33 C.F.R. § 222.5

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 222.5 - Water control management (ER 1110-2-240)
(a)Purpose. This regulation prescribes policies and procedures to be followed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in carrying out water control management activities, including establishment of water control plans for Corps and non-Corps projects, as required by Federal laws and directives.
(b)Applicability. This regulation is applicable to all field operating activities having civil works responsibilities.
(c)References. Appendix A lists U.S. Army Corps of Engineers publications and sections of Federal statutes and regulations that are referenced herein.
(d)Authorities -
(1)U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects. Authorities for allocation of storage and regulation of projects owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers are contained in legislative authorization acts and referenced project documents. These public laws and project documents usually contain provisions for development of water control plans, and appropriate revisions thereto, under the discretionary authority of the Chief of Engineers. Some modifications in project operation are permitted under congressional enactments subsequent to original project authorization. Questions that require interpretations of authorizations affecting regulation of specific reservoirs will be referred to CDR USACE (DAEN-CWE-HW), WASH DC 20314, with appropriate background information and analysis, for resolution.
(2)Non-Corps projects. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for prescribing flood control and navigation regulations for certain reservoir projects constructed or operated by other Federal, non-Federal or private agencies. There are several classes of such projects: Those authorized by special acts of Congress; those for which licenses issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (formerly Federal Power Commission) provide that operation shall be in accordance with instructions of the Secretary of the Army; those covered by agreements between the operating agency and the Corps of Engineers; and those that fall under the terms of general legislative and administrative provisions. These authorities, of illustrative examples, are described briefly in Appendix B.
(e)Terminology: Water control plans and reservoir regulation schedules.
(1) Water control plans include coordinated regulation schedules for project/system regulation and such additional provisions as may be required to collect, analyze and disseminate basic data, prepare detailed operating instructions, assure project safety and carry out regulation of projects in an appropriate manner.
(2) The term "reservoir regulation schedule" refers to a compilation of operating criteria, guidelines, rule curves and specifications that govern basically the storage and release functions of a reservoir. In general, schedules indicate limiting rates of reservoir releases required during various seasons of the year to meet all functional objectives of the particular project, acting separately or in combination with other projects in a system. Schedules are usually expressed in the form of graphs and tabulations, supplemented by concise specifications.
(f)General policies.
(1) Water control plans will be developed for reservoirs, locks and dams, reregulation and major control structures and interrelated systems to conform with objectives and specific provisions of authorizing legislation and applicable Corps of Engineers reports. They will include any applicable authorities established after project construction. The water control plans will be prepared giving appropriate consideration to all applicable Congressional Acts relating to operation of Federal facilities, i.e., Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (Pub. L. 85-624 ), Federal Water Project Recreation Act-Uniform Policies (Pub. L. 89-72 ), National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91-190 ), and Clean Water Act of 1977 (Pub. L. 95-217 ). Thorough analysis and testing studies will be made as necessary to establish the optimum water control plans possible within prevailing constraints.
(2) Necessary actions will be taken to keep approved water control plans up-to-date. For this purpose, plans will be subject to continuing and progressive study by personnel in field offices of the Corps of Engineers. These personnel will be professionally qualified in technical areas involved and familiar with comprehensive project objectives and other factors affecting water control. Organizational requirements for water control management are further discussed in ER 1110-2-1400.
(3) Water control plans developed for specific projects and reservoir systems will be clearly documented in appropriate water control manuals. These manuals will be prepared to meet initial requirements when storage in the reservoir begins. They will be revised as necessary to conform with changing requirements resulting from developments in the project area and downstream, improvements in technology, new legislation and other relevant factors, provided such revisions comply with existing Federal regulations and established Corps of Engineers policy.
(4) Development and execution of water control plans will include appropriate consideration for efficient water management in conformance with the emphasis on water conservation as a national priority. The objectives of efficient water control management are to produce beneficial water savings and improvements in the availability and quality of water resulting from project regulation/operation. Balanced resource use through improved regulation should be developed to conserve as much water as possible and maximize all project functions consistent with project/system management. Continuous examination should be made of regulation schedules, possible need for storage reallocation (within existing authority and constraints) and to identify needed changes in normal regulation. Emphasis should be placed on evaluating conditions that could require deviation from normal release schedules as part of drought contingency plans (ER 1110-2-1941).
(5) Adequate provisions for collection, analysis and dissemination of basic data, the formulation of specific project regulation directives, and the performance of project regulation will be established at field level.
(6) Appropriate provisions will be made for monitoring project operations, formulating advisories to higher authorities, and disseminating information to others concerned. These actions are required to facilitate proper regulation of systems and to keep the public fully informed regarding all pertinent water control matters.
(7) In development and execution of water control plans, appropriate attention will be given to project safety in accordance with ER 1130-2-417 and ER 1130-2-419 so as to insure that all water impounding structures are operated for the safety of users of the facilities and the general public. Care will be exercised in the development of reservoir regulation schedules to assure that controlled releases minimize project impacts and do not jeopardize the safety of persons engaged in activities downstream of the facility. Water control plans will include provisions for issuing adequate warnings or otherwise alerting all affected interests to possible hazards from project regulation activities.
(8) In carrying out water control activities, Corps of Engineers personnel must recognize and observe the legal responsibility of the National Weather Service (NWS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), for issuing weather forecasts and flood warnings, including river discharges and stages. River forecasts prepared by the Corps of Engineers in the execution of its responsibilities should not be released to the general public, unless the NWS is willing to make the release or agrees to such dissemination. However, release to interested parties of factual information on current storms or river conditions and properly quoted NWS forecasts is permissible. District offices are encouraged to provide assistance to communities and individuals regarding the impact of forecasted floods. Typical advice would be to provide approximate water surface elevations at locations upstream and downstream of the NWS forecasting stream gages. Announcement of anticipated changes in reservoir release rates as far in advance as possible to the general public is the responsibility of Corps of Engineers water control managers for projects under their jurisdiction.
(9) Water control plans will be developed in concert with all basin interests which are or could be impacted by or have an influence on project regulation. Close coordination will be maintained with all appropriate international, Federal, State, regional and local agencies in the development and execution of water control plans. Effective public information programs will be developed and maintained so as to inform and educate the public regarding Corps of Engineers water control management activities.
(10) Fiscal year budget requests for water control management activities will be prepared and submitted to the Office of the Chief of Engineers in accordance with requirements established in Engineer Circular on Annual Budget Requests for Civil Works Activities. The total annual costs of all activities and facilities that support the water control functions, (excluding physical operation of projects, but including flood control and navigation regulation of projects subject to 33 CFR 208.11 ) are to be reported. Information on the Water Control Data Systems and associated Communications Category of the Plant Replacement and Improvement Program will be submitted with the annual budget. Reporting will be in accordance with the annual Engineer Circular on Civil Works Operations and Maintenance, General Program.
(g)Responsibilities: US Army Corps of Engineers projects -
(1)Preparation of water control plans and manuals. Normally, district commanders are primarily responsible for background studies and for developing plans and manuals required for reservoirs, locks and dams, reregulation and major control structures and interrelated systems in their respective district areas. Policies and general guidelines are prescribed by OCE engineer regulations while specific requirements to implement OCE guidance are established by the division commanders concerned. Master Water Control Manuals for river basins that include more than one district are usually prepared by or under direct supervision of division representatives. Division commanders are responsible for providing such management and technical assistance as may be required to assure that plans and manuals are prepared on a timely and adequate basis to meet water control requirements in the division area, and for pertinent coordination among districts, divisions, and other appropriate entities.
(2)Public involvement and information -
(i)Public meeting and public involvement. The Corps of Engineers will sponsor public involvement activities, as appropriate, to appraise the general public of the water control plan. In developing or modifying water control manuals, the following criteria is applicable.
