40 C.F.R. § 52.1397

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 52.1397 - Original identification of plan
(a) This section identifies the original "Air Implementation Plan for the State of Montana" and all revisions submitted by Montana that were federally approved prior to March 1, 2015.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on March 22, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Non-regulatory changes to the plan involving compliance schedules, emergency episodes, and air quality surveillance submitted May 10, 1972, by the State Department of Health.
(2) Plan revisions (Regulation 90-001, Part VI, Part VIII, Part XII) submitted June 26, 1972, by the Governor.
(3) The Governor submitted the Air Quality Maintenance Area identification to the Administrator on June 24, 1974.
(4) The Governor submitted revision to the Air Quality Maintenance Areas on January 25, 1975.
(5) Sulfur oxides control strategy and compliance schedule for the American Smelting and Refining Company submitted May 21, 1975, by the Governor.
(6) Sulfur oxides control strategy for the Billings and Laurel areas and schedule of Compliance for the Farmers Union Central Exchange (CENEX) refinery in Laurel submitted by the Governor on January 26, 1978.
(7) On May 5, September 4, and October 1, 1975, the Governor submitted revisions which amended regulations applicable to incinerators, industrial processes, storage of petroleum products, aluminum refineries, and malfunctions.
(8) On April 24, and October 4, 1979, the Governor submitted revisions for Anaconda, East Helena, and Laurel-SO2; Billings, Butte, Columbia Falls, Colstrip, East Helena, Great Falls, and Missoula-TSP; Billings and Missoula-CO; and Yellowstone County-ozone. No action is taken with regard to the revised new source review regulation, the revised stack height regulation, or the control strategies for East Helena SO2 and Yellowstone County ozone.
(9) On February 21, 1980 the Governor submitted a plan revision to meet the requirements of Air Quality Monitoring, 40 CFR part 58, subpart C, § 58.20 .
(10) On April 24, October 4, 1979, and January 7, 1980, the Governor submitted revisions to meet Part D and other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended in l977. No action is taken with regard to the revised stack height regulation.
(11) On April 21, 1982, and April 22, 1982, Montana submitted revisions to the open burning regulation and redesignated the Anaconda area from nonattainment to attainment for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
(12) On January 19, 1983, Montana submitted revisions to the State Implementation Plan to meet the requirements of Part C, Subpart 1, and section 110 of the Clean Air Act.
(13) On July 20, 1982 Montana submitted revisions which amended the State's rules relating to malfunctions.
(14) Revisions to the SIP for Missoula and Billings Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Missoula Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Attainment Plans were submitted by the Governor on August 14, 1981. A revision specifying a list of statewide source test procedures was submitted by the Governor on September 21, 1981.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter from Governor Ted Schwinden to EPA Region VIII Regional Administrator dated September 21, 1981, and document entitled "Montana SDHED-AQB Sampling and Analytical Procedures" as part of the SIP, adopted December 31, 1972.
(B) Missoula City Council Resolution Number 4146 approving amendments to Missoula Total Suspended Particulate and Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Attainment Plans, adopted on May 4, 1981.
(C) Missoula Board of County Commissioners Resolution number 81-73 approving changes in the Missoula TSP and CO State Implementation Plan, adopted on May 13, 1981.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) "Missoula SIP Revisions; Revision to Total Suspended Particulates Strategies and Strategy Development and Implementation for Carbon Monoxide," 1981.
(B) Certification of approval by Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences on May 28, 1981 of the "Transportation Control Plan" (July, 1980) prepared by Billings-Yellowstone City-County Planning Board.
(C) Billings-Yellowstone City-County Planning Board "Transportation Control Plan", July, 1980, approved on May 28, 1981.
(15) On September 29, 1983, the Governor submitted the Montana State Implementation Plan revision for lead.
(16) A revision to the East Helena nonattainment plan for sulfur dioxide (SO2) was submitted on June 7, 1982, and supplemental information was submitted October 4, 1983.
(17) On September 21, 1981 the Governor submitted a permit which had been issued to the Western Energy Company as required in the conditional approval of the Colstrip TSP plan.
(18) In a letter dated March 28, 1986, the Governor submitted modifications to the Montana SIP which revised rules governing stack height and dispersion techniques. In a letter dated November 25, 1985, the Chief of the Air Quality Bureau, Montana, submitted the stack height demonstration analysis with supplemental information submitted on January 28, 1986. EPA is approving the demonstration analysis for all of the stacks except the ASARCO stacks.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana effective on June 13, 1986. The modifications repeal Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM 116.8.1201, 116.8.1202 and 16.8.1203 in Subchapter 12 and adds ARM 16.8.1204 (Definitions), 16.8.1205 (Requirements), and 16.8.1206 (Exemptions).
(B) Stack height demonstration analysis submitted by the State on November 25, 1985 (except for materials pertaining to ASARCO), and January 28, 1986 (except for materials pertaining to ASARCO and Appendix A).
(19) On August 21, 1985 and September 5, 1989, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan. The submittal revised existing Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.921 (27), (Definitions), effective April 1, 1983.
(B) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.921(2), (Definitions), effective September 13, 1985.
(C) Amendments to the ARM 16.8.921(21) and (27) (Definitions), ARM 16.8.936 (Exemptions from Review], ARM 1 6.8.937 (Air Quality Models), and ARM 16.8.941 (Class I Variances-General), effective June 16, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) February 29, 1988 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau.
(B) September 9, 1988 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.
(C) December 14, 1988 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau.
(D) April 28, 1989 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.
(20) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor on August 21, 1985, for visibility monitoring and new source review.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revision to the Montana SIP was made on July 19, 1985, for visibility new source review and monitoring.
(B) Revision to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) was made on July 19, 1985, for visibility which includes new regulations ARM 16.8.1001-.1008 and revising ARM 16.8.1107(3).
(21) Revisions to Montana TSP SIP for Butte were submitted by Governor Ted Schwinden on February 10, 1983.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) State of Montana Air Quality Control, Implementation Plan, Chapter 5C, Butte, adopted January 14, 1983.
(B) Air quality Permit #1749 for Anaconda Minerals Company filed March 28, 1983.
(22) Revisions to the Montana CO SIP for Great Falls were submitted by the Governor on March 28, 1986.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Montana Refining Company permit dated October 20, 1985.
(B) Stipulation in the matter of the Montana Refining Company dated December 2, 1985.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana SIP, chapter 5(3)D. Great Falls (Date: March 14, 1986).
(B) Pre-filed testimony by the Department of Health and Environmental Services dated February 28, 1986.
(23) On March 9, 1988, the Governor submitted a plan revising the State's Air Quality Modeling Rule (16.8.937) and its Particulate Matter, Fuel Burning Equipment Rule (16.8.1402).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Modification to the State of Montana Air Quality Rules, that is the Air Quality Modeling rule (16.8.937) and the Particulate Matter, Fuel Burning Equipment rule (16.8.1402) adopted on January 15, 1988.
(24) On July 13, 1990, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Montana Air Quality Rules, Sub-chapter 9, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) Regulations, to incorporate the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increments.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Montana Air Quality Rules, Subchapter 9, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) effective on July 12, 1990.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) October 22, 1990 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau.
(B) December 4, 1990 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.
(C) January 4, 1991 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.
(D) April 30, 1991 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau.
(25) On August 20, 1991, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan for new source performance standards and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana 16.8.1423, Standards of Performance of New Stationary Sources, and 16.8.1424, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, adopted July 1, 1991, effective July 12, 1991.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter dated April 20, 1992 from Jeffrey T. Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Doug Skie, Chief of Air Programs Branch, EPA Region VIII.
(26) On April 2, 1992, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan. The revisions included amendments to the Montana Air Quality Rules incorporating the July 1, 1991, version of the Montana Quality Assurance Manual and streamlining of the procedure for updating the Quality Assurance Manual.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions, as adopted March 31, 1992, to the Montana Air Quality Rules: 16.8.807 Ambient Air Monitoring, 16.8.809 Methods and Data, and the repeal of 16.8.810 Procedures for Reviewing and Revising the Montana Quality Assurance Manual.
