40 C.F.R. § 60.5433b-60 app Table 1 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60

Current through July 31, 2024
Appendix Table 1 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60 - Designated Facility Presumptive Standards and Regulated Entity Compliance Dates

Designated facility Model rule presumptive standards sectionRegulated entity compliance dates
Wellsa. Gas wells liquids unloading events-§ 60.5390c b. Associated gas wells-§ 60.5391c .36 months after the state plan submittal deadline specified in § 60.5362c(c) .
Centrifugal Compressors§ 60.5392c
Reciprocating Compressors§ 60.5393c
Process Controller§ 60.5394c
Pump§ 60.5395c
Storage Vessels§ 60.5396c
Fugitive Emissions Componentsa. Primary standards-§ 60.5397c
b. Alternative standards for fugitive emissions components and covers and closed vent systems-§ 60.5398c
Super Emitter Emissions Events§ 60.5388c
Process Unit Equipmenta. Onshore natural gas processing plants-§ 60.5400c
b. Process unit equipment alternative standards-§ 60.5401c
c. Process unit equipment requirement exceptions-§ 60.5401c

40 C.F.R. 60.5433b-60 app Table 1 to Subpart OOOOc of Part 60

89 FR 17140, 5/7/2024