NOX allowances deducted for actual heat input for a unit under § 97.4(a)(1) = Unit's NOX allowances allocated for control period-(Unit's actual control period heat input * the lesser of 0.15 lb/mmBtu the unit's most stringent State or Federal emission limitation * 2,000 lb/ton); and NOX allowances deducted for actual heat input for a unit under § 97.4(a)(2) = Unit's NOX allowances allocated for control period-(Unit's actual control period heat input * the lesser of 0.17 lb/mmBtu the unit's most stringent State or Federal emission limitation * 2,000 lb/ton)
"Unit's NOX allowances allocated for control period" is the number of NOX allowances allocated to the unit for the control period under paragraph (d) of this section; and
"Unit's actual control period heat input" is the heat input (in mmBtu) of the unit during the control period.
Unit's share of NOX allowances remaining in allocation set-aside = Total NOX allowances remaining in allocation set-aside * (Unit's NOX allowance allocation ÷ State's trading program budget excluding allocation set-aside)
"Total NOX allowances remaining in allocation set-aside" is the total number of NOX allowances remaining in the allocation set-aside for the control period;
"Unit's NOX allowance allocation" is the number of NOX allowances allocated under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section to the unit for the control period to which the allocation set-aside applies; and
"State's trading program budget excluding allocation set-aside" is the State's trading program budget under § 97.40 for the control period to which the allocation set-aside applies multiplied by 95 percent, rounded to the nearest whole number of NOX allowances as appropriate.
40 C.F.R. §97.42