(27) On April 25, 1988, the Governor submitted a plan to help assure attainment and maintenance of the PM-10 NAAQS throughout the State of Montana.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.821 (Ambient Air Quality Standards), and ARM 16.8.701, ARM 16.8.806, and ARM 16.8.921 (Definitions), effective April 29, 1988.
(B) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 9 (Prevention of Significant Deterioration): sections 16.8.924 , 16.8.925 , and 16.8.936 , effective April 29, 1988; section 16.8.937 , effective March 11, 1988; section 16.8.930 , effective April 1, 1988; and sections 16.8.922 , 16.8.923 , 16.8.926 , 16.8.927 , 16.8.928 , 16.8.929 , 16.8.931 , 16.8.932 , 16.8.933 , 16.8.934 , 16.8.935 , 16.8.938 , 16.8.939 , 16.8.940 , 16.8.941 , 16.8.942 , 16.8.943 , effective January 1, 1983.
(C) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 10 (Visibility Impact Assessment): section 16.8.1007 , effective April 29, 1988; and sections 16.8.1001 , 16.8.1002 , 16.8.1003 , 16.8.1004 , 16.8.1005 , 16.8.1006 , and 16.8.1008 , effective March 11, 1988; section 16.8.930 , effective September 13, 1985.
(D) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 12 (Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques), sections 16.8.1204 , 16.8.1205 , and 16.8.1206 , effective June 13, 1986.
(E) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 13 (Open Burning), sections 16.8.1301 , 16.8.1302 , 16.8.1303 , 16.8.1304 , 16.8.1305 , 16.8.1306 , 16.8.1307 , and 16.8.1308 , effective April 16, 1982.
(F) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 14 (Emission Standards): section 16.8.1401 , effective February 16, 1979; section 16.8.1402 , effective March 11, 1988; section 16.8.1403 , effective September 5, 1975; section 16.8.1404 , effective June 13, 1986; section 16.8.1406 , effective December 29, 1978; section 16.8.1419 , effective December 31, 1972; section 16.8.1423 , effective March 11, 1988; and section 16.8.1428 , effective June 13, 1986.
(G) Amendments to the ARM, Sub-Chapter 16 (Combustion Device Tax Credit), sections 16.8.1601 and 16.8.1602 , effective December 27, 1985.
(H) Appendix G-2, Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 15, 1988, is removed and replaced by § 52.1395 .
(28) On August 20, 1991, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan for visibility models, new source performance standards, and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana 16.8.1004, Visibility Models, 16.8.1423, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, and 16.8.1424, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, effective December 25, 1992.
(29) The Governor of Montana submitted a portion of the requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Butte, Montana with a letter dated July 9, 1992, with technical corrections dated May 17, 1993. The submittals were made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Butte on November 15, 1991. The Butte PM10 SIP replaces the prior approved Butte total suspended particulate (TSP) SIP approved in paragraph (c)(21).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation signed October 8, 1991 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the Butte-Silver Bow Council of Commissioners, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the two entities.
(B) Board order issued on November 15, 1991 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the Butte-Silver Bow Air Pollution Control Program.
(C) Stipulation between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (signed September 27, 1991), the Montana Department of Transportation (signed October 4, 1991), and the Butte-Silver Bow Council of Commissioners (signed October 7, 1991) to ensure that Butte-Silver Bow and the Montana Department of Transportation comply with Butte-Silver Bow Council Resolution No. 1307.
(D) Butte/Silver Bow Resolution No. 1307, effective March 6, 1991, which addresses sanding and chip sealing standards and street sweeping and flushing requirements.
(E) Butte/Silver Bow Ordinance No. 330, effective August 3, 1988, which addresses residential wood burning and idling diesel vehicle and locomotive requirements.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #1636A, with a final modification date of October 26, 1991, for Rhone-Poulenc's elemental phosphorus plant.
(B) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #1749-04, with a final modification date of March 20, 1992, for Montana Resources, Inc.'s open pit copper and molybdenum mine, crushing and milling operation and concentrator.
(C) Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 28, 1988, which addresses prescribed burning requirements.
(D) Federal tailpipe standards, which provide an ongoing benefit due to fleet turnover.
(30) The Governor of Montana submitted a portion of the requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Missoula, Montana, and the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations with letters dated August 20, 1991 and June 4, 1992. The submittals were made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Missoula on November 15, 1991.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation signed April 29, 1991, between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Board, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the two entities.
(B) Board order issued on June 28, 1991, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the comprehensive revised version of the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program.
(C) Board order issued on March 20, 1992, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the amendments to Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Rule 1401, concerning the use of approved liquid de-icer, and Rule 1428, concerning pellet stoves.
(D) Missoula County Rule 1401 (7), effective June 28, 1991, which addresses sanding and chip sealing standards and street sweeping and flushing requirements.
(E) Missoula County Rule 1401 (9), effective March 20, 1992, which addresses liquid de-icer requirements.
(F) Missoula County Rule 1428, effective June 28, 1991, with revisions to sections (2)(l)-(p), (4)(a)(i), and (4)(c)(vi) of Rule 1428, effective March 20, 1992, which addresses requirements for solid fuel burning devices.
(G) Missoula County Rule 1310 (3), effective June 28, 1991, which addresses prescribed wildland open burning.
(H) Other Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations effective June 28, 1991, as follows: Chapter I. Short Title; Chapter II. Declaration of Policy and Purpose; Chapter III. Authorities for Program; Chapter IV. Administration; Chapter V. Control Board, Meetings-Duties-Powers; Chapter VI. Air Quality Staff; Chapter VII. Air Pollution Control Advisory Council; Chapter VIII. Inspections; Chapter IX., Subchapter 7 General Provisions; Chapter IX., Subchapter 14, Emission Standards, Rules 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1406 (with amendments effective March 20, 1992), 1411, 1419, 1425, and 1426; Chapter XI. Enforcement, Judicial Review and Hearings; Chapter XII. Criminal Penalties; Chapter XIII. Civil Penalties; Chapter XIV. Non-Compliance Penalties; Chapter XV. Separability Clause; Chapter XVI. Amendments and Revisions; Chapter XVII. Limitations, and Appendix A, Maps.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #2303-M, with a final modification date of March 20, 1992, for Louisiana-Pacific Corporation's particle board manufacturing facility.
(B) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #2589-M, with a final modification date of January 23, 1992, for Stone Container Corporation's pulp and paper mill facility.
(C) Federal tailpipe standards, which provide an ongoing benefit due to fleet turnover.
(31) The Governor of Montana submitted a portion of the requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Columbia Falls, Montana with letters dated November 25, 1991, and May 6, 1992, with technical corrections dated June 15, 1993. The submittals were made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Columbia Falls on November 15, 1991.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation signed November 15, 1991, between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, the Flathead County Commission, and the Kalispell City Council and the Columbia Falls City Council, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the MDHES and Flathead County.
(B) Board order issued on November 15, 1991, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program.
(C) Flathead County Board of Commissioners Resolution No. 867, adopting the Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program and Flathead County Air Pollution Control Regulations, with the exception of rules 501 through 506, signed October 3, 1991.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit # 2667-M, with a final modification date of January 24, 1992, for Plum Creek Manufacturing, Inc. Columbia Falls Operations.
(B) Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 28, 1988, which addresses prescribed burning requirements.
(C) Federal tailpipe standards, which provide an ongoing benefit due to fleet turnover.
(32) On November 6, 1992, Stan Stephens, the Governor of Montana, submitted a SIP revision to the Implementation Plan for the Control of Air Pollution. This revision establishes and requires the implementation of an oxygenated fuels program in Missoula County as required by section 211(m) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Missoula City-County Rule 1429, which establishes and requires the implementation of an oxygenated fuel program, as adopted June 9, 1992.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) Letter dated November 6, 1992, from Governor Stan Stephens submitting the oxygenated gasoline program SIP revision.
(B) Stipulation signed June 12, 1991 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Board, which delineates the responsibilities and authorities between the two entities.
(C) Board order issued September 25, 1992 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving amendments to Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program, adopting Rule 1429 establishing and implementing an oxygenated fuels program.
(33) The Governor of Montana submitted a portion of the requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Libby, Montana with letters dated November 25, 1991 and May 24, 1993, with technical corrections dated June 3, 1994. The submittals were to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Libby on November 15, 1991.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation signed October 7, 1991 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (MDHES), the County of Lincoln and the City of Libby, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the MDHES, Lincoln County and Libby.
