal agencies associated with providing access to antenna sites, including obtaining appropriate clearance of provider personnel for access to buildings or land deemed to be security sensitive as is done with service contractor personnel. OMB Circular A-25, entitled "User Charges," revised July 8, 1993, provides guidelines that agencies should use to assess fees for Government services and for the sale or use of Government property or resources. For antenna sites on non-GSA property, see also the Department of Commerce Report on "Improving Rights-of-Way Management Across Federal Lands: A Roadmap for Greater Broadband Deployment" (April 2004) beginning at page 26. Under 40 U.S.C. 1314 , GSA is covered in granting easements and permits to support the installation of antennas and cabling across raw land in support of constructing new and improving existing telecommunication infrastructures provided that such installation does not negatively impact on the Government.
41 C.F.R. § 102-79.95