EPFC = Annual emissions of each PFC compound from aluminum production (metric tons PFC).
Em = Emissions of the individual PFC compound from aluminum production for the month "m" (metric tons PFC).
ECF4 = Monthly CF4 emissions from aluminum production (metric tons CF4).
SCF4 = The slope coefficient ((kg CF4/metric ton Al)/(AE-Mins/cell-day)).
AEM = The anode effect minutes per cell-day (AE-Mins/cell-day).
MP = Metal production (metric tons Al), where AEM and MP are calculated monthly.
ECF4 = Monthly CF4 emissions from aluminum production (metric tons CF4).
EFCF4 = The overvoltage emission factor (kg CF4/metric ton Al).
MP = Metal production (metric tons Al), where MP is calculated monthly.
EC2F6 = Monthly C2F6 emissions from aluminum production (metric tons C2F6).
ECF4 = CF4 emissions from aluminum production (kg CF4).
FC2F6/CF4 = The weight fraction of C2F6/CF4 (kg C2F6/kg CF4).
0.001 = Conversion factor from kg to metric tons, where ECF4 is calculated monthly.
ECO2 = Annual CO2 emissions from prebaked anode consumption (metric tons CO2).
NAC = Net annual prebaked anode consumption per metric ton Al (metric tons C/metric tons Al).
MP = Annual metal production (metric tons Al).
Sa = Sulfur content in baked anode (percent weight).
Asha = Ash content in baked anode (percent weight).
44/12 = Ratio of molecular weights, CO2 to carbon.
ECO2 = Annual CO2 emissions from paste consumption (metric ton CO2).
PC = Annual paste consumption (metric ton/metric ton Al).
MP = Annual metal production (metric ton Al).
CSM = Annual emissions of cyclohexane soluble matter (kg/metric ton Al).
BC = Binder content of paste (percent weight).
Sp = Sulfur content of pitch (percent weight).
Ashp = Ash content of pitch (percent weight).
Hp = Hydrogen content of pitch (percent weight).
Sc = Sulfur content in calcined coke (percent weight).
Ashc = Ash content in calcined coke (percent weight).
CD = Carbon in skimmed dust from Søderberg cells (metric ton C/metric ton Al).
44/12 = Ratio of molecular weights, CO2 to carbon.
ECO2PV = Annual CO2 emissions from pitch volatiles combustion (metric tons CO2).
GA = Initial weight of green anodes (metric tons).
Hw = Annual hydrogen content in green anodes (metric tons).
BA = Annual baked anode production (metric tons).
WT = Annual waste tar collected (metric tons).
44/12 = Ratio of molecular weights, CO2 to carbon.
ECO2PC = Annual CO2 emissions from bake furnace packing material (metric tons CO2).
PCC = Annual packing coke consumption (metric tons/metric ton baked anode).
BA = Annual baked anode production (metric tons).
Spc = Sulfur content in packing coke (percent weight).
Ashpc = Ash content in packing coke (percent weight).
44/12 = Ratio of molecular weights, CO2 to carbon.
40 C.F.R. §98.63