(B) Board order issued on November 15, 1991 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the Lincoln County Air Pollution Control Program.
(C) Stipulation signed March 18, 1993 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, the County of Lincoln and the City of Libby, seeking approval of amendments to the local air pollution control program.
(D) Board order issued on March 19, 1993 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving amendments to the Lincoln County Air Pollution Control Program.
(E) Letter dated February 4, 1993, from Kendra J. Lind, Lincoln County Department of Environmental Health, to Gretchen Bennitt, Air Quality Bureau, Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, which explains the local adoption process and effective date of amendments to the Lincoln County Air Quality Control Program regulations.
(F) Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Resolution No. 276, signed December, 23, 1992, and Libby City Council Ordinance No. 1470, signed February 1, 1993, adopting amendments to the Lincoln County Air Quality Control Program regulations 1 through 7.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #2627-M, with a final modification date of July 25, 1991, for Stimson Lumber Company (formerly Champion International Corporation), Libby Facility.
(B) Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 28, 1988, which addresses prescribed burning requirements.
(C) Federal tailpipe standards, which provide an ongoing benefit due to fleet turnover.
(34) On October 19, 1992, the Governor of Montana submitted a plan for the establishment and implementation of a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program to be incorporated into the Montana State Implementation Plan as required by section 507 of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Montana Code Annotated, Sections 75-2-106, 75-2-107, 75-2-108, 75-2-109 and 75-2-220, to establish and fund a small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program, effective April 24, 1993.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) October 19, 1992 letter from the Governor of Montana submitting a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program plan to EPA.
(B) The State of Montana plan for the establishment and implementation of a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program, adopted by the Board of Health and Environmental Sciences on September 25, 1992, effective September 25, 1992.
(35) The Governor of Montana submitted PM10 and CO contingency measures for Missoula, Montana in a letter dated March 2, 1994. The Governor of Montana also submitted the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program in a letter dated August 20, 1991, with amendments submitted in letters dated June 4, 1992 and March 2, 1994. The March 2, 1994 submittal satisfies several commitments made by the State in its original PM10 moderate nonattainment area SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board order issued on November 19, 1993 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the amendments to Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Chapter VII, VIII, and IX, regarding, among other things, the PM10 and CO contingency measures, inspections, emergency procedures, permitting, and wood-waste burners.
(B) Missoula City-County Chapter IX, Subchapter 3, effective November 19, 1993, which addresses the PM10 and CO contingency measure selection process.
(C) Missoula City-County Rule 1401(7), effective November 19, 1993, which addresses PM10 contingency measure requirements for an expanded area of regulated road sanding materials.
(D) Missoula City-County Rule 1428(5) and 1428(7), effective November 19, 1993, which addresses PM10 and CO contingency measure requirements for solid fuel burning devices.
(E) Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Chapter IX, Subchapter 13, Open Burning, effective June 28, 1991.
(F) Other Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations effective June 28, 1991, with amendments effective on March 20, 1992 and November 19, 1993, as follows: all portions of Chapter IX, Subchapter 11, Permit, Construction and Operation of Air Contaminant Sources, except, Rules 1102(3), 1105(2), and 1111(2).
(G) Other Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations effective June 28, 1991, with amendments effective on November 19, 1993, as follows: Chapter IX, Subchapter 4, Emergency Procedures and Chapter IX, Subchapter 14, Rule 1407, Prevention, Abatement and Control of Air Pollution from Wood-Waste Burners.
(H) Minor revisions to Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Chapter VII, Air Quality Advisory Council, and Chapter VIII, Inspections, effective on November 19, 1993, as follows: Chapter VII(1) and Chapter VIII(4).
(36) The Governor of Montana submitted PM10 contingency measures for Butte, Montana in a letter dated August 26, 1994. This submittal also contained revisions to the attainment and maintenance demonstrations for the moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP, due to modifications made to the Air Quality Permit for Montana Resources, Inc.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board order issued on May 20, 1994 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the amendments to the Butte/Silver Bow Air Pollution Control Program regarding the PM10 contingency measure.
(B) Butte/Silver Bow Ordinance No. 468, effective May 20, 1994, which addresses PM10 contingency measure requirements for liquid de-icer application.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #1749-05, as revised with a final modification date of January 5, 1994, for Montana Resources, Inc.'s open pit copper and molybdenum mine, crushing and milling operation, and concentrator.
(37) The Governor of Montana submitted a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision meeting the requirements for the primary SO2 NAAQS SIP for the East Helena, Montana nonattainment area with a letter dated March 30, 1994. The submittal was to satisfy those SO2 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for East Helena on May 15, 1992. The East Helena SO2 SIP revision submitted on March 30, 1994, supersedes the East Helena SO2 SIP approved in paragraph (c)(5) of this section and, effective after November 15, 1995, terminates the East Helena SO2 SIP approved in paragraph (c)(16) of this section.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation signed March 15, 1994, between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (MDHES) and Asarco, Incorporated, which specifies SO2 emission limitations and requirements for the company's primary lead smelter located in East Helena, MT.
(B) Board order issued on March 18, 1994, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving and adopting the control strategy for achieving and maintaining the primary SO2 NAAQS in the East Helena area.
(38) [Reserved]
(39) On May 17, 1994, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) regarding nonattainment new source review, prevention of significant deterioration, general construction permitting, wood waste burners, source test methods, new source performance standards, and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants. Also, the Governor requested that all existing State regulations approved in the SIP be replaced with the October 1, 1979 codification of the ARM as in effect on March 30, 1994. EPA is replacing all of the previously approved State regulations, except ARM 16.8.1302 and 16.8.1307, with those regulations listed in paragraph (c)(39)(i)(A) of this section. ARM 16.8.1302 and 16.8.1307, as in effect on April 16, 1982 and as approved by EPA at 40 CFR 52.1370(c)(11) , will remain part of the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) Sections 16.8.201-202 , 16.8.301-304 , and 16.8.401-404 , effective 12/31/72; Section 16.8.701 , effective 12/10/93; Section 16.8.704 , effective 2/14/87; Section 16.8.705 , effective 6/18/82; Section 16.8.707 , effective 9/13/85; Sections 16.8.708-709 , effective 12/10/93; Sections 16.8.945-963 , effective 12/10/93; Sections 16.8.1001-1003 , effective 9/13/85; Section 16.8.1004 , effective 12/25/92; Sections 16.8.1005-1006 , effective 9/13/85; Section 16.8.1007 , effective 4/29/88; Section 16.8.1008 , effective 9/13/85; Section 16.8.1101 , effective 6/16/89; Section 16.8.1102 , effective 2/14/87; Section 16.8.1103 , effective 6/16/89; Section 16.8.1104 , effective 3/16/79; Section 16.8.1105 , effective 12/27/91; Sections 16.8.1107 and 16.8.1109 , effective 12/10/93; Sections 16.8.1110-1112 . effective 3/16/79; Section 16.8.1113 , effective 2/14/87; Section 16.8.1114 , effective 12/10/93; Sections 16.8.1115 , 16.8.1117 , and 16.8.1118 , effective 3/16/79; Sections 16.8.1119-1120 , effective 12/10/93; Sections 16.8.1204-1206 , effective 6/13/86; Sections 16.8.1301 and 16.8.1303 , effective 4/16/82; Section 16.8.1304 , effective 9/11/92; Section 16.8.1305 , effective 4/16/82; Section 16.8.1306 , effective 4/1/82; Section 16.8.1308 , effective 10/16/92; Section 16.8.1401 , effective 10/29/93; Section 16.8.1402 , effective 3/11/88; Section 16.8.1403 , effective 9/5/75; Section 16.8.1404 , effective 6/13/86; Section 16.8.1406 , effective 12/29/78; Section 16.8.1407 , effective 10/29/93; Section 16.8.1411 , effective 12/31/72; Section 16.8.1412 , effective 3/13/81; Section 16.8.1413 , effective 12/31/72; Section 16.8.1419 , effective 12/31/72; Sections 16.8.1423 , 16.8.1424 , and 16.8.1425 (except 16.8.1425(1)(c) and (2)(d)), effective 10/29/93; Section 16.8.1426 , effective 12/31/72; Sections 16.8.1428-1430 , effective 10/29/93; Section 16.8.1501 , effective 2/10/89; Section 16.8.1502 , effective 2/26/82; Section 16.8.1503 , effective 2/10/89; Sections 16.8.1504-1505 , effective 2/26/82; Sections 16.8.1701-1705 , effective 12/10/93; and Sections 16.8.1801-1806 , effective 12/10/93.
