Section 61.51 - Technical assistance grants-application packages(a) To apply for a technical assistance grant, an applicant must obtain from VA, complete, and submit to VA a technical assistance grant application package within the time period established in the Notice of Fund Availability.(b) The technical assistance grant application package will require the following: (1) Documentation on eligibility to receive a technical assistance grant under this part;(2) A description of technical assistance that would be provided (see § 61.50 );(3) Documentation concerning the estimated operating costs and operating budget for the technical assistance program for which the grant is sought;(4) Documentation concerning expertise in preparing grant applications;(5) Documentation of resources committed to the provision of technical expertise;(6) Comments or recommendations by appropriate state (and area wide) clearinghouses pursuant to E.O. 12372 (3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 197), if the applicant is a state; and(7) Reasonable assurances that: (i) The recipient will provide adequate financial and administrative support for providing the services set forth in the technical assistance grant application, and will actually provide such services; and(ii) The recipient will keep records and timely submit reports as required by VA, and will give VA, on demand, access to the records upon which such reports are based. Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501 , 2064
The Office of Management and Budget has approved the information collection requirements in this section under control number 2900-0554