40 C.F.R. § 62 app Table 3 to Subpart GGG of Part 62

Current through November 30, 2024
Appendix Table 3 to Subpart GGG of Part 62 - Generic Compliance Schedule and Increments of Progress [a]

Increment Date
Increment 1-Submit final control plan1 year after initial NMOC emission rate report or the first annual emission rate report showing NMOC emissions [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]50 Mg/yr.b
Increment 2-Award Contracts20 months after initial NMOC emission rate report or the first annual emission rate report showing NMOC emissions [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]50 Mg/yr.b
Increment 3-Begin on-site construction24 months after initial NMOC emission rate report or the first annual emission rate report showing NMOC emissions [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]50 Mg/yr.b
Increment 4-Complete on-site construction30 months after initial NMOC emission rate report or the first annual emission rate report showing NMOC emissions [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]50 Mg/yr.b
Increment 5-Final compliance30 months after initial NMOC emission rate report or the first annual emission rate report showing NMOC emissions [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]50 Mg/yr.b

a Table 3 of subpart GGG applies to landfills with design capacities [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters that are subject to this subpart except those with site-specific compliance schedules shown in table 4 of subpart GGG.

b NMOC = nonmethane organic compounds Mg/yr = megagrams per year

40 C.F.R. 62 app Table 3 to Subpart GGG of Part 62