(40) The Governor of Montana submitted a PM10 plan for Kalispell, Montana in a letter dated November 25, 1991. The Governor of Montana later submitted additional materials in letters dated January 11, 1994, August 26, 1994, and July 18, 1995. The August 26, 1994, and July 18, 1995 submittals also contain the Kalispell Contingency Measure Plan. The August 26, 1994, submittal also contains the Columbia Falls PM10 contingency measures and minor revisions to the attainment and maintenance demonstrations for the moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP for Columbia Falls. Finally, the August 26, 1994, submittal contains revisions to the Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulations signed September 15, 1993 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the following industries: A-1 Paving; Equity Supply Company; Flathead Road Dept. (two stipulations issued); Klingler Lumber Co.; McElroy and Wilkins; and Montana Mokko.
(B) Stipulations signed September 17, 1993 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the following industries: Pack and Company, Inc.; Pack Concrete; and Plum Creek Inc. (Evergreen).
(C) Board Order issued on September 17, 1993, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences enforcing emissions limitations specified by stipulations signed by both the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Services and participating facilities. The participating facilities included: A-1 Paving; Equity Supply Company; Flathead Road Dept. (two stipulations issued); Klingler Lumber Co.; McElroy and Wilkins; Montana Mokko; Pack and Company, Inc.; Pack Concrete; and Plum Creek Inc. (Evergreen).
(D) Flathead County Board of Commissioners Resolution No. 867B, dated April 4, 1994, adopting the Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program.
(E) Board Order issued May 20, 1994, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program.
(F) Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program, including all regulations found in Chapter VIII, Sub-Chapters 1-6, effective May 20, 1994.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 28, 1988, which addresses prescribed burning requirements.
(B) Federal tailpipe standards, which provide an ongoing benefit due to fleet turnover.
(41) The Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program in a letter dated March 3, 1995. In addition, the March 3, 1995 submittal satisfies the one remaining commitment made by the State in its original PM10 moderate nonattainment area SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board order issued on September 16, 1994 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the amendments to Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Chapters IX and XVI regarding, among other things, emergency procedures, paving of private roads, driveways, and parking lots, National standards of performance for new stationary sources, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, and solid fuel burning devices.
(B) Missoula City-County Rule 401, Missoula County Air Stagnation Plan, effective September 16, 1994.
(C) Missoula City-County Rule 1401, Prevent Particulate Matter from Being Airborne, effective September 16, 1994.
(D) Missoula City-County Rule 1423, Standard of Performance for New Stationary Sources, effective September 16, 1994.
(E) Missoula City-County Rule 1424, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, effective September 16, 1994.
(F) Missoula City-County Rule 1428, Solid Fuel Burning Devices, effective September 16, 1994.
(G) Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Chapter XVI, Amendments and Revisions, effective September 16, 1994.
(42) On May 22, 1995, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the prevention of significant deterioration regulations in the Administrative Rules of Montana to incorporate changes in the Federal PSD permitting regulations for PM-10 increments.
(i) Incorporation by reference
(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM), rules 16.8.945(3)(c), 16.8.945(21)(d), 16.8.945(24)(d), 16.8.947(1), 16.8.953(7)(a), and 16.8.960(4), effective 10/28/94.
(43) On May 22, 1995, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan, which included revisions to the State's open burning regulation and other minor administrative revisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM), 16.8.1301-1310, effective September 9, 1994; and
(B) Revisions to the ARM, 16.8.708, 16.8.946, 16.8.1120, 16.8.1429, 16.8.1702, 16.8.1802, and 16.8.2003, effective October 28, 1994.
(44) The Governor of Montana submitted PM10 contingency measures and a recodification of the local regulations for Libby, Montana in a letter dated March 15, 1995. In addition, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the local open burning regulations and other minor administrative amendments on May 13, 1996.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board order issued on December 16, 1994 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences adopting stipulation of the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and Stimson Lumber Company.
(B) Board order issued December 16, 1994 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences adopting the PM10 contingency measures as part of the Libby air pollution control program.
(C) Board order issued on February 1, 1996 by the Montana Board of Environmental Review approving amendments to the Libby Air Pollution Control Program.
(D) Lincoln Board of Commissioners Resolution No. 377, signed September 27, 1995, and Libby City Council Ordinance No. 1507, signed November 20, 1995, adopting revisions to the Lincoln County Air Pollution Control Program, Sections 75.1.103 through 75.1.719 .
(E) Lincoln County Air Pollution Control Program, Sections 75.1.101 through 75.1.719 , effective December 21, 1995.
(45) [Reserved]
(46) The Governor of Montana submitted sulfur dioxide SIP revisions for Billings/Laurel on September 6, 1995, August 27, 1996, April 2, 1997 and July 29, 1998. On March 24, 1999, the Governor submitted a commitment to revise the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by Reference.
(A) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Cenex Harvest Cooperatives, including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to exhibit A, except for the following:
(1) Paragraph 20 of the stipulation;
(2) Section 3(A)(1)(d) of exhibit A;
(3) The following phrase from section 3(B)(2) of exhibit A: "except that those sour water stripper overheads may be burned in the main crude heater (and exhausted through the main crude heater stack) or in the flare during periods when the FCC CO boiler is unable to burn the sour water stripper overheads from the "old" SWS, provided that such periods do not exceed 55 days per calendar year and 65 days for any two consecutive calendar years.";
(4) Section 4(B) of exhibit A;
(5) Section 4(D) of exhibit A; and
(6) Method #6A of attachment #2 of exhibit A.
(B) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Conoco, Inc., including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to exhibit A, except for paragraph 20 of the stipulation.
(C) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Exxon Company, USA, including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to exhibit A, except for the following:
(1) Paragraphs 1 and 22 of the stipulation;
(2) Section 2(A)(11)(d) of exhibit A;
(3) Sections 3(A)(1) and (2) of exhibit A;
(4) Sections 3(B)(1), (2) and (3) of exhibit A;
(5) The following phrase from section 3(E)(4) of exhibit A: "except that the sour water stripper overheads may be burned in the F-1 Crude Furnace (and exhausted through the F-2 Crude/Vacuum Heater stack) or in the flare during periods when the FCC CO Boiler is unable to burn the sour water stripper overheads, provided that: (a) such periods do not exceed 55 days per calendar year and 65 days for any two consecutive calendar years, and (b) during such periods the sour water stripper system is operating in a two tower configuration.";
(6) Sections 4(B), (C), and (E) of exhibit A;
(7) Section 6(B)(3) of exhibit A; and
(8) method #6A of attachment #2 of exhibit A.
(D) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Montana Power Company, including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to exhibit A, except for paragraph 20 of the stipulation.
(E) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Montana Sulphur & Chemical Company, including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to the exhibit A, except for paragraphs 1, 2 and 22 of the stipulation, and sections 3(A)(1)(a) and (b), 3(A)(3), 3(A)(4) and 6(B)(3) of exhibit A. (EPA is approving section 3(A)(2) of exhibit A for the limited purpose of strengthening the SIP. In 40 CFR 52.1384(d)(2) , we are also disapproving section 3(A)(2) of exhibit A because section 3(A)(2) does not fully meet requirements of the Clean Air Act.)
(F) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Western Sugar Company, including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to exhibit A, except for paragraph 20 of the stipulation.
(G) Board Order issued on June 12, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Yellowstone Energy Limited Partnership, including the stipulation and exhibit A and attachments to exhibit A, except for paragraph 20 of the stipulation and section 3(A)(1) through (3) of exhibit A.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) All portions of the September 6, 1995 Billings/Laurel SO2 SIP submittal other than the board orders, stipulations, exhibit A's and attachments to exhibit A's.
(B) All portions of the August 27, 1996 Billings/Laurel SO2 SIP submittal other than the board orders, stipulations, exhibit A's and attachments to exhibit A's.
