CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received through flow meter r (metric tons).
Qr,p = Quarterly mass flow through a receiving flow meter r in quarter p (metric tons).
Sr,p = Quarterly mass flow through a receiving flow meter r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (metric tons).
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter r in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Receiving flow meter.
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received through flow meter r (metric tons).
Qr,p = Quarterly volumetric flow through a receiving flow meter r in quarter p at standard conditions (standard cubic meters).
Sr,p = Quarterly volumetric flow through a receiving flow meter r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
D = Density of CO2 at standard conditions (metric tons per standard cubic meter): 0.0018682.
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter r in quarter p (vol. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Receiving flow meter.
CO2 = Total net annual mass of CO2 received (metric tons).
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received (metric tons) as calculated in Equation UU-1 or UU-2 for flow meter r.
r = Receiving flow meter.
CO2T,r = Annual mass of CO2 received in containers r (metric tons).
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement of contents in containers r in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
Qr,p = Quarterly mass of contents in containers r in quarter p (metric tons).
Sr,p = Quarterly mass of contents in containers r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Containers.
CO2T,r = Annual mass of CO2 received in containers r (metric tons).
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement of contents in containers r in quarter p (vol. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
Sr,p = Quarterly volume of contents in containers r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
Qr,p = Quarterly volume of contents in containers r in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
D = Density of the CO2 received in containers at standard conditions (metric tons per standard cubic meter): 0.0018682.
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Containers.
40 C.F.R. §98.473