LECB,i = 0.02 * RVOCB,i
LEBBD,i = 0.02 * RVOBBD,i
LEAB,i = 0.02 * RVOAB,i
LERF,i = 0.02 * RVORF,i
LECB,i = Limited exemption for cellulosic biofuel for year i.
LEBBD,i = Limited exemption for biomass-based diesel for year i.
LEAB,i = Limited exemption for advanced biofuel for year i.
LERF,i = Limited exemption for renewable for year i.
RVOCB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for cellulosic biofuel for the obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
RVOBBD,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for biomass-based diesel for the obligated party for calendar year i after 2010, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
RVOAB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for advanced biofuel for the obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
RVORF,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for renewable fuel for the obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
LECB,i = 0.02 * RVOCB,i
LEBBD,i = 0.02 * RVOBBD,i
LEAB,i = 0.02 * RVOAB,i
LERF,i = 0.02 * RVORF,i
LECB,i = Limited exemption for cellulosic biofuel for year i.
LEBBD,i = Limited exemption for biomass-based diesel for year i.
LEAB,i = Limited exemption for advanced biofuel for year i.
LERF,i = Limited exemption for renewable for year i.
RVOCB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for cellulosic biofuel for the obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
RVOBBD,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for biomass-based diesel for the obligated party for calendar year i after 2010, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
RVOAB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for advanced biofuel for the obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
RVORF,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for renewable fuel for the obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons, pursuant to § 80.1407 .
40 C.F.R. §80.1474