(C) All portions of the April 2, 1997 Billings/Laurel SO2 SIP submittal other than the board orders, stipulations, exhibit A's and attachments to exhibit A's.
(D) All portions of the July 29, 1998 Billings/Laurel SO2 SIP submittal, other than the following: The board orders, stipulations, exhibit A's and attachments to exhibit A's, and any other documents or provisions mentioned in paragraph (c)(46)(i) of this section.
(E) April 28, 1997 letter from Mark Simonich, Director, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard R. Long, Director, Air Program, EPA Region VIII.
(F) January 30, 1998 letter from Mark Simonich, Director, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard R. Long, Director, Air Program, EPA Region VIII.
(G) August 11, 1998 letter from Mark Simonich, Director, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Kerrigan G. Clough, Assistant Regional Administrator, EPA Region VIII.
(H) September 3, 1998 letter from Mark Simonich, Director, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard R. Long, Director, Air Program, EPA Region VIII.
(I) March 24, 1999 commitment letter from Marc Racicot, Governor of Montana, to William Yellowtail, EPA Regional Administrator.
(J) May 20, 1999 letter from Mark Simonich, Director, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard R. Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII.
(47) On August 26, 1999, the Governor of Montana submitted Administrative Rules of Montana Sub-Chapter 13, "Conformity" that incorporates conformity consultation requirements implementing 40 CFR part 93, Subpart A into State regulation.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana 17.8.1301, 17.8.1305, 17.8.1306, 17.8.1310 through 17.8.1313, effective June 4, 1999; and 17.8.1304 effective August 23, 1996.
(48) The Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Missoula County Air Quality Control Program with a letter dated November 14, 1997. The revisions address general definitions, open burning, and criminal penalties.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board order issued on October 31, 1997 by the Montana Board of Environmental Review approving the amendments to Missoula County Air Quality Control Program Chapters IX and XII regarding general definitions, open burning, and criminal penalties.
(B) Missoula County Air Quality Control Program, Chapter IX, Rule 701, General Definitions, effective October 31, 1997.
(C) Missoula County Air Quality Control Program, Chapter IX, Rules 1301-1311, regarding open burning, effective October 31, 1997.
(D) Missoula County Air Quality Control Program, Chapter XII, Criminal Penalties, effective October 31, 1997.
(49) On September 19, 1997, December 10, 1997, April 14, 1999, December 6, 1999 and March 3, 2000, the Governor submitted a recodification and revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana. EPA is replacing in the SIP all of the previously approved Montana air quality regulations except that the Kraft Pulp Mill Rule, ARM 16.8.1413, effective December 31, 1972, and Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques Rule, ARM 16.8.1204-1206, effective June 13, 1986, with those regulations listed in paragraph (c)(49)(i)(A) of this section. The Kraft Pulp Mill Rule, ARM 16.8.1413, effective December 31, 1972, and Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques Rule, ARM 16.8.1204-1206, effective June 13, 1986 remain a part of the SIP. In addition, the Governor submitted Yellowstone County's Local Regulation No. 002-Open Burning.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rule of Montana (ARM) Table of Contents; section 17.8.101 , effective 6/26/98; sections 17.8.102-103 , effective 10/8/99; section 17.8.105 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.106 , effective 10/8/99, sections 17.8.110-111 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.130-131 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.140-142 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.301 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.302 , effective 10/8/99; section 17.8.304 (excluding 17.8.304(4)(f)), effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.308 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.309 (excluding 17.8.309(5)(b)), effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.310 (excluding 17.8.310(3)(e)), effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.316 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.320 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.322-323 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.324 (excluding 17.8.324(1)(c) and (2)(d)), effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.325-326 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.330-334 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.601 , effective 7/23/99; section 17.8.602 , effective 9/9/97; sections 17.8.604-605 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.606 , effective 7/23/99; sections 17.8.610-613 , effective 7/23/99; section 17.8.614-615 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.701 (excluding 17.8.701(10)), effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.702 (excluding 17.8.702(1)(f)), effective 9/9/97; section 17.8.704 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.705 (excluding 17.8.705(1)(q)) effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.706-707 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.710 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.715-717 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.720 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.730-732 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.733 (excluding 17.8.733(1)(c)), effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.734 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.801 , effective 6/26/98; section 17.8.802 , effective 9/9/97; sections 17.8.804-809 , effective 8/23/96; sections 17.8.818-828 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.901 , effective 6/26/98; section 17.8.902 , effective 9/9/97; sections 17.8.904-906 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.1001 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.1002 , effective 9/9/97; sections 17.8.1004-1007 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.1101 , effective 8/23/96; section 17.8.1102 , effective 9/9/97; section 17.8.1103 , effective 8/23/96; and sections 17.8.1106-1111 , effective 8/23/96.
(B) April 27, 2000 letter from Debra Wolfe, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Dawn Tesorero, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8.
(C) Board Order issued on September 24, 1999, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review approving the Yellowstone County Air Pollution Control Program.
(D) Yellowstone County Air Pollution Control Program, Regulation No. 002 Open Burning, effective September 24, 1999.
(E) March 6, 2001 letter from Robert Habeck, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Laurie Ostrand, EPA Region 8, explaining the effective date of the Yellowstone County Air Pollution Control Program Regulation No. 002 Open Burning.
(F) Previously approved in paragraph (c)(49)(i)(A) under Subchapter 7: Permit, Construction, and Operation of Air Contaminant Sources. These sections are now deleted without replacement: ARM 17.8.701, Definitions; ARM 17.8.702, Incorporation by Reference (excluding 17.8.702(1)(f)); ARM 17.8.704, General Procedures for Air Quality Preconstruction Permitting; 17.8.705, When Permit Required-Exclusions; 17.8.706, New or Altered Sources and Stacks-Permit Application Requirements; 17.8.707 Waivers; 17.8.710, Conditions for Issuance of Permit; 17.8.715, Emission Control Requirements; 17.8.716, Inspection of Permit; 17.8.717, Compliance with Other Statutes and Rules; 17.8.720, Public Review of Permit Applications; 17.8.730, Denial of Permit; 17.8.731, Duration of Permit; 17.8.732, Revocation of Permit; 17.8.733, Modification of Permit; 17.8.734, Transfer of Permit, as adopted by Montana on 12/9/1996 and effective 12/27/2002.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) April 5, 2000 letter from Debra Wolfe, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Dawn Tesorero, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8.
(B) February 14, 2001 letter from Don Vidrine, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Dick Long, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8.
(50) On February 9, 2001, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to Montana's Emergency Episode Avoidance Plan and Cascade County Air Pollution Control Program Regulation Chapter 7, Open Burning.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board Order issued on October 16, 2000, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review approving the Cascade County Air Pollution Control Program.
(B) Cascade County Air Pollution Control Program, Regulation Chapter 7, Open Burning, effective October 16, 2000.
(C) March 16, 2001 letter from Debra Wolfe, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Laurie Ostrand, EPA Region 8, explaining the effective date of the Cascade County Air Pollution Control Program Regulation Chapter 7, Open Burning.
(51) The Governor of Montana submitted the East Helena Lead SIP revisions with letters dated August 16, 1995, July 2, 1996, and October 20, 1998. The revisions address regulating lead emission from Asarco, American Chemet and re-entrained road dust from the streets of East Helena. The revisions supersede the Lead Plan submitted to EPA on September 29, 1983 (see paragraph (c)(15) of this section).
(i) Incorporation by Reference.
(A) Board order issued on August 28, 1998, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the August 13, 1998 stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Asarco.
