The provisions of this section apply for calculating exhaust emission credits. You may generate exhaust emission credits only if you are a certifying engine manufacturer.
Emission credits (kg) = (STD - FEL) * (Volume) * (Power) * (UL) * (LF) * (10-3)
STD = the emission standard, in g/kW-hr.
FEL = the family emission limit for the family, in g/kW-hr.
Volume = the number of engines eligible to participate in the averaging, banking, and trading program within the given family during the model year, as described in § 1054.701(i) .
Power = the maximum modal power of the emission-data engine as calculated from the applicable test procedure described in subpart F of this part, in kilowatts.
UL = the useful life for the given family, in hours.
LF = load factor. Use 0.47 for nonhandheld engines and 0.85 for handheld engines. We may specify a different load factor if we approve the use of special test procedures for a family under 40 CFR 1065.10(c)(2) , consistent with good engineering judgment.
40 C.F.R. §1054.705