City Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
City Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
MT FTP FE = the model type FTP-based city fuel economy determined under § 600.208-12(b) , rounded to the nearest 0.0001 mpg.
Derived 5-cycle City CO2 = City Intercept · A + City Slope · MT FTP CO2
City Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
A = 8,887 for gasoline-fueled vehicles, 10,180 for diesel-fueled vehicles, or an appropriate value specified by the Administrator for other fuels.
City Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
MT FTP CO2 = the model type FTP-based city CO2 emissions determined under § 600.208-12(b) , rounded to the nearest 0.1 grams per mile. Note that the appropriate MT FTP CO2 input values for fuel economy labels based on testing with E10 test fuel are adjusted as referenced in § 600.208-12(b)(3)(iii) .
Highway Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
Highway Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
MT HFET FE = the model type highway fuel economy determined under § 600.208-12(b) , rounded to the nearest 0.0001 mpg.
Derived 5-cycle Highway CO2 = Highway Intercept·A + Highway Slope·MT HFET CO2
Highway Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
A = 8,887 for gasoline-fueled vehicles, 10,180 for diesel-fueled vehicles, or an appropriate value specified by the Administrator for other fuels.
Highway Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
MT HFET CO2 = the model type highway CO2 emissions determined under § 600.208-12(b) , rounded to the nearest 0.1 grams per mile. Note that the appropriate the MT HFET CO2 input values for fuel economy labels based on testing with E10 test fuel are adjusted as referenced in § 600.208-12(b)(3)(iii) and (b)(4) .
City Intercept = 0.004091.
City Slope = 1.1601.
Highway Intercept = 0.003191.
Highway Slope = 1.2945.
FEalt = The unrounded FTP-based model-type city or HFET-based model-type highway fuel economy from the alternate fuel, as determined in § 600.208-12(b)(5)(ii) .
5cycle FEgas = The unrounded vehicle-specific or derived 5-cycle model-type city or highway fuel economy, as determined in paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section.
FEgas = The unrounded FTP-based city or HFET-based model type highway fuel economy from gasoline (or diesel), as determined in § 600.208-12(b)(5)(i) .
The result, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the alternate fuel label value for dual fuel vehicles.
CO2alt = The unrounded FTP-based model-type city or HFET-based model-type CO2 emissions value from the alternate fuel, as determined in § 600.208-12(b)(5)(ii) .
5cycle CO2gas = The unrounded vehicle-specific or derived 5-cycle model-type city or highway CO2 emissions value, as determined in paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section.
CO2gas = The unrounded FTP-based city or HFET-based model type highway CO2 emissions value from gasoline (or diesel), as determined in § 600.208-12(b)(5)(i) .
The result, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the alternate fuel CO2 emissions label value for dual fuel vehicles.
City Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
City Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
Config FTP FE = the configuration FTP-based city fuel economy determined under § 600.206 , rounded to the nearest 0.0001 mpg.
Derived 5-cycle City CO2 = City Intercept + City Slope ·Config FTP CO2
City Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
City Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle city fuel economy data.
Config FTP CO2 = the configuration FTP-based city CO2 emissions determined under § 600.206, rounded to the nearest 0.1 grams per mile. Note that the appropriate Config FTP CO2 input values for fuel economy labels based on testing with E10 test fuel are adjusted as referenced in § 600.206-12(a)(2)(iii) .
Highway Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
Highway Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
Config HFET FE = the configuration highway fuel economy determined under § 600.206 , rounded to the nearest tenth.
Derived 5-cycle city Highway CO2 = Highway Intercept + Highway Slope·Config HFET CO2
Highway Intercept = Intercept determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
Highway Slope = Slope determined by the Administrator based on historic vehicle-specific 5-cycle highway fuel economy data.
Config HFET CO2 = the configuration highway fuel economy determined under § 600.206, rounded to the nearest tenth. Note that the appropriate Config HFET CO2 input values for fuel economy labels based on testing with E10 test fuel are adjusted as referenced in § 600.206-12(a)(2)(iii) .
FEalt = The unrounded FTP-based configuration city or HFET-based configuration highway fuel economy from the alternate fuel, as determined in § 600.206 .
5cycle FEgas = The unrounded vehicle-specific or derived 5-cycle configuration city or highway fuel economy as determined in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.
FEgas = The unrounded FTP-based city or HFET-based configuration highway fuel economy from gasoline, as determined in § 600.206 .
The result, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the alternate fuel label value for dual fuel vehicles.
CO2alt = The unrounded FTP-based configuration city or HFET-based configuration highway CO2 emissions value from the alternate fuel, as determined in § 600.206 .
5cycle CO2gas = The unrounded vehicle-specific or derived 5-cycle configuration city or highway CO2 emissions value as determined in paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.
CO2gas = The unrounded FTP-based city or HFET-based configuration highway CO2 emissions value from gasoline, as determined in § 600.206 .
The result, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the alternate fuel CO2 emissions label value for dual fuel vehicles.
40 C.F.R. §§600.210-12