(B) Board order issued on June 26, 1996, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the June 11, 1996 stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Asarco including exhibit A and attachments to the stipulation, excluding paragraphs 15 and 16 of the stipulation, and excluding the following:
(1) The words, "or an equivalent procedure" in the second and third sentences in section 2(A)(22) of exhibit A;
(2) The words, "or an equivalent procedure" in the second and third sentences in section 2(A)(28) of exhibit A;
(3) The words, "or an equivalent procedure" in the second sentence in section 5(G) of exhibit A;
(4) The sentence, "Any revised documents are subject to review and approval by the Department as described in section 12," from section 6(E) of exhibit A;
(5) The words, "or a method approved by the Department in accordance with the Montana Source Testing Protocol and Procedures Manual shall be used to measure the volumetric flow rate at each location identified," in section 7(A)(2) of exhibit A;
(6) The sentence, "Such a revised document shall be subject to review and approval by the Department as described in section 12," in section 11(C) of exhibit A;
(7) The sentences, "This revised Attachment shall be subject to the review and approval procedures outlined in section 12(B). The Baghouse Maintenance Plan shall be effective only upon full approval of the plan, as revised. This approval shall be obtained from the Department by January 6, 1997. This deadline shall be extended to the extent that the Department has exceeded the time allowed in section 12(B) for its review and approval of the revised document," in section 12(A)(7) of exhibit A;
(8) Section 12(B) of exhibit A.
(C) Board order issued on August 4, 1995, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the June 30, 1995 stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and American Chemet including exhibit A to the stipulation, excluding paragraph 20 of the stipulation.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) All portions of the August 16, 1995 East Helena Pb SIP submitted other than the orders, stipulations and exhibit A's and attachments to the stipulations.
(B) All portions of the July 2, 1996 East Helena Pb SIP submitted other than the orders, stipulations and exhibit A's and attachments to the stipulations.
(C) All portions of the October 20, 1998 East Helena Pb SIP submitted other than the orders, stipulations and exhibit A's and attachments to the stipulations.
(D) November 16, 1999 letter from Art Compton, Division Administrator, Planning, Prevention and Assistance Division, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard R. Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII.
(E) September 9, 1998 letter from Richard A. Southwick, Point Source SIP Coordinator, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard R. Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII.
(52) The Governor of Montana submitted sulfur dioxide (SO2) SIP revisions for Billings/Laurel on July 29, 1998 and May 4, 2000. EPA is approving some of the provisions of the July 29, 1998 submittal that it did not approve before. The May 4, 2000 submittal revises some previously approved provisions of the Billings/Laurel SO2 SIP and adds new provisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Sections 3(B)(2) and 4(D) (excluding "or the flare" and "or in the flare" in both sections), 3(A)(1)(d) and 4(B) of Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives' exhibit A to the stipulation between the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives, adopted June 12, 1998 by Board Order issued by the Montana Board of Environmental Review.
(B) Board Order issued March 17, 2000 by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the February 14, 2000 stipulation between the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives. This stipulation revises attachment #2 to Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives' exhibit A to require the use of method #6A-1.
(C) Sections 3(E)(4) and 4(E) (excluding "or in the flare" and "or the flare" in both sections), 3(A)(2), 3(B)(2), 3(B)(3), 4(B) and 6(B)(3) of Exxon's exhibit A to the stipulation between the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Exxon, adopted June 12, 1998 by Board Order issued by the Montana Board of Environmental Review.
(D) Board Order issued March 17, 2000, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the February 14, 2000 stipulation between the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Exxon Mobil Corporation. The stipulation adds the following to Exxon Mobil Corporation's exhibit A: method #6A-1 of attachment #2 and sections 2(A)(11)(d), 4(C), 7(B)(1)(j) and 7(C)(1)(l). The stipulation revises the following sections of Exxon Mobil Corporation's exhibit A: 3 (introductory text only), 3(A) (introductory text only), 3(A)(1), 3(B) (introductory text only), 3(B)(1), 3(E)(3), 6(B)(7), 7(B)(1)(d), 7(C)(1)(b), 7(C)(1)(d), and 7(C)(1)(f).
(E) Board Order issued on March 17, 2000, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the February 14, 2000 stipulation between the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Yellowstone Energy Limited Partnership (YELP). The stipulation revises the following sections of YELP's exhibit A: sections 3(A)(1) through (3) and 7(C)(1)(b).
(53) The Governor of Montana submitted minor revisions to Asarco's control strategy in the East Helena Lead SIP on November 27, 2000.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board order issued on September 15, 2000, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review adopting and incorporating the stipulation of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Asarco dated July 18, 2000. The July 18, 2000 stipulation revises the following sections in the previously adopted exhibit A to the stipulation: 1(B(4), 1(B)(5), 3(A)(3), 3(A)(4), 3(A)(12)(a), 3(A)(12)(i), 3(A)(12)(m), 3(A)(12)(o), 3(A)(12)(p), 3(A)(12)(q), 3(A)(12)(r), 3(A)(16)(a), 5(D)(1), 5(D)(2), 5(G)(4), 8(A),(2), 8(A)(3), 9(B)(2), and 9(B)(3). These revisions, which became effective on September 15, 2000, replace the same-numbered sections in previously approved SIP revisions.
(54) The Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program with a letter dated April 30, 2001. The revisions completely replace the previous version of the program regulations in the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 17, 2000 Montana Board of Environmental Review order approving revisions to the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations.
(B) Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations as follows: Chapter 1, Program Authority and Administration; Chapter 2, Definitions; Chapter 3, Failure To Attain Standards; Chapter 4, Missoula County Air Stagnation and Emergency Episode Avoidance Plan; Chapter 5, General Provisions, Rules 5.101-5.103, 5.105-5.106, and 5.112; Chapter 6, Standards for Stationary Sources, Subchapter 1, Air Quality Permits for Air Pollutant Sources, Rules 6.101-6.103 and 6.105-6.109, Subchapter 5, Emission Standards, Rules 6.501-6.504, Subchapter 6, Incinerators, Rules 6.601-6.604, and Subchapter 7, Wood Waste Burners, Rules 6.701-6.703; Chapter 7, Outdoor Burning; Chapter 8, Fugitive Particulate; Chapter 9, Solid Fuel Burning Devices; Chapter 10, Fuels; Chapter 11, Motor Vehicles; Chapter 14, Enforcement and Administrative Procedures; Chapter 15, Penalties; Appendix A, Maps; Appendix B, Missoula's Emergency Episode Avoidance Plan Operations and Procedures; and Appendix D, Oxygenated Fuels Program Sampling Requirements for Blending Facilities, effective November 17, 2000.
(55) On April 30, 2001, May 21, 2001 and December 20, 2001, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana. The State revised its Incorporation by Reference Rules and repealed a Sulfur Oxide Emissions-Primary Copper Smelter rule (ARM 17.8.323). ARM 17.8.323, last incorporated by reference at 40 CFR 52.1370(c)(49)(i)(A) , is removed from the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections 17.8.102(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) , effective 8/10/01; 17.8.103(1)(m), (n), (o), and (p), effective 8/10/01; 17.8.302(1)(d), (e) and (f), effective 8/10/01; 17.8.602(1) and (2), effective 8/10/01; 17.8.702(1)(g), effective 8/10/01; 17.8.902(1)(e), effective 8/10/01; and 17.8.1002(1)(e), effective 8/10/01.
(B) Previously approved in paragraph (c)(55)(i)(A) under Subchapter 7: Permit Construction and Operation of Air Contaminant Sources. This section is now deleted without replacement: ARM 17.8.702(1)(g), Incorporation by Reference, as adopted by Montana on 7/20/2001 and effective 12/27/2002.
(56) On August 26, 1999, the Governor of Montana submitted Administrative Rules of Montana Sub-Chapter 14, "Conformity of General Federal Actions" that incorporates conformity of general federal actions to state or federal implementation plans, implementing 40 CFR part 93, subpart B into State regulation.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana 17.8.1401, and 17.8.1402 effective June 4, 1999.
(57) [Reserved]
(58) On April 30, 2001, the Governor of Montana submitted a request to add a credible evidence rule to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM). ARM 17.8.132-"Credible Evidence" has been approved into the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) ARM 17.8.132 effective December 8, 2000.
(59) On October 28, 2002, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM). The State revised its Incorporation by Reference rules (ARM 17.8.102, 17.8.302) and revised the definition of volatile organic compounds to incorporate by reference the federal regulation (ARM 17.8.101, 17.8.801, 17.8.901). Additional minor changes were made to ARM 17.8.401, 17.8.1005 and the Yellowstone County Air Pollution Control Program Regulation No. 002.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections 17.8.101(41) , 17.8.102(a) and (d) , 17.8.302(1)(f) , 17.8.401(1)(b)(v) , 17.8.801(29) , 17.8.901(20) and 17.8.1005(6) , effective 6/28/02.
