41 C.F.R. § 102-40.175

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 102-40.175 - How do we handle firearms?
(a) You must submit reports and transfer documents on excess firearms to GSA (8QSC), Denver, CO 80225-0506. GSA will approve transfers of firearms only to those Federal agencies authorized to acquire firearms for official use, and may require additional written justification from the requesting agency.
(b) GSA may donate only surplus hand guns, rifles, shotguns, and individual light automatic weapons previously used by the Federal Government, with less than .50 caliber in Federal Supply Classification (FSC) 1005, and rifle and shoulder fired grenade launchers in FSC 1010, with a disposal condition code of 4 or better (see condition codes in § 102-36.240 of this subchapter). Only eligible law enforcement entities whose primary function is the enforcement of applicable Federal, state, and/or local laws, and whose compensated law enforcement officers have powers to apprehend and arrest, may obtain these donated firearms for law enforcement purposes.
(1) For purposes of donation under paragraph (b) of this section, each Transfer Order Surplus Personal Property SF 123 must be accompanied by a conditional transfer document, signed by both the intended donee agency and the SASP, which includes the special terms, conditions, restrictions, and other forms or information required for the transfer of the donated firearms. Restrictions on donated firearms are perpetual and may not be amended by the SASP without prior written approval from GSA. Donated firearms must be released or shipped directly from the Federal donor agency to the designated donee.
(2) If the firearms to be donated are subject to the National Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53, (e.g., machineguns, silencers, short-barrel rifles, short-barrel shotguns, firearms over .50 caliber or with a bore diameter of more than 1/2 inch, and destructive devices) the SF 123 must be accompanied by an ATF Form 10, Application for Registration of Firearms Acquired by Certain Governmental Entities, completed by the donee agency as specified in 27 CFR 479.104 . Upon approval of the donation by the SASP, the Form 10 shall be forwarded in accordance with the form's instructions. The Chief, National Firearms Act Branch, shall notify the donee agency of ATF registration of the donated firearms by returning the approved Form 10 to the donee agency. The donee agency shall provide a copy of the approved Form 10 to the SASP who shall retain a copy of the approved Form 10 and attach it to the SF 123. Firearms shall not be released for shipment until the ATF Form 10 has been approved by the ATF and a copy provided to the SASP. The registration of any firearms on ATF Form 10 is for official use only and subsequent transfers will be approved only to other Governmental entities for official use and in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section. If you have questions concerning whether particular firearms are subject to the National Firearms Act, contact the Firearms Technology Industry Services Branch, ATF, at (304) 616-4300 or FIRE_TECH@atf.gov.
(d) When authorized by circumstances described in paragraphs (e), (f), (g), or (i) of this section, the destruction of firearms must be performed by an entity authorized by your agency head or designee. The destruction must be witnessed by two additional agency employees authorized by the agency head or designee.
(1) When the approved donee agency no longer needs the donated firearms, the donee agency must notify the SASP. The SASP may, with GSA approval and in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section, reassign firearms to another donee agency within the state or to a donee agency in another state through the appropriate SASP. In such a case, transfer of the firearms must be between eligible donee agencies only. No SASP is eligible to take custody of the firearms. If the firearms are not sought for reassignment, the donee agency and a representative from the SASP, or designee, must witness destruction of the firearms and complete and sign a certificate of destruction, which will be maintained by the SASP. If firearms subject to the National Firearms Act are destroyed, the SASP shall notify the Chief, National Firearms Act Branch, ATF, so the destruction can be noted in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.
(2) If the firearms sought for reassignment are subject to the National Firearms Act, the firearms must be transferred in accordance with 27 CFR 479.90 . This regulation requires that the donor agency submit an ATF Form 5, Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and Registration of Firearm, which must be approved prior to transfer of the firearms. Donor agencies wishing to reassign firearms subject to the National Firearms Act shall submit a completed ATF Form 5 to the SASP along with the request to reassign the firearms to another donee agency. The SASP shall forward the ATF Form 5 to the Chief, National Firearms Act Branch. If transfer is approved by the ATF, the donor agency will receive a copy of the Form 5, with approval noted thereon, from the Chief, National Firearms Act Branch, ATF. The donor agency shall provide a copy of the approved Form 5 to the SASP at which time the reassignment shall be approved.
(f) You must not abandon firearms. You must destroy unneeded firearms by crushing, cutting, breaking, or deforming each firearm in a manner to ensure that each firearm is rendered completely inoperative and incapable of being made operable for any purpose except the recovery of basic material content. Destruction of firearms must be performed as stated in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.
(g) You must not dispose of functional or repairable firearms under an exchange/sale transaction or by sale. Surplus firearms may be sold only for scrap after total destruction as described in paragraph (f) of this section to ensure that the firearms are rendered completely inoperative and to preclude their being made operative. Such sale shall be conducted under part 102-38 of this subchapter.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, firearms received as foreign gifts may be offered for transfer to Federal agencies or sold to the gift recipient in accordance with part 102-42 of this subchapter. If sold to the gift recipient, a certification signed by the gift recipient certifying compliance with all Federal, state, and local laws regarding purchase and possession of firearms must be received by the gift recipient's agency and the agency conducting the sale prior to the sale and release of such firearm to the gift recipient.
(2) Firearms subject to the National Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53 that are received as foreign gifts cannot be lawfully transferred to an individual gift recipient. These firearms must remain the property of the United States or may be transferred to a donee agency in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. In addition, all firearms must also be transferred, shipped, received, and possessed in accordance with the Gun Control Act of 1968. Persons having questions concerning compliance with the Gun Control Act should contact the nearest ATF field office.
(i) Firearms that are forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed as described in 40 U.S.C. 1306 and 40 U.S.C. 552 , must be reported to GSA for disposal in accordance with § 102-41.195 of this subchapter. GSA will direct the disposition of these firearms under this section.

41 C.F.R. §102-40.175