%Ps = Potential SO2 emission rate, percent;
%Rg = SO2 removal efficiency of the control device as determined by Method 19 of appendix A of this part, in percent; and
%Rf = SO2 removal efficiency of fuel pretreatment as determined by Method 19 of appendix A of this part, in percent.
Ehoo = Adjusted hourly SO2 emission rate, ng/J (lb/MMBtu);
Eho = Hourly SO2 emission rate, ng/J (lb/MMBtu);
Ew = SO2 concentration in fuels other than coal and oil combusted in the affected facility, as determined by the fuel sampling and analysis procedures in Method 19 of appendix A of this part, ng/J (lb/MMBtu). The value Ew for each fuel lot is used for each hourly average during the time that the lot is being combusted; and
Xk = Fraction of total heat input from fuel combustion derived from coal, oil, or coal and oil, as determined by applicable procedures in Method 19 of appendix A of this part.
To compute Eaio, an adjusted hourly SO2 inlet rate (Ehio) is used. The Ehio is computed using the following formula:
Ehio = Adjusted hourly SO2 inlet rate, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); and
Ehi = Hourly SO2 inlet rate, ng/J (lb/MMBtu).
40 C.F.R. §60.45b