40 C.F.R. § 63 app Table 2 to Subpart U of Part 63

Current through July 31, 2024
Appendix Table 2 to Subpart U of Part 63 - Applicability of Subparts F, G, & H of This Part to Subpart U Affected Sources

Reference Applies to Subpart U Comment Applicable section of Subpart U
Subpart F:
§ 63.100 No
§ 63.101 YesSeveral definitions from § 63.101 are referenced in § 63.482 § 63.482 .
§§ 63.102-63 .103No
§§ 63.104-63 .105Yes§§ 63.501 and 63.502 .
§§ 63.106-63 .109No
Subpart G:
§ 63.110 No
§ 63.111 YesSeveral definitions from § 63.111 reference in § 63.482 § 63.482 .
§ 63.112 No
§§ 63.113-63 .118YesWith the differences noted in § 63.485 (b) through § 63.485(k)
§§ 63.119-63 .123YesWith the differences noted in § 63.484(c) through 63.484(s) 63.484.
§§ 63.124-63 .125No[Reserved.]
§§ 63.126-63 .130No
§ 63.131 [Reserved]
§§ 63.133-63 .147YesWith the differences noted in § 63.501(a)(1) through (19) § 63.501 .
§§ 63.148-63 .149YesWith the differences noted in §§ 63.484(c) through (s) and 63.501(a)(1) through (23) §§ 63.484 and 63.501 .
§ 63.150(a) through (f) No
§ 63.150(g)(1) and (2) No
§ 63.150(g)(3) Yes§ 63.503(g)(3) .
§ 63.150(g)(4) No
§ 63.150(g)(5) Yes§ 63.503(g)(5) .
§ 63.150(h)(1) and (2) No
§ 63.150(h)(3) Yes§ 63.503(h)(3) .
§ 63.150(h)(4) No
§ 63.150(h)(5) Yes§ 63.503(h)(5) .
§ 63.150(i) through (o) No
§§ 63.151-63 .152No
Subpart H:
§§ 63.160-63 .182YesSubpart U affected sources shall comply with all requirements of subpart H of this part, with the differences noted in § 63.502 § 63.502 .

40 C.F.R. 63 app Table 2 to Subpart U of Part 63

66 FR 36928, July 16, 2001, as amended at 76 FR 22594, Apr. 21, 2011