(B) Yellowstone County Air Pollution Control Program, Regulation No. 002, (H)(4)(b)(i), effective June 7, 2002.
(60) On June 26, 1997, the Governor of Montana submitted the Thompson Falls Air Pollution Control Plan and on June 13, 2000, the Governor submitted revisions to the June 26, 1997, submittal. On February 28, 1999, the Governor of Montana withdrew all chapters of the Thompson Falls Air Pollution Control Plan submitted on June 26, 1997, except chapters 45.2, 45.10.10, and 45.10.12. EPA is approving sections 45.2 , 45.10.10 and 45.10.12 of the Thompson Falls Air Pollution Control Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Board Order issued June 20, 1997, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review, as reprinted in section 45.2.2 of the Thompson Falls Air Pollution Control Plan. The Board Order adopts and incorporates the May 1997 Maintenance Agreement Between the City of Thompson Falls, Montana Department of Transportation, and Montana Department of Environmental Quality which contains the control plan for the attainment and maintenance of the PM-10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the Thompson Falls area.
(B) May 1997 Maintenance Agreement between the City of Thompson Falls, Montana Department of Transportation, and Montana Department of Environmental Quality, as reprinted in section 45.2.1 of the Thompson Falls Air Pollution Control Plan.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) Sections 45.2 , 45.10.10 and 45.10.12 of the Thompson Falls Air Pollution Control Plan.
(61) Revisions to State Implementation Plan were submitted by the State of Montana on August 20, 2003. The revisions modify definitions and references to federal regulations and other materials in the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM). The revisions also delete the definition at ARM 17.8.101(43).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections: ARM 17.8.101(2), (8), (9), (12), (19), (20), (22), (23), (30), and (36); 17.8.102; 17.8.103(1); 17.8.110(2); 17.8.302(1); 17.8.801(1), (3), (4), (6), (20), (21), (22), (24), (27) and (28); 17.8.802(1); 17.8.818(2), (3) and (6); 17.8.819(3); 17.8.821; 17.8.901(1), (11), (12) and (14); 17.8.902(1); 17.8.905(1)(c); and 17.8.1002(1) effective April 11, 2003.
(62) Revisions to State Implementation Plan were submitted by the State of Montana on August 25, 2004. The revisions correct internal references to state documents; correct references to, or update citations of, Federal documents; and make minor editorial changes.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections: ARM 17.8.130; 17.8.320(9); 17.8.801(22); 17.8.819; and 17.8.822, effective April 9, 2004.
(63) Revisions to State Implementation Plan were submitted by the State of Montana on April 18, 2003. The revisions modify the open burning rules and references to federal regulations in the Administrative Rules of Montana.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections: ARM 17.8.302(1)(f); 17.8.601(1), (7) and (10); 17.8.604(1) (except paragraph 604(1)(a)); 17.8.605(1); 17.8.606(3) and (4); 17.8.610(4); 17.8.612(4) and (5); and 17.8.614(1), effective December 27, 2002.
(64) Revisions to State Implementation Plan were submitted by the State of Montana on October 25, 2005. The revisions are to the Administrative Rules of Montana and: update the citations and references to federal documents and addresses where copies of documents can be obtained; and delete the definition of "public nuisance" from Sub-Chapter 1 and the definitions of "animal matter" and "reduction" from Sub-Chapter 3.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections: ARM 17.8.102(1), 17.8.103(3) and (4); 17.8.302(2), (3) and (4); 17.8.602(2), (3) and (4); .17.8.802(2), (3), (4) and (5); 17.8.902(2), (3), (4) and (5); 17.8.1002(2), (3), (4) and (5); and 17.8.1102(2), (3) and (4), effective June 17, 2005.
(65) On June 28, 2000, the Governor of Montana submitted to EPA revisions to the Montana State Implementation Plan. The revisions add definitions for PM and PM2.5, ARM 17.8.101(31) and (32) respectively, and revise ARM 17.8.308(4) and ARM 17.8.320(6) through editorial amendments making the rule more concise and consistent with the language in all applicable rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections: ARM 17.8.101(31) and (32); 17.8.308(4) introductory text, and 17.8.308(4)(b) and (c); and 17.8.320(6). March 31, 2000 is the effective date of these revised rules effective March 31, 2000.
(ii) Additional Material. April 16, 2007 letter by the Governor of Montana rescinding its statement of certification regarding the 1997 NAAQS as submitted in June 28, 2000.
(66) On June 26, 1997, the Governor of Montana submitted the Whitefish OM10 Control Plan and on June 13, 2000, the Governor submitted revisions to the June 26, 1997 submittal. On February 28, 1999, the Governor of Montana withdrew all sections of the Whitefish PM10 Control Plan submitted on June 26, 1997, except sections 15.2.7 , 15.12.8 , and 15.12.10 . EPA is approving sections 15.2.7 , 15.12.8 , and 15.12.10 of the Whitefish PM10 Control Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Sections 15.2.7 , 15.12.8 , and 15.12.10 of the Whitefish PM10 Control Plan.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program as of June 20, 1997.
(67) On December 8, 1997, May 28, 2003, and August 25, 2004, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Montana State Implementation Plan. The December 8, 1997 submittal adds subsection (6) to Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) section 17.8.316 (Incinerators); the August 25, 2004 submittal makes a minor revision to ARM 17.8.316(5); and, the May 28, 2003 submittal makes minor editorial revisions to ARM 17.8.316(6).
(i) Incorporation by reference. Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) section 17.8.316 , Incinerators, effective April 9, 2004.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) October 2, 2007 Letter from MT DEQ to EPA regarding NSPS/MACT compliance.
(68) Revisions to the State Implementation plan which were submitted by the State of Montana on November 1, 2006 and November 20, 2007. The revisions are to the Administrative Rules of Montana; they make minor editorial and grammatical changes, update the citations and references to federal and state laws and regulations, make other minor changes to conform to federal regulations, and update links to sources of information.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) section 17.8.101 , Definitions; effective August 11, 2006.
(B) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections: 17.8.102, Incorporation by Reference-Publication Dates; 17.8.103, Incorporation by Reference and Availability of Referenced Documents; 17.8.302(1)(d), Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.602, Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.801, Definitions; 17.8.818, Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications-Source Applicability and Exemptions; 17.8.901, Definitions; 17.8.1007, Baseline for Determining Credit for Emissions and Air Quality Offsets; and, 17.8.1102, Incorporation by Reference; all effective October 26, 2007.
(69) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan which were submitted by the State of Montana on January 16, 2009 and May 4, 2009. The revisions are to the Administrative Rules of Montana; they make minor editorial and grammatical changes, update the citations and references to Federal laws and regulations, and make other minor changes to conform to federal regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) sections 17.8.102 Incorporation by Reference-Publication Dates, 17.8.301 Definitions, 17.8.901 Definitions, and 17.8.1007 Baseline for Determining Credit for Emissions and Air Quality Offsets, effective October 24, 2008.
(B) Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) section 17.8.308 Particulate Matter, Airborne, effective February 13, 2009.
(70) On May 28, 2003, March 9, 2004, October 25, 2005 and October 16, 2006, the State of Montana submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan (SIP) that contained new, revised, amended and repealed rules pertaining to the issuance of Montana air quality permits in addition to minor administrative changes to other subchapters of the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter from David L. Klemp, Montana State Air Director, to Deborah Lebow Aal, Acting Air Program Director, dated April 29, 2011. For certain sections, the following incorporates by reference official State of Montana publications of the Administrative Rules of Montana that are dated after the effective date shown in the incorporation by reference for each section. In these instances, the official publication provides a history for the section showing the last effective date of a change. For each of these sections, the last effective date of a change matches the effective date of the section, showing that the official publication reflects the text of the section as of the effective date shown in the following incorporation by reference. The sections, their effective dates, and the date of the publication are as follows: ARM 17.8.825, effective 12/27/2002, publication 9/30/2006; ARM 17.8.826, effective 12/27/2002, publication 9/30/2006; ARM 17.8.906, effective 12/27/2002, publication 6/30/2003; ARM 17.8.740, effective 12/27/2002, publication 9/30/2006; ARM 17.8.744, effective 12/27/2002, publication 12/31/2005; ARM 17.8.752, effective 12/27/2002, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.755, effective 12/27/2002, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.756, effective 12/27/2002, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.767, effective 12/27/2002, publication 3/31/2004; ARM 17.8.749, effective 10/17/2003, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.759, effective 10/17/2003, publication 12/31/2003; ARM 17.8.763, effective 10/17/2003, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.764, effective 10/17/2003, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.602, effective 6/17/2005, publication 3/31/2007; ARM 17.8.767, effective 6/17/2005, publication 6/30/2006; ARM 17.8.802, effective 6/17/2005, publication 12/31/2005; ARM 17.8.1102, effective 6/17/2005, publication 3/31/2007; ARM 17.8.759, effective 12/23/2005, publication 9/30/2006.