(A) Conditions that require public involvement and public meetings include: Development of a new water control manual that includes a water control plan; or revision or update of a water control manual that changes the water control plan.
(B) Revisions to water control manuals that are administratively or informational in nature and that do not change the water control plan do not require public meetings.
(C) For those conditions described in paragraph (g)(2)(i)(A) of this section, the Corps will provide information to the public concerning proposed water control management decisions at least 30 days in advance of a public meeting. In so doing, a separate document(s) should be prepared that explains the recommended water control plan or change, and provides technical information explaining the basis for the recommendation. It should include a description of its impacts (both monetary and nonmonetary) for various purposes, and the comparisons with alternative plans or changes and their effects. The plan or manual will be prepared only after the public involvement process associated with its development or change is complete.
(D) For those conditions described in paragraph (g)(2)(i)(A) of this section, the responsible division office will send each proposed water control manual to the Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters, Attn: CECW-EH-W for review and comments prior to approval by the responsible division office.
(ii)Information availability. The water control manual will be made available for examination by the general public upon request at the appropriate office of the Corps of Engineers. Public notice shall be given in the event of occurring or anticipated significant changes in reservoir storage or flow releases. The method of conveying this information shall be commensurate with the urgency of the situation and the lead time available.
(3)Authority for approval of plans and manuals. Division commanders are delegated authority for approval of water control plans and manuals, and associated activities.
(4)OCE role in water control activities. OCE will establish policies and guidelines applicable to all field offices and for such actions as are necessary to assure a reasonable degree of consistency in basic policies and practices in all Division areas. Assistance will be provided to field offices during emergencies and upon special request.
(5)Methods improvement and staff training. Division and district commanders are responsible for conducting appropriate programs for improving technical methods applicable to water control activities in their respective areas. Suitable training programs should be maintained to assure a satisfactory performance capability in water control activities. Appropriate coordination of such programs with similar activities in other areas will be accomplished to avoid duplication of effort, and to foster desirable exchange of ideas and developments. Initiative in re-evaluating methods and guidelines previously established in official documents referred to in paragraph (e) of this section is encouraged where needs are evident. However, proposals for major deviations from basic concepts, policies and general practices reflected in official publications will be submitted to CDR USACE (DAEN-CWE) WASH DC 20314 for concurrence or comment before being adopted for substantial application in actual project regulation at field level.
(h)Directives and technical instruction manuals.
(1) Directives issued through OCE Engineer Regulations will be used to foster consistency in policies and basic practices. They will be supplemented as needed by other forms of communication.
(2) Engineering Manuals (EM) and Engineer Technical Letters (ETL) are issued by OCE to serve as general guidelines and technical aids in developing water control plans and manuals for individual projects or systems.
(3) EM 1110-2-3600 discusses principles and concepts involved in developing water control plans. Instructions relating to preparation of "Water Control Manuals for specific projects" are included. EM 1110-2-3600 should be used as a general guide to water control activities. The instructions are sufficiently flexible to permit adaptation to specific regions. Supplemental information regarding technical methods is provided in numerous documents distributed to field offices as "hydrologic references."
(4) Special assistance in technical studies is available from the Hydrologic Engineering Center, Corps of Engineers, 609 Second Street, Davis, California 95616 and DAEN-CWE-HW.
(i)Water control manuals for US Army Corps of Engineers projects.
(1) As used herein, the term "water control manual" refers to manuals that relate primarily to the functional regulation of an individual project or system of projects. Although such manuals normally include background information concerning physical features of projects, they do not prescribe rules or methods for physical maintenance or care of facilities, which are covered in other documents. (References 15 and 23, appendix A.)
(2) Water control manuals prepared in substantially the detail and format specified in instructions referred to in paragraph 8 are required for all reservoirs under the supervision of the Corps of Engineers, regardless of the purpose or size of the project. Water Control manuals are also required for lock and dam, reregulation and major control structure projects that are physically regulated by the Corps of Engineers. Where there are several projects in a drainage basin with interrelated purposes, a "Master Manual" shall be prepared. The effects of non-Corps projects will be considered in appropriate detail, including an indication of provisions for interagency coordination.
(3) "Preliminary water control manuals," for projects regulated by the Corps of Engineers should contain regulation schedules in sufficient detail to establish the basic plan of initial project regulation.
(4) As a general rule, preliminary manuals should be superseded by more detailed interim or "final" manuals within approximately one year after the project is placed in operation.
(5) Each water control manual will contain a section on special regulations to be conducted during emergency situations, including droughts. Preplanned operations and coordination are essential to effective relief or assistance.
(6) One copy of all water control manuals and subsequent revisions shall be forwarded to DAEN-CWE-HW for file purposes as soon as practicable after completion, preferably within 30 days from date of approval at the division level.
(j)Policies and requirements for preparing regulations for non-Corps projects.
(1) Division and district commanders will develop water control plans as required by section 7 of the 1944 Flood Control Act, the Federal Power Act and section 9 of Pub. L. 436-83 for all projects located within their areas, in conformance with ER 1110-2-241, 33 CFR part 208 . That regulation prescribes the policy and general procedures for regulating reservoir projects capable of regulation for flood control or navigation, except projects owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers; the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; those under the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, and the Columbia River Treaty. ER 1110-2-241, 33 CFR part 208 permits the promulgation of specific regulations for a project in compliance with the authorizing acts, when agreement on acceptable regulations cannot be reached between the Corps Engineers and the owners. Appendix B provides a summary of the Corps of Engineers responsibilities for prescribing regulations for non-Corps reservoir projects.
(2) Water control plans will be developed and processed as soon as possible for applicable projects already completed and being operated by other entities, including projects built by the Corps of Engineers and turned over to others for operation.
(3) In so far as practicable, water control plans for non-Corps projects should be developed in cooperation with owning/operating agencies involved during project planning stages. Thus, tentative agreements on contents, including pertinent regulation schedules and diagrams, can be accomplished prior to completion of the project.
(4) The magnitude and nature of storage allocations for flood control or navigation purposes in non-Corps projects are governed basically by conditions of project authorizations or other legislative provisions and may include any or all of the following types of storage assignments:
(i) Year-round allocations: Storage remains the same all year.
(ii) Seasonal allocations: Storage varies on a fixed seasonal basis.
(iii) Variable allocations of flood control from year to year, depending on hydrologic parameters, such as snow cover.
(5) Water control plans should be developed to attain maximum flood control or navigation benefits, consistent with other project requirements, from the storage space provided for these purposes. When reservoir storage capacity of the category referred to in paragraph (j)(4)(iii) is utilized for flood control or navigation, jointly with other objectives, the hydrologic parameters and related rules developed under provisions of ER 1110-2-241, 33 CFR part 208 should conform as equitably as possible with the multiple-purpose objectives established in project authorizations and other pertinent legislation.
(6) Storage allocations made for flood control or navigation purposes in non-Corps projects are not subject to modifications by the Corps of Engineers as a prerequisite for prescribing 33 CFR 208.11 regulations. However, regulations developed for use of such storage should be predicated on a mutual understanding between representatives of the Corps and the operating agency concerning the conditions of the allocations in order to assure reasonable achievement of basic objectives intended. In the event field representatives of the Corps of Engineers, and the operating agency are unable to reach necessary agreements after all reasonable possibilities have been explored, appropriate background explanations and recommendations should be submitted to DAEN-CWE-HW for consideration.
(7) The Chief of Engineers is responsible for prescribing regulations for use of flood control or navigation storage and/or project operation under the provisions of the referenced legislative acts. Accordingly, any regulations established should designate the division/district commander who is responsible to the Chief of Engineers as the representative to issue any special instructions required under the regulation. However, to the extent practicable, project regulations should be written to permit operation of the project by the owner without interpretations of the regulations by the designated representative of the Commander during operating periods.
(8) Responsibility for compliance with 33 CFR 208.11 regulations rests with the operating agency. The division or district commander of the area in which the project is located will be kept informed regarding project operations to verify reasonable conformance with the regulations. The Chief of Engineers or his designated representative may authorize or direct deviation from the established water control plan when conditions warrant such deviation. In the event unapproved deviations from the prescribed regulations seem evident, the division or district commander concerned will bring the matter to the attention of the operating agency by appropriate means.

