Section 101-26.311 - Frustrated shipments(a) At the request of the ordering agency, GSA may authorize diversion or return for credit of any shipment consigned to an overseas destination which, while en route, cannot be continued onward for any reason and for which the consignee or requisitioning agency cannot provide diversion instructions: Provided, The frustration occurs at a water or air terminal and title to the material has not passed from the Government. Frustrated shipments located outside the United States are the responsibility of the consignee or ordering agency. However, GSA will assist the agency whenever possible in disposing of the material when it cannot be utilized by the overseas control area of the agency, e.g., oversea command or AID area.
(b) Requests to GSA for disposition instructions shall be directed to the GSA office which made the shipment. Data provided by the agency shall include the original requisition document number, purchase order number (if any), supplementary addresses, and present location of the frustrated shipment. In addition, the agency should furnish the Government bill of lading number or commercial bill of lading reference, and the carrier's freight or waybill number.(c) GSA may direct disposition of such material through any of the means listed below. Disposition instructions will include a determination by GSA as to the responsibility for payment of transportation costs.(1) Shipment of material to another consignee.(2) Temporary storage pending further instructions.(5) Disposition through other means if deemed to be in the best interest of the Government.(d) GSA will provide required documentation to accomplish the desired action and will, if appropriate, initiate necessary adjustments in billing.(e) Frustrated shipments involving other than GSA stock items will be treated in a manner similar to that prescribed in this § 101-26.311 on a case by case basis.30 FR 11138, Aug. 28, 1965, as amended at 35 FR 12721, Aug. 11, 1970; 42 FR 58748, Nov. 11, 1977