You must calculate the mass of CO2 received using CO2 received equations (Equations RR-1 to RR-3 of this section), unless you follow the procedures in § 98.444(a)(4) . You must calculate CO2 sequestered using injection equations (Equations RR-4 to RR-6 of this section), production/recycling equations (Equations RR-7 to RR-9 of this section), surface leakage equations (Equation RR-10 of this section), and sequestration equations (Equations RR-11 and RR-12 of this section). For your first year of reporting, you must calculate CO2 sequestered starting from the date set forth in your approved MRV plan.
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received through flow meter r (metric tons).
Qr,p = Quarterly mass flow through a receiving flow meter r in quarter p (metric tons).
Sr,p = Quarterly mass flow through a receiving flow meter r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (metric tons).
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter r in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Receiving flow meter.
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received through flow meter r (metric tons).
Qr,p = Quarterly volumetric flow through a receiving flow meter r in quarter p at standard conditions (standard cubic meters).
Sr,p = Quarterly volumetric flow through a receiving flow meter r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
D = Density of CO2 at standard conditions (metric tons per standard cubic meter): 0.0018682.
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter r in quarter p (vol. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Receiving flow meter.
CO2 = Total net annual mass of CO2 received (metric tons).
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received (metric tons) as calculated in Equation RR-1 or RR-2 for flow meter r.
r = Receiving flow meter.
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received in containers r (metric tons).
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement of contents in containers r in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
Qr,p = Quarterly mass of contents in containers r in quarter p (metric tons).
Sr,p = Quarterly volume of contents in containers r redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Containers.
CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received in containers r (metric tons).
CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement of contents in containers r in quarter p (vol. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
Qr,p = Quarterly volume of contents in containers r in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
Sr,p = Quarterly mass of contents in containers r redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (metric tons).
D = Density of the CO2 received in containers at standard conditions (metric tons per standard cubic meter):0.0018682.
p = Quarter of the year.
r = Containers.
CO2,u = Annual CO2 mass injected (metric tons) as measured by flow meter u.
Qp,u = Quarterly mass flow rate measurement for flow meter u in quarter p (metric tons per quarter).
CCO2,p,u = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter u in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
u = Flow meter.
CO2,u = Annual CO2 mass injected (metric tons) as measured by flow meter u.
Qp,u = Quarterly volumetric flow rate measurement for flow meter u in quarter p at standard conditions (standard cubic meters per quarter).
D = Density of CO2 at standard conditions (metric tons per standard cubic meter): 0.0018682.
CCO2,p,u = CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter u in quarter p (vol. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
u = Flow meter.
CO2I = Total annual CO2 mass injected (metric tons) through all injection wells.
CO2,u = Annual CO2 mass injected (metric tons) as measured by flow meter u.
u = Flow meter.
CO2,w = Annual CO2 mass produced (metric tons) through separator w.
Qp,w = Quarterly gas mass flow rate measurement for separator w in quarter p (metric tons).
CCO2,p,w = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for separator w in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
w = Separator.
CO2,w = Annual CO2 mass produced (metric tons) through separator w.
Qp,w = Volumetric gas flow rate measurement for separator w in quarter p at standard conditions (standard cubic meters).
D = Density of CO2 at standard conditions (metric tons per standard cubic meter): 0.0018682.
CCO2,p,w = CO2 concentration measurement in flow for separator w in quarter p (vol. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
p = Quarter of the year.
w = Separator.
CO2P = Total annual CO2 mass produced (metric tons) through all separators in the reporting year.
CO2,w = Annual CO2 mass produced (metric tons) through separator w in the reporting year.
X = Entrained CO2 in produced oil or other fluid divided by the CO2 separated through all separators in the reporting year (weight percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction).
w = Separator.
CO2E = Total annual CO2 mass emitted by surface leakage (metric tons) in the reporting year.
CO2,x = Annual CO2 mass emitted (metric tons) at leakage pathway x in the reporting year.
x = Leakage pathway.
CO2 = Total annual CO2 mass sequestered in subsurface geologic formations (metric tons) at the facility in the reporting year.
CO2I = Total annual CO2 mass injected (metric tons) in the well or group of wells covered by this source category in the reporting year.
CO2P = Total annual CO2 mass produced (metric tons) in the reporting year.
CO2E = Total annual CO2 mass emitted (metric tons) by surface leakage in the reporting year.
CO2FI = Total annual CO2 mass emitted (metric tons) from equipment leaks and vented emissions of CO2 from equipment located on the surface between the flow meter used to measure injection quantity and the injection wellhead, for which a calculation procedure is provided in subpart W of this part.
CO2FP = Total annual CO2 mass emitted (metric tons) from equipment leaks and vented emissions of CO2 from equipment located on the surface between the production wellhead and the flow meter used to measure production quantity, for which a calculation procedure is provided in subpart W of this part.
CO2 = Total annual CO2 mass sequestered in subsurface geologic formations (metric tons) at the facility in the reporting year.
CO2I = Total annual CO2 mass injected (metric tons) in the well or group of wells covered by this source category in the reporting year.
CO2E = Total annual CO2 mass emitted (metric tons) by surface leakage in the reporting year.
CO2FI = Total annual CO2 mass emitted (metric tons) from equipment leaks and vented emissions of CO2 from equipment located on the surface between the flow meter used to measure injection quantity and the injection wellhead, for which a calculation procedure is provided in subpart W of this part.
40 C.F.R. §98.443