If corrective actions are not taken promptly, the operating agency should be notified of the apparent deviation in writing as a matter of record. Should an impasse arise, in that the project owner or the designated operating entity persists in noncompliance with regulations prescribed by the Corps of Engineers, the Office of Chief Counsel should be advised through normal channels and requested to take necessary measures to assure compliance.

(9) Regulations should contain information regarding the required exchange of basic data between the representative of the operating agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, that are pertinent to regulation and coordination of interrelated projects in the region.
(10) All 33 CFR 208.11 regulations shall contain provisions authorizing the operating agency to temporarily deviate from the regulations in the event that it is necessary for emergency reasons to protect the safety of the dam, to avoid health hazards, and to alleviate other critical situations.
(k)Developing and processing regulations for non-Corps projects. Guidelines concerning technical studies and development of regulations are contained in ER 1110-2-241, 33 CFR part 208 and EM 1110-2-3600. Appendix C of this regulation summarizes steps normally followed in developing and processing regulations for non-Corps projects.
(l)Water control during project construction stage. Water control plans discussed in preceding paragraphs are intended primarily for application after the dam, spillway and outlet structures; major relocations; land acquisitions, administrative arrangements and other project requirements have reached stages that permit relatively normal project regulation. With respect to non-Corps projects, regulations normally become applicable when water control agreements have been signed by the designated signatories, subject to special provisions in specific cases. In some instances, implementation of regulations has been delayed by legal provisions, contract limitations, or other considerations. These delays can result in loss of potential project benefits and possible hazards. Accordingly, it is essential that appropriate water control and contingency plans be established for use from the date any storage may accumulate behind a partially completed dam until the project is formally accepted for normal operations. Division commanders shall make certain that construction-stage regulation plans are established and maintained in a timely and adequate manner for projects under the supervision of the Corps of Engineers. In addition, the problems referred to should be discussed with authorities who are responsible for non-Corps projects, with the objective of assuring that such projects operate as safely and effectively as possible during the critical construction stage and any period that may elapse before regular operating arrangements have been established. These special regulation plans should include consideration for protection of construction operations; safety of downstream interests that might be jeopardized by failure of partially completed embankments; requirements for minimizing adverse effects on partially completed relocations or incomplete land acquisition; and the need for obtaining benefits from project storage that can be safely achieved during the construction and early operation period.
(m)Advisories to OCE regarding water control activities -
(1)General. Division commanders will keep the Chief of Engineers currently informed of any unusual problems or activities associated with water control that impact on his responsibilities.
(2)Annual division water control management report (RCS DAEN-CWE-16(R1)). Division commanders will submit an annual report on water control management activities within their division. The annual report will be submitted to (DAEN-CWE-HW) by 1 February each year and cover significant activities of the previous water year and a description of activities to be accomplished for the current year. Funding information for water control activities will be provided in the letter of transmittal for in-house use only. The primary objective of this summary is to keep the Chief of Engineers informed regarding overall water management activities Corps-wide, thus providing a basis to carry out OCE responsibilities set forth in paragraph (g)(4) of this section.
(3)Status of water control manuals. A brief discussion shall be prepared annually by each division commander, as a separate section of the annual report on water control management activities discussed in paragraph (m)(2) of this section listing all projects currently in operation in his area, or expected to begin operation within one-year, with a designation of the status of water control manuals. The report should also list projects for which the Corps of Engineers is responsible for prescribing regulations, as defined in ER 1110-2-241, 33 CFR part 208.
(4)Monthly water control charts (RCS DAEN-CWE-6 (R1)). A monthly record of reservoirs/lakes operated by the Corps of Engineers and other agencies, in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 , will be promptly prepared and maintained by district/division commanders in a form readily available for transmittal to the Chief of Engineers, or others, upon request. Record data may be prepared in either graphical form as shown in EM 1110-2-3600, or tabular form as shown in the sample tabulation in appendix D.
(5)Annual division water quality reports (RCS DAEN-CWE-15). By Executive Order 12088, the President ordered the head of each Executive Agency to be responsible for ensuring that all necessary actions are taken for prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution with respect to Federal facilities and activities under control of the agency. General guidance is provided in references 24 and 25, appendix A, for carrying out this agency's responsibility. Annual division water quality reports are required by reference 24, appendix A. The report is submitted in two parts. The first part addresses the division Water quality management plan while the second part presents specific project information. A major objective of this report is to summarize information pertinent to water quality aspects of overall water management responsibilities. The annual division water quality report may be submitted along with the annual report on water control management activities discussed in paragraph 13b above.
(6)Master plans for water control data systems (RCS DAEN-CWE-21).
(i) A water control data system is all of the equipment within a division which is used to acquire, process, display and distribute information for real-time project regulation and associated interagency coordination. A subsystem is all equipment as defined previously within a district. A network is all equipment as defined previously which is used to regulate a single project or a group of projects which must be regulated interdependently.
