Cost per ton = (E * 32) + [(1 - E) * $C]
Where E represents EPA's proportion of total effort (expressed as a percentage of total effort) needed to administer the part 71 program, 1 - E represents the contractor's effort, and C represents the contractor assistance cost on a per ton basis. C shall be computed by using the following formula:
C = [ B + T + N] divided by 12,300,000
Where B represents the base cost (contractor costs), where T represents travel costs, and where N represents nonpersonnel data management and tracking costs. In addition, each part 71 source shall pay a GHG fee adjustment for each activity as required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
Cost per ton = (E * 32) + (D * 24) + [(1 - E - D) * $C]
Where E and D represent, respectively, the EPA and delegate agency proportions of total effort (expressed as a percentage of total effort) needed to administer the part 71 program, 1 - E - D represents the contractor's effort, and C represents the contractor assistance cost on a per ton basis. C shall be computed using the formula for contractor assistance cost found in paragraph (c)(3) of this section and shall be zero if contractor assistance is not utilized. In addition, each part 71 source shall pay a GHG fee adjustment for each activity as required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
Activity | Set fee |
GHG completeness determination (for initial permit or updated application) | $2,236 |
GHG evaluation for a permit modification or related permit action | 364 |
GHG evaluation at permit renewal | 520 |
40 C.F.R. §71.9