(B) ARM submission dated May 28, 2003.
(1) The following provisions of the ARM are amended effective 12/27/2002: 17.8.101, Definitions, (4) "Air quality preconstruction permit,"; 17.8.110, Malfunctions, (7), (8), and (9); 17.8.818, Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications-Source Applicability and Exemptions, (1); 17.8.825, Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas-Additional Requirements, (3); 17.8.826, Public Participation; 17.8.904, When Montana Air Quality Permit Required; 17.8.905, Additional Conditions of Montana Air Quality Permit, (1) and (4); 17.8.906, Baseline for Determining Credit for Emissions and Air Quality Offsets; 17.8.1004, When Montana Air Quality Permit Required; 17.8.1005, Additional Conditions of Montana Air Quality Permit, (1), (2) and (5); 17.8.1106, Visibility Impact Analysis; 17.8.1109, Adverse Impact and Federal Land Manager.
(2) The following new provisions of the ARM are effective 12/27/2002: 17.8.740, Definitions, (except for the phrase in 17.8.740(2) "includes a reasonable period of time for startup and shakedown and"; the phrase in 17.8.740(8)(a) ", except when a permit is not required under ARM 17.8.745"; the phrase in 17.8.740(8)(c) ", except as provided in ARM 17.8.745"; 17.8.740(10) "Negligible risk to the public health, safety, and welfare and to the environment"; and 17.8.740(14) "Routine Maintenance, repair, or replacement"); 17.8.743, Montana Air Quality Permits-When Required, (except the phrase in 17.8.743(1) "and 17.8.745,", the phrase in 17.8.743(1)(b) "asphalt concrete plants, mineral crushers, and", and 17.8.743(1)(c)); 17.8.744, Montana Air Quality Permits-General Exclusions; 17.8.748, New or Modified Emitting Units-Permit Application Requirements; 17.8.749, Conditions For Issuance or Denial of Permit, (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (8); 17.8.752, Emission Control Requirements; 17.8.755, Inspection of Permit; 17.8.756, Compliance with Other Requirements; 17.8.759, Review of Permit Applications, (1) through (3); 17.8.760, Additional Review of Permit Applications; 17.8.762, Duration of Permit; 17.8.763, Revocation of Permit, (1) and (4); 17.8.764, Administrative Amendment to Permit, (1) (except for the phrase in 17.8.764(1)(b) "unless the increase meets the criteria in ARM 17.8.745 for a de minimis change not requiring a permit, or"), (2) and (3); 17.8.765, Transfer of Permit; 17.8.767, Incorporation by Reference, (1)(a) through (c).
(C) ARM submission dated March 09, 2004.
(1) The following provisions of the ARM are amended effective 10/17/2003: 17.8.749, Conditions For Issuance or Denial of Permit, (7); 17.8.759, Review of Permit Applications; 17.8.763, Revocation of Permit, (2) and (3); 17.8.764, Administrative Amendment to Permit, (2) and (3).
(D) ARM submission dated October 25, 2005.
(1) The following provisions of the ARM are amended effective 6/17/2005: 17.8.102, Incorporation by Reference-Publication Dates; 17.8.103, Incorporation by Reference and Availability of Referenced Documents; 17.8.302, Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.602, Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.767, Incorporation by Reference, (1)(d) through (g), (2), (3), and (4); 17.8.802, Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.902, Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.1002, Incorporation by Reference; 17.8.1102, Incorporation by Reference.
(E) ARM submission dated October 16, 2006.
(1) The following provisions of the ARM are amended effective 12/23/2005: 17.8.759, Review of Permit Applications, (4) through (6).
(71) The Governor of Montana submitted revisions, reordering and renumbering to the Libby County Air Pollution Control Program in a letter dated June 26, 2006. The revised Lincoln County regulations focus on woodstove emissions, road dust, and outdoor burning emissions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Before the Board of Environmental Review of the State of Montana order issued on March 23, 2006, by the Montana Board of Environmental Review approving amendments to the Libby Air Pollution Control Program.
(B) Libby City Council Resolution No. 1660 signed February 27, 2006 and Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Resolution No. 725 signed February 27, 2006, adopting revisions, reordering and renumbering to the Lincoln County Air Pollution Control Program, Health and Environment Regulations, Chapter 1-Control on Air Pollution, Subchapter 1-General Provisions; Subchapter 2-Solid Fuel Burning Device Regulations; Subchapter 3-Dust Control Regulations; Subchapter 4-Outdoor Burning Regulations; as revised on February 27, 2006.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) Stipulation signed October 7, 1991, between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (MDHES), the County of Lincoln and the City of Libby, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the MDHES, Lincoln County and Libby.
(72) On May 28, 2003 the State of Montana submitted revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM), 17.8.740, Definitions; 17.8.743, Montana Air Quality Permits-When Required; and 17.8.764, Administrative Amendment to Permit. On June 25, 2010, the State of Montana submitted revisions to the ARM, 17.8.745, Montana Air Quality Permits-Exclusion for De Minimis Changes.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana, 17.8.740, Definitions, ARM 17.8.740(8)(a) only, the phrase ", except when a permit is not required under ARM 17.8.745" and ARM 17.8.740(8)(c) only, the phrase ", except as provided in ARM 17.8.745"; 17.8.743, Montana Air Quality Permits-When Required, (except the phrase in 17.8.743(1)(b), "asphalt concrete plants, mineral crushers, and", and 17.8.743(1)(c) in its entirety); and 17.8.764, Administrative Amendment to Permit; effective 12/27/2002.
(B) Administrative Rules of Montana, 17.8.745, Montana Air Quality Permits-Exclusion for De Minimis Changes, effective 5/28/2010.
(73) On September 23, 2011, the State of Montana submitted new rules to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM). The submittal included new rules to ARM Chapter 17. The incorporation by reference in paragraphs (i)(A) and (i)(B) reflect the new rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana: 17.8.1601, Definitions; 17.8.1602, Applicability and Coordination with Montana Air Quality Permit Rules; 17.8.1603, Emission Control Requirements; 17.8.1604, Inspection and Repair Requirements; 17.8.1605, Recordkeeping Requirements; 17.8.1606, Delayed Effective Date; effective January 1, 2006.
(B) Administrative Rules of Montana: 17.8.1701, Definitions; 17.8.1702, Applicability; 17.8.1703, Registration Process and Information; 17.8.1704, Registration Fee; 17.8.1705, Operating Requirements: Facility-wide; 17.8.1710, Oil or Gas Well Facilities General Requirements; 17.8.1711, Oil or Gas Well Facilities Emission Control Requirements; 17.8.1712, Oil or Gas Well Facilities Inspection and Repair Requirements; 17.8.1713, Oil or Gas Well Facilities Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements; effective April 7, 2006.
(74) On June 4, 2013 the State of Montana submitted revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM), Air Quality, Subchapter 8, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, 17.8.801, Definitions, and 17.8.818, Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications-Source Applicability and Exemptions.
(i) Incorporation by reference
(A) Administrative Rules of Montana, Air Quality, Subchapter 8, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, 17.8.801, Definitions, (20) introductory text, (20)(a); (22) introductory text, (22)(b); (25); (28) introductory text, (28)(a), except for the phrase "nitrogen oxides (NOx)"; and, 17.8.818, Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications-Source Applicability and Exemptions, (7) introductory text, (7)(a) introductory text, (7)(a)(vi), effective 10/12/2012.

40 C.F.R. §52.1397

37 FR 10877, May 31, 1972. Redesignated at 80 FR 22911 , April 24, 2015

For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting §52.1397, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.