(ii) Master plans for water control data systems and significant revisions thereto will be prepared by division water control managers and submitted to DAEN-CWE-HW by 1 February each year for review and approval of engineering aspects. Engineering approval does not constitute funding approval. After engineering approval is obtained, equipment in the master plan is eligible for consideration in the funding processes described in ER 1125-2-301 and engineering circulars on the annual budget request for civil works activities. Master plans will be maintained current and will:
(A) Outline the system performance requirements, including those resulting from any expected expansions of Corps missions.
(B) Describe the extent to which existing facilities fulfill performance requirements.
(C) Describe alternative approaches which will upgrade the system to meet the requirements not fulfilled by existing facilities, or are more cost effective than the existing system.
(D) Justify and recommend a system considering timeliness, reliability, economics and other factors deemed important.
(E) Delineate system scope, implementation schedules, proposed annual capital expenditures by district, total costs, and sources of funding.
(iii) Modified master plans should be submitted to DAEN-CWE-HW by 1 February, whenever revisions are required, to include equipment not previously approved or changes in scope or approach. Submittal by the February date will allow adequate time for OCE review and approval prior to annual budget submittals.
(iv) Division commanders are delegated authority to approve detailed plans for subsystems and networks of approved master plans. Plans approved by the division commander should meet the following conditions:
(A) The plan conforms to an approved master plan.
(B) The equipment is capable of functioning independently.
(C) An evaluation of alternatives has been completed considering reliability, cost and other important factors.
(D) The plan is economically justified, except in special cases where legal requirements dictate performance standards which cannot be economically justified.
(v) Copies of plans approved by the division commander shall be forwarded to appropriate elements in OCE in support of funding requests and to obtain approval of Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE), when applicable.
(vi) Water control data systems may be funded from Plant Revolving Fund; O&M General; Flood Control, MR&T, and Construction, General. Funding for water control equipment that serves two or more projects will be from Plant Revolving Fund in accordance with ER 1125-2-301. District and division water control managers will coordinate plant revolving fund requests with their respective Plant Replacement and Improvement Program (PRIP) representatives following guidance provided in ER 1125-2-301. Budget funding requests under the proper appropriation title should be submitted only if the equipment is identified in an approved master plan.
(vii) Justification for the Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) aspects of water control data systems must conform to AR 18-1, Appendix I or J as required. The "Funding for ADPE" paragraph in Appendixes I and J must cite the source of funds and reference relevant information in the approved master plan and detailed plan.
(viii) Division water control managers will submit annual letter summaries of the status of their respective water control systems and five-year plan for improvements. These summaries will be submitted to DAEN-CWE by 1 June for coordination with DAEN-CWO, CWB and DSZ-A, prior to the annual budget request. Summaries should not be used to obtain approval of significant changes in master plans. Sources of funding for all items for each district and for the division should be delineated so that total system expenditures and funding requests are identified. Changes in the master plan submitted 1 February should be documented in this letter summary if the changes were approved.
(7)Summary of runoff potentials in current season (RCS DAEN-CWO-2).
(i) The Chief of Engineers and staff require information to respond to inquiries from members of Congress and others regarding runoff potentials. Therefore, the division commander will submit a snowmelt runoff and flood potential letter report covering the snow accumulation and runoff period, beginning generally in February and continuing monthly, until the potential no longer exist. Dispatch of supplemental reports will be determined by the urgencies of situations as they occur. The reports will be forwarded as soon as hydrologic data are available, but not later than the 10th of the month. For further information on reporting refer to ER 500-1-1, 33 CFR part 203.
(ii) During major drought situations or low-flow conditions, narrative summaries of the situation should be furnished to alert the Chief of Engineers regarding the possibility of serious runoff deficiencies that are likely to call for actions associated with Corps of Engineers reservoirs.
(iii) The reports referred to in paragraphs (m)(7) (i) and (ii) of this section will include general summaries regarding the status of reservoir storage, existing and forecasted at the time of the reports.
(8)Reports on project operations during flood emergencies. Information on project regulations to be included in reports submitted to the Chief of Engineers during flood emergencies in accordance with ER 500-1-1 include rate of inflow and outflow in CFS, reservoir levels, predicted maximum level and anticipated date, and percent of flood control storage utilized to date. Maximum use should be made of computerized communication facilities in reporting project status to DAEN-CWO-E/CWE-HW in accordance with the requirements of ER 500-1-1, 33 CFR part 203.
(9)Post-flood summaries of project regulation. Project regulation effects including evaluation of the stage reductions at key stations and estimates of damages prevented by projects will be included in the post flood reports required by ER 500-1-1, 33 CFR part 203.
(n)Water Control Management Boards.
(1) The Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board was formed in accordance with the Columbia River Treaty with Canada. This board, composed of U.S. and Canadian members, oversees the implementation of the Treaty as carried out by the U.S. and Canadian Entities.
(2) The Mississippi River Water Control Management Board was established by ER 15-2-13. It consists of the Division Commanders from LMVD, MRD, NCD, ORD, and SWD with the Director of Civil Works serving as chairman. The purposes of the Board are:
(i) To provide oversight and guidance during the development of basin-wide management plans for Mississippi River Basin projects for which the US Army Corps of Engineers has operation/regulation responsibilities.
(ii) To serve as a forum for resolution of water control problems among US Army Corps of Engineers Divisions within the Mississippi River Basin when agreement is otherwise unobtainable.
(o)List of projects. Projects owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers subject to this regulation are listed with pertinent data in Appendix E. This list will be updated periodically to include Corps projects completed in the future. Federal legislation, Federal regulations and local agreements have given the Corps of Engineers wide responsibilities for operating projects which it does not own. Non-Corps projects subject to this regulation are included in Appendix A of ER 1110-2-241.

