RVOCB,i = (RFStdCB,i * (GVi + DVi)) + DCB,i-1
RVOCB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for cellulosic biofuel for an obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons.
RFStdCB,i = The standard for cellulosic biofuel for calendar year i, determined by EPA pursuant to § 80.1405 , in percent.
GVi = The non-renewable gasoline volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of this section, which is produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DVi = The non-renewable diesel volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DCB,i-1 = Deficit carryover from the previous year for cellulosic biofuel, in gallons.
RVOBBD,i = (RFStdBBD,i * (GVi + DVi)) + DBBD,i-1
RVOBBD,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for biomass-based diesel for an obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons.
RFStdBBD,i = The standard for biomass-based diesel for calendar year i, determined by EPA pursuant to § 80.1405 , in percent.
GVi = The non-renewable gasoline volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of this section, which is produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DVi = The non-renewable diesel volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DBBD,i-1 = Deficit carryover from the previous year for biomass-based diesel, in gallons.
RVOAB,i = (RFStdAB,i * (GVi + DVi)) + DAB,i-1
RVOAB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for advanced biofuel for an obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons.
RFStdAB,i = The standard for advanced biofuel for calendar year i, determined by EPA pursuant to § 80.1405 , in percent.
GVi = The non-renewable gasoline volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of this section, which is produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DVi = The non-renewable diesel volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DAB,i-1 = Deficit carryover from the previous year for advanced biofuel, in gallons.
RVORF,i = (RFStdRF,i * (GVi + DVi)) + DRF,i-1
RVORF,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for renewable fuel for an obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons.
RFStdRF,i = The standard for renewable fuel for calendar year i, determined by EPA pursuant to § 80.1405 , in percent.
GVi = The non-renewable gasoline volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of this section, which is produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DVi = The non-renewable diesel volume, determined in accordance with paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, produced in or imported into the covered location by an obligated party in calendar year i, in gallons.
DRF,i-1 = Deficit carryover from the previous year for renewable fuel, in gallons.
x = Individual batch of gasoline produced or imported in calendar year i.
n = Total number of batches of gasoline produced or imported in calendar year i.
GX = Volume of batch x of gasoline produced or imported, per paragraph (c) of this section, in gallons.
y = Individual batch of renewable fuel blended into gasoline in calendar year i.
m = Total number of batches of renewable fuel blended into gasoline in calendar year i.
RBGy = Volume of batch y of renewable fuel blended into gasoline, in gallons.
x = Individual batch of diesel produced or imported in calendar year i.
n = Total number of batches of diesel produced or imported in calendar year i.
DX = Volume of batch x of diesel produced or imported, per paragraph (e) of this section, in gallons.
y = Individual batch of renewable fuel blended into diesel in calendar year i.
m = Total number of batches of renewable fuel blended into diesel in calendar year i.
RBDy = Volume of batch y of renewable fuel blended into diesel, in gallons.
40 C.F.R. §80.1407