E = emission rate of total fluorides, g/Mg (lb/ton) of equivalent P2O5 feed.
Csi = concentration of total fluorides from emission point "i," mg/dscm (gr/dscf).
Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas from emission point "i," dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
N = number of emission points associated with the affected facility.
P = equivalent P2O5 feed rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
K = conversion factor, 1000 mg/g (7,000 gr/lb).
P = Mp Rp
Mp = total mass flow rate of phosphorus-bearing feed, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
Rp = P2O5 content, decimal fraction.
40 C.F.R. §60.224