Appendix A to § 222.5 -References

1. The Federal Power Act, Pub. L. 436-83 , approved 10 June 1920, as amended (41 Stat. 1063; 16 U.S.C. 791(a) )
2. Section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved 22 June 1936, as amended (49 Stat. 1571; 33 U.S.C. 701(c) )
3. Section 9(b) of Reclamation Project Act of 1939, approved 4 August 1939 (53 Stat. 1187; 43 U.S.C. 485 )
4. Section 7 of the Flood Control Act approved 22 December 1944 (58 Stat. 890; 33 U.S.C. 709 )
5. Section 5 of Small Reclamation Projects Act of 6 August 1956, as amended (70 Stat. 1046; 43 U.S.C. 422(e) )
6. Section 9 of Pub. L. 436-83 d Congress (68 Stat. 303)
7. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958, Pub. L. 85-624
8. The Federal Water Project Recreation Act Uniform Policies, Pub. L. 89-72
9. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Pub. L. 91-190
10. The Clean Water Act of 1977, Pub. L. 95-217
11. Executive Order 12088, Federal Compliance with Pollution Control Standards, 13 October 1978
12.33 CFR 208.10 , Local flood protection works; maintenance and operation of structures and facilities (9 FR 9999; 9 FR 10203)
13.33 CFR 208.11 , Regulations for use of Storage Allocated for Flood Control or Navigation and/or Project Operation at Reservoirs subject to Prescription of Rules and Regulations by the Secretary of the Army in the Interest of Flood Control and Navigation (43 FR 47184)
14. AR 18-1
15. ER 11-2-101
16. ER 15-2-13
17. ER 500-1-1, 33 CFR part 203
18. ER 1110-2-241, 33 CFR part 208
19. ER 1110-2-1400
20. ER 1110-2-1402
21. ER 1110-2-1941
22. ER 1125-2-301
23. ER 1130-2-303
24. ER 1130-2-334
25. ER 1130-2-415
26. ER 1130-2-417
27. ER 1130-2-419
28. EM 1110-2-3600

Appendix B to § 222.5 -Summary of Corps of Engineers Responsibilities for Prescribing Regulations for Non-Corps Reservoir Projects


(a) "Regulations for Use of Storage Allocated for Flood Control or Navigation and/or Project Operation at Reservoirs subject to Prescription of Rules and Regulations by the Secretary of the Army in the Interest of Flood Control and Navigation" (33 CFR 208.11 ) prescribe the responsibilities and general procedures for regulating reservoir projects capable of regulation for flood control or navigation and the use of storage allocated for such purposes and provided on the basis of flood control and navigation, except projects owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers; the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; and those under the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, and the Columbia River Treaty.
(b) Pertinent information on projects for which regulations are prescribed under Section 7 of the 1944 Flood Control Act, (Pub. L. 78-58 Stat. 890 (33 U.S.C. 709 )) the Federal Power Act (41 Stat. 1063 (16 U.S.C. 791(A) )) and Section 9 of Pub. L. 436-83 d Congress (68 Stat. 303) is published in the FEDERAL REGISTER in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 .

Publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER establishes the fact and the date of a project's regulation plan promulgation.

