Section 102-73.265 - What actions must Federal agencies take to facilitate land acquisition?To facilitate land acquisition, Federal agencies must, among other things-
(a) Appraise the real property before starting negotiations and give the owner (or the owner's representative) the opportunity to accompany the appraiser during the inspection;(b) Establish an amount estimated to be the just compensation before starting negotiations and promptly offer to acquire the property for this full amount;(c) Try to negotiate with owners on the price;(d) Pay the agreed purchase price to the property owner, or in the case of a condemnation, deposit payment in the registry of the court, for the benefit of the owner, before requiring the owner to surrender the property; and(e) Provide property owners (and occupants) at least 90 days' notice of displacement before requiring anyone to move. If a Federal agency permits the owner to keep possession for a short time after acquiring the owner's property, Federal agencies must not charge rent in excess of the property's fair rental value to a short-term occupier.