(1) That section of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), beginning at the confluence of the AIWW and Albergottie Creek, being that point on the west side of the AIWW navigational channel at latitude 32.457226°, longitude 80.687770°, thence continuing in a northerly direction along the western channel edge of the AIWW to latitude 32.458580°, longitude 80.689181°, thence to latitude 32.460413°, longitude 80.689228°, thence to latitude 32.461459°, longitude 80.689418°, thence to latitude 32.464015°, longitude 80.690294°, thence to latitude 32.470255°, longitude 80.690965°, thence to latitude 32.471309°, longitude 80.691196°, thence to latitude 32.475084°, longitude 80.692455°, thence to latitude 32.478161°, longitude 80.691546°, thence to latitude 32.479191°, longitude 80.691486°, thence to latitude 32.481817°, longitude 80.691939°, thence to latitude 32.493001°, longitude 80.689835°, thence to latitude 32.494422°, longitude 80.688296°, thence to latitude 32.49727°, longitude 80.69172° on the east shore of the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), at its intersection with the Station's property boundary line, thence heading south along the eastern shoreline of the MCAS to a point along the northern shoreline of Mulligan Creek at latitude 32.48993°, longitude 80.69836°, thence southwesterly across Mulligan Creek to the shoreline of the MCAS, latitude 32.48771°, longitude 80.70424°, thence continuing along the eastern shoreline to its intersection with Albergottie Creek, latitude 32.45360°, longitude 80.70128, thence continuing along the southern shoreline of the MCAS to the intersection of Salt Creek with U.S. Highway 21, latitude 32.45047°, longitude 80.73153°, thence back down the southern creek edge of Salt and Albergottie Creeks, thence back to the starting point at the confluence of Albergottie Creek and the AIWW, latitude 32.457226°, longitude 80.687770°. Note: Situated within the boundaries of the area described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section are the areas described in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) and the danger zone described in paragraph (a)(10) of this section. Since additional regulations apply to these sections, they are excluded from the area described in paragraph (a)(1) given that they are more strictly regulated.