2. Section 7 of Act of Congress approved 22 December 1944 (58 Stat. 890; 33 U.S.C. 709 ), reads as follows:

"Hereafter, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to prescribe regulations for the use of storage allocated for flood control or navigation at all reservoirs constructed wholly or in part with Federal funds provided on the basis of such purposes, and the operation of any such project shall be in accordance with such regulations: Provided, That this section shall not apply to the Tennessee Valley Authority, except that in case of danger from floods on the Lower Ohio and Mississippi Rivers the Tennessee Valley Authority is directed to regulate the release of water from the Tennessee River into the Ohio River in accordance with such instructions as may be issued by the War Department."

3. Section 9(b) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939, approved 4 August 1939 (53 Stat. 1189, 43 U.S.C. 485 ), provides that the Secretary of the Interior may allocate to flood control or navigation as part of the cost of new projects or supplemental works; and that in connection therewith he shall consult with the Chief of Engineers and may perform any necessary investigations under a cooperative agreement with the Secretary of the Army. These projects are subject to 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.
4. Several dams have been constructed by State agencies under provisions of legislative acts wherein the Secretary of the Army is directed to prescribe rules and regulations for project operation in the interest of flood control and navigation. These projects are subject to 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.
5. There are few dams constructed under Emergency Conservation work authority or similar programs, where the Corps of Engineers has performed major repairs or rehabilitation, that are operated and maintained by local agencies which are subject to 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.
6. The Federal Power Act, approved 10 June 1920, as amended (41 Stat. 1063, 16 U.S.C. 791 (A) ), established the Federal Power Commission, now Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), with authority to issue licenses for constructing, operating, and maintaining dams or other project works for the development of navigation, for utilization of water power and for other beneficial public uses in any streams over which Congress has jurisdiction. The Chief of Engineers is called upon for advice and assistance as needed in formulating reservoir regulation requirements somewhat as follows:
a. In response to requests from the FERC, opinions and technical appraisals are furnished by the Corps of Engineers for consideration prior to issuance of licenses by the FERC. Such assistance may be limited to general presentations, or may include relatively detailed proposals for water control plans, depending upon the nature and scope of projects under consideration. The information furnished is subject to such consideration and use as the Chairman, FERC, deems appropriate. This may result in inclusion of simple provisions in licenses without elaboration, or relatively detailed requirements for reservoir regulation schedules and plans.
b. Some special acts of Congress provide for construction of dams and reservoirs by non-Federal agencies or private firms under licenses issued by the FERC, subject to stipulation that the operation and maintenance of the dams shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Army in the interest of flood control and navigation. Ordinarily no Federal funds are involved, thus Section 7 of the 1944 Flood Control Act does not apply. However, if issuance of regulations by the Secretary of the Army is required by the authority under which flood control or navigation provisions are included as functions of the specific project or otherwise specified in the FERC license, regulation plans will be prescribed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.
7. Projects constructed by the Corps of Engineers for local flood protection purposes are subject to conditions of local cooperation as provided in Section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved 22 June 1936, as amended. One of those conditions is that a responsible local agency will maintain and operate all works after completion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. Most such projects consist mainly of levees and flood walls with appurtenant drainage structures. Regulations for operation and maintenance of these projects has been prescribed by the Secretary of the Army in 33 CFR 208.10 . When a reservoir is included in such a project, it may be appropriate to apply 33 CFR 208.10 in establishing regulations for operation, without requiring their publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER. For example, if the reservoir controls a small drainage area, has an uncontrolled flood control outlet with automatic operation or contains less than 12,500 acre-feet of flood control or navigation storage, 33 CFR 208.10 may be suitable. However, 33 CFR 208.11 regulations normally would be applicable in prescribing flood control regulations for the individual reservoir, if the project has a gated flood control outlet by which the local agency can regulate floods.
8. Regulation plans for projects owned by the Corps of Engineers are not prescribed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 . However, regulation plans for projects constructed by the Corps of Engineers and turned over to other agencies or local interests for operation may be prescribed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 .
9. The Small Reclamation Projects Act of 6 August 1956 provides that the Secretary of the Interior may make loans or grants to local agencies for the construction of reclamation projects. Section 5 of the Act provides in part that the contract covering any such grant shall set forth that operation be in accordance with regulations prescribed by the head of the Federal department or agency primarily concerned. Normally, 33 CFR 208.11 is not applicable to these projects.

Appendix C to § 222.5 -Procedures for Developing and Processing Regulations for Non-Corps Projects in Conformance with 33 CFR 208.11

