Paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section apply to data used for fuel economy labeling under subpart D of this part. Paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section are used to calculate 5-cycle carbon-related exhaust emission values for the purpose of determining optional credits for CO2-reducing technologies under § 86.1866 of this chapter and to calculate 5-cycle CO2 values for the purpose of fuel economy labeling under subpart D of this part.
Bag Y FEX = the fuel economy in miles per gallon of fuel during bag Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature X of 75 °F or 20 °F.
SC03 FE = fuel economy in mile per gallon over the SC03 test.
US06 City FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over the "city" portion of the US06 test.
Bag Y FEX = the fuel economy in miles per gallon of fuel during bag Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature X of 75 °F or 20 °F.
HFET FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over the HFET test.
SC03 FE = fuel economy in mile per gallon over the SC03 test.
US06 Highway FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over the highway portion of the US06 test.
US06 FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over US06 test.
Bag X/Y FE75 = fuel economy in miles per gallon of fuel during combined phases X and Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature of 75 °F.
Bag Y FEX = the fuel economy in miles per gallon of fuel during bag Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature X of 75 °F or 20 °F.
HFET FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over the HFET test.
SC03 FE = fuel economy in mile per gallon over the SC03 test.
US06 City FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over the city portion of the US06 test.
US06 Highway FE = fuel economy in miles per gallon over the highway portion of the US06 test.
Bag Y CREEX = the carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile during bag Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature X of 75 °F or 20 °F.
US06 City CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the city portion of the US06 test.
SC03 CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the SC03 test.
Start CREE75 = 3.6 * (Bag 1CREE75 - Bag 3CREE75)
Running CREE = 1.007 * [(0.79 * US06 Highway CREE) + (0.21 * HFET CREE)] + [0.377 * 0.133 * ((0.00540 * A) + (0.1357 * US06 CREE))]
A = 8,887 for gasoline-fueled vehicles, 10,180 for diesel-fueled vehicles, or an appropriate value specified by the Administrator for other fuels.
Bag Y CREEX = the carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile during bag Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature X of 75 °F or 20 °F.
US06 Highway CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the highway portion of the US06 test.
US06 CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the US06 test.
HFET CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the HFET test.
SC03 CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the SC03 test.
Start CREE75= 3.6 * (Bag 1 CREE75 - Bag 3 CREE75 + 3.9 * (Bag 2 CREE75 - Bag 4 CREE75)
Start CREE75= 7.5 * (Bag 1/2 CREE75 - Bag 3/4 CREE75)
Bag Y CREEX = the carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile during bag Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature X of 75 °F or 20 °F.US06 City CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the City portion of the US06 test.
SC03 CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the SC03 test.
US06 Highway CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the Highway portion of the US06 test.
HFET CREE = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile over the HFET test.
Bag X/Y CREE75 = carbon-related exhaust emissions in grams per mile of fuel during combined phases X and Y of the FTP test conducted at an ambient temperature of 75 °F.
40 C.F.R. §§600.114-12