You must calculate and report the combined annual process CO2 emissions from all silicon carbide process units and production furnaces using the procedures in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.
EFCO2,n = CO2 emissions factor in month n (metric tons CO2/metric ton of petroleum coke consumed).
0.65 = Adjustment factor for the amount of carbon in silicon carbide product (assuming 35 percent of carbon input is in the carbide product).
CCFn = Carbon content factor for petroleum coke consumed in month n from the supplier or as measured by the applicable method incorporated by reference in § 98.7 according to § 98.284(c) (percent by weight expressed as a decimal fraction).
44/12 = Ratio of molecular weights, CO2 to carbon.
CO2 = Annual CO2 emissions from silicon carbide production facility (metric tons CO2).
Tn = Petroleum coke consumption in calendar month n (tons).
EFCO2,n = CO2 emissions factor from month n (calculated in Equation BB-1 of this section).
2000/2205 = Conversion factor to convert tons to metric tons.
n = Number of month.
40 C.F.R. §98.283