1.Sequence of actions.
a. Discussions leading to a clarification of conditions governing allocations of storage capacity to flood control or navigation purposes and project regulation are initiated by District/Division Engineers through contacts with owners and/or operating agencies concerned at regional level.
b. Background information on the project and conditions requiring flood control or navigation services, and other relevant factors, are assembled by the District Engineer and incorporated in a "Preliminary Information Report". The Preliminary Information Report will be submitted to the Division Engineer for review and approval. Normally, the agency having jurisdiction over the particular project is expected to furnish information on project features, the basis for storage allocations and any other available data pertinent to the studies. The Corps of Engineers supplements this information as required.
c. Studies required to develop reservoir regulation schedules and plans usually will be conducted by Corps of Engineers personnel at District level, except where the project regulation affects flows in more than one district, in which case the studies will be conducted by or under supervision of Division personnel. Assistance as may be available from the project operating agency or others concerned will be solicited.
d. When necessary agreements are reached at district level, and regulations developed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 and EM 1110-2-3600, they will be submitted to the Division Commander for review and approval, with information copies for DAEN-CWE-HW. Usually the regulations include diagrams of operating parameters.
e. For projects owned by the Bureau of Reclamation, the respective Regional Directors are designated as duly authorized representatives of the Commissioner of Reclamation. By letter of 20 October 1976, the Commissioner delegated responsibilities to the Regional Directors as follows: "Regarding the designated authorization of representatives of the Commissioner of Reclamation in matters relating to the development and processing of Section 7 flood control regulations, we are designating each Regional Director as our duly authorized representative to sign all letters of understanding, water control agreements, water control diagrams, water control release schedules and other documents which may become part of the prescribed regulations. The Regional Director also will be responsible for obtaining the signature of the designated operating agency on these documents where such is required. Regarding internal coordination within the Bureau of Reclamation, the Regional Directors will obtain the review and approval of this office and at appropriate offices with our Engineering and Research Center, Denver, Colorado, prior to signing water control documents."
f. In accordance with the delegation cited in paragraph e, 33 CFR 208.11 regulations pertaining to Bureau of Reclamation projects will be processed as follows:
(1) After regulation documents submitted by District Commanders are reviewed and approved by the Division Commander they are transmitted to the respective Regional Director of the Bureau of Reclamation for concurrence of comment, with a request that tracings of regulation diagrams be signed and returned to the Division Commander.
(2) If any questions arise at this stage appropriate actions are taken to resolve differences. Otherwise, the duplicate tracings of the regulation diagram are signed by the Division Commander and transmitted to the office of the project owner for filing.
(3) After full agreement has been reached in steps (1) and (2), the text of proposed regulations is prepared in final form. Copies of any diagrams involved are included for information only.
(4) A letter announcing completion of action on processing the regulations, with pertinent project data as specified in paragraph 208.11(d)(11) of 33 CFR 208.11 , and one copy of the signed tracings of diagrams are forwarded to HQDA (DAEN-CWE-HW) WASH DC 20314 for promulgation and filing. The office of the Chief of Engineers will forward the pertinent project data to the Liaison Officer with the Federal Register, requesting publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
g. Regulations developed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 and applicable to projects that are not under supervision of the Bureau of Reclamation are processed in substantially the manner described above. All coordination required between the Corps of Engineers and the operating agency will be accomplished at field level.
h. Upon completion of actions listed above, Division Commanders are responsible for informing the operating agencies at field level that regulations have been promulgated.
2.Signature blocks: Some 33 CFR 208.11 regulations contain diagrams of parameter curves that cannot be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, but are made a part thereof by appropriate reference. Each diagram bears a title block with spaces for the signature of authenticating officials of the Corps of Engineers and the owner/operating agency of the project involved.
3.Designation of Corps of Engineers Representatives. Division Commanders are designated representatives of the Chief of Engineers in matters relating to development and processing of 33 CFR 208.11 regulations for eventual promulgation through publication of selected data specified in paragraph (d)(11) § 208.11 . Division Commanders are designated as the Corps of Engineers signee on all letters of understanding, water control agreements and other documents which may become part of prescribed regulations for projects located in their respective geographic areas, and which are subject to the provisions of 33 CFR 208.11 .

Appendix D to § 222.5 -Sample Tabulation

Bardwell Lake, Monthly Lake Report, May 1975

DayElevations 0800: 2,400 feet-MSLStorage 2400 A-FEvap DSFPump DSFRelease DSFInflow adj. DSFRain, inch
1421.30 421.3155979282.00840.00
2421.32 421.375619652.00117.00
3421.43 421.4456449231.90152.14
4421.45 421.475655811.8058.00
5421.49 421.345608812.032450.00
6421.20 421.0154902141.963250.00
7420.88 420.895447342.026959.09
8420.89 420.915454452.3044.00
9420.90 420.8954473111.5038.00
10420.90 420.9054509283.0027.00
11420.91 421.3556124261.80824.00
12421.54 421.6557213312.105821.61
13421.70 421.7557578292.20216.00
14421.78 421.7657614341.9249303.03
15421.69 421.5256739221.9643225.57
16421.39 421.2855871392.1535138.00
17421.19 421.0955188102.2393119.00
18421.03 421.0555045462.014360.00
19421.04 421.0755116172.3055.00
20421.06 421.3055943212.10440.21
21421.39 421.4756558202.10332.97
22421.50 421.3956268422.1247145.00
23421.37 424.9169726312.03287146.22
24425.61 426.1574825222.0025952.38
25426.15 426.5576523182.30876.11
26426.72 426.8077598422.10586.00
27426.95 427.0078465232.00462.00
28427.14 427.1579116312.10361.19
29427.31 427.7081528611.901279.20
30427.94 428.0583082112.007961.02
31428.20 428.228383772.10389.00
Monthly total:

