Section 102-40.145 - How do we handle ammunition and ammunition components?(a) Report usable ammunition to GSA for possible transfer to a Federal agency. You must not donate surplus ammunition, but you may donate surplus ammunition components to eligible donation recipients. You may sell non-expended ammunition and ammunition components (expended and non-expended) only to companies licensed to perform manufacturing/remanufacturing processes under the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 923 or other Federal law or regulation or to companies allowed to purchase ammunition components under local and state laws. If the ammunition is regulated pursuant to the National Firearms Act (NFA) or any other Federal regulation, then the ammunition can only be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulation. Ammunition greater than .50 caliber can, in some instances, be regulated under the NFA. You must follow any demilitarization requirements. When selling ammunition and ammunition components, the sales terms and sales documentation must both include the following certification, or an equivalent certification, which must be signed by the successful bidder: Item No. __contains ammunition or ammunition components offered for sale in this invitation. The undersigned certifies that they will comply with all applicable local, state, and Federal laws and regulations concerning ammunition or ammunition components.
If the item being sold is scrap ammunition, the undersigned certifies that they are licensed to perform manufacturing/remanufacturing under the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 923 or other Federal law or regulation.
If the item being sold is a scrap ammunition component, the undersigned certifies that these scrap ammunition components will not be used for the original manufactured purpose.
License issuing authority and license number
Name of bidder (print or type)
Signature of bidder
(b) In addition to sales as described in paragraph (a) of this section, expended ammunition cartridge cases may also be transferred or donated when the recipient certifies that the spent brass will be reloaded and used only for law enforcement purposes. If there is no Federal or state donation interest in the cases, and a sale of the scrap is not feasible, cartridge cases may be disposed of using abandonment or destruction procedures under § 102-40.125. The recipient must certify that the expended cartridge cases will not be used for the original manufactured purpose.(c) The transportation of primers or propellant powder is governed by 49 CFR parts 171 through 180.