TOC = Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, parts per million by volume.
ji = Concentration of sample components j of sample i, dry basis, parts per million by volume.
n = Number of components in the sample.
x = Number of samples in the sample run.
Cc = Concentration of TOC corrected to 3 percent oxygen, dry basis, parts per million by volume.
Cm = Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, parts per million by volume.
%O2d = Concentration of oxygen, dry basis, percent by volume.
Cij, Coj = Concentration of sample component j of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry basis, parts per million by volume.
Ei, Eo = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry basis, kilogram per hour.
Mij, Moj = Molecular weight of sample component j of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, gram/gram-mole.
Qi, Qo = Flow rate of gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry standard cubic meter per minute.
K2 = Constant, 2.494 * 10-6 (parts per million)-1 (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) (kilogram/gram) (minute/hour), where standard temperature (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) is 20 °C.
R = Control efficiency of control device, percent.
Ei = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) at the inlet to the control device as calculated under paragraph (f)(4)(iv)(B) of this section, kilograms TOC per hour.
Eo = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) at the outlet of the control device, as calculated under paragraph (f)(4)(iv)(B) of this section, kilograms TOC per hour.
40 C.F.R. §264.1080