Appendix E to § 222.5 -List of Projects

Project name1State/countyStream1Project purpose2Storage 1,000 AFElev limits feet M.S.L.Area in acresAuth legis3
Lower Mississippi Valley Division
Alligator-Catfish FGMS IssaquenaLittle SunflowerF0.00.00.000FCA Jun 36.
Arkabutla LkMS DesotoColdwaterF525.0238.3209.333,4005,100FCA Jun 36.
Ascalmore-Tippo FG & CSMS TallahatchieAscalmoreF0.0136.0118.000FCA Jun 36.
Bienvenue FGLA St BernardBayou BienvenueF0.02.02.000 PL 298-89
Big Lk Ditch #81 CSAR MississippiDitch 81 Extension.C0.00.0230.000FCA Oct 65.
Big Lk Div CSAR MississippiLittle RC0.00.0230.000FCA Oct 65.
Big Lk North End CSAR MississippiLittle RC0.00.0230.000FCA Oct 65.
Big Lk South end CSAR MississippiDitch 28C0.00.0230.000FCA Oct 65.
Birds Point-New Madrid Div FloodwayMO New MadridMississippiF0.0330.5328.5131,00071,000FCA May 28.
Bodcau LkLA BossierBayou BodcauF35.3199.5157.021,000110 PL 74-839 .
Bonnet Carre Div SpillwayLA St CharlesMississippi RF0.024.020.000FCA May 28.
Bowman LockLA VermilionGIWWI0.01.21.200 PL 79-14 .
Caddo LkLA CaddoCypress BayouN128.6182.7168.559,00026,800FCA Oct 65.
Cairo 10th & 20th St PSIL PulaskiOhioF0.0310.5299.000 PL 90-483 .
Calcasieu SW Barrier & LockLA CalcasieuCalcasieu RI0.01.21.200RHA Oct 62.
PL 79-525 .
Calion L&DAR UnionOuachitaN0.077.077.012,20012,200RHA 1950.
Calument FG East & WestLA St MaryWax Lake Outlet Bayou TecheFN0.03.03.000FCA Jun 36.
Cannon Re-regMO RallsSalt RPCA5.8528.0521.01,020460HD 507.
Carlyle LkIL ClintonKaskaskia RF699.0462.5445.050,44024,580SD 44.
Catahoula Lk CSLA LaSalleCatahoula DivCR118.034.027.025,00094RHA 1960.
Catfish Point CSLA CameronMermentau RFN0.01.21.200FCA Aug 41, RHA Jul 64.
Charenton FGLA St MaryGrand LkFN0.00.00.000RHA Jul 46, FCA May 28.
Cocodrie FG FGLA ConcoridaBayou CocodrieF0.046.013.000FCA Aug 41.
Collins CrMS WarrenCollins CrF0.084.067.000FCA 1941.
Columbia L&DLA CaldwellOuachitaN0.052.052.07,0707,070RHA 1950.
Connerly CSAR ChicotConnerly BayouFCR0.0116.0106.000FCA Aug 68.
Courtableau Drainage CSLA St LandryBayou CourtableauF0.018.016.000FCA May 28, PL 391-70.
Darbonne CSLA St. LandryBayou DarbonneFI0.018.016.000FCA May 28, PL 391-70.
DeGray LKAR DesotoCaddoFNPMRA881.9423.0345.023,8006,400RHA 1950, WSA 1958.
DeGray Rereg. StAR ClarkCaddoNMRA3.6221.0209.043090RHA 1950. WSA 1958.
Ditch Bayou DamAR ChicotDitch BayouFCR0.0106.093.000FCA Aug 68.
Drainage Dist #17 PSAR MississippiDitch 71F3.0236.0228.04,1000FCA Aug 68, PL 90-483.
Drinkwater PSMO MississippiDrinkwater SewerF20.6315.0307.04,000700FCA May 50, PL 516.
Dupre FGLA St BernardBayou DupreF0.02.02.000 PL 298-89 .
East St Louis PSIL St. ClairIDDF0.00.00.000FC Act 36.
Empire FG Hurr Prot & LockLA Plaque minesMississippi RF0.05.05.000 PL 874-87 .
Enid LkMS YalobushaYaconaF660.0268.0230.028,0006,100FCA Jun 36.
Felsenthal L&DAR UnionOuachitaN32.570.065.046,50017,500RHA 1950.
Finley Street PSTN DyerForked DeerF0.5269.0257.09422FCA 1948, PL 85-500.
Freshwater LockLA VermilionFreshwater BayouI0.00.00.000 PL 86-645 .
Graham Burke PSAR PhillipsWhiteF2,805.0174.8140.0149,0002,500FCA May 28, PL 85-500.
Grenada LkMS GrenadaYalobusha SkunaF1,357.4231.0193.064,6009,800FCA Jun 36.
Huxtable PSAR LeeSt FrancisF2,863.0207.2165.018,5001,400FCA May 50.
Jonesville L&DLA CatahoulaBlackN0.034.034.07,1207,120RHA 1950.
Kaskaskia L&DIL RandolphKaskaskia RN1.1368.0363.01,3001,200SD 44.
L&D 1LA CatahulaRed RN0.040.040.000 PL 90-483 .
L&D 2LA RapidesRed RN0.071.264.000 PL 90-483 .
L&D 3LA RapidesRed RN0.095.091.500 PL 90-483 .
L&D 4LA NatchitochesRed RN0.0120.0119.600 PL 90-483 .
L&D 5LA Red RRed RN0.0145.0140.200 PL 90-483 .
L&D 24MO PikeMississippi RN29.7449.0445.013,00012,000R&H Act, Jul 3/30.
R&H Act, Aug 30/35.
L&D 25MO LincolnMississippi RN49.7434.0429.718,00016,600R&H Act, Jul 3/30.
R&H Act, 8/30/35.
L&D 26IL MadisonMississippi RN107.1419.0414.030,00027,700R&H Act, Jul 3/30.
R&H Act, 8/30/1935.
Larose to Golden Meadow Hurr Prot FGLA LaFourcheBayou LaFourcheF0.03.03.000FCA Oct 65, PL 89-298.
Little Sun flower CSMS IssaquenaLit. SunflowerF0.085.060.000FCA 1941.
Lk #9 Culvert & PSKY FultonMississippiF6.5286.0282.000FCA Oct 65.
Lk Chicot PSAR ChicotMacon LkFCR0.0118.290.000FCA Aug 68.
Lk GreesonAR PikeLittle MissouriP0.0563.0436.900FCA 1941.
Lk OuachitaAR GarlandOuachitaP0.0592.0480.000FCA Dec 44.
Long Branch DSLA CatahoulaCatahoula DivF0.032.532.500FCA May 50.
Mark Twain LkMO RallsSalt RF894.0638.0606.038,40018,600HD 507.
Marked Tree SiphonAR PoinsettSt. FrancisF0.0229.0198.300FCA Jun 30.
Morganza Div CSLA Point CoupeeMorganza FloodwayF0.059.549.000FCA May 28.
Muddy Bayou CSMS WarrenMuddy BayouFC30.076.970.04,3502,860FCA Oct 65.
Old River Div CS Low Sill Overbank & AuxLA W. FelicianaOld RF0.070.05.000 PL 83-780 .
Old River LockLA W FelicianaOld RN0.065.410.000FCA Sep 54, PL 780-83.
Port Allen LockLA Port AllenGIWWN0.046.12.600RHA Jul 46.
Prairie Dupont East & West PSIL St ClairIDDF0.00.00.000FC Act 62.
Rapides-Boeuf Div Canal CSLA RapidesBayou RapidesF0.066.062.200FCA Aug 41, GD 359-77.
Rend LkIL FranklinBig Muddy RF109.0405.0410.024,80018,900HD 541.
Sardis LkMS PanolaLittle SunflowerF1,569.9281.4236.058,50010,700FCA Jun 36.
Schooner Bayou CS & LockLA VermilionSchooner BayouI0.01.21.200FCA Aug 41.
Shelbyville LkIL ShelbyKaskaskia RF474.0