To perform a selective enforcement audit with respect to drag area for tractors, use the reference method specified in § 1037.525 ; we may instead require you to use the same method you used for certification. The following provisions apply instead of 40 CFR 1068.415 through 1068.425 for a selective enforcement audit with respect to drag area:
CdAwa-bounded = the upper bound, CdAwa-upper, and lower bound, CdAwa-lower, of the drag area value, where CdAwa-upper is the larger number.
CdAwa = the average of all CdAwa-run values.
[SIGMA] = the standard deviation of all CdAwa-run values (see 40 CFR 1065.602(c) ).
n = the total number of coastdown runs.
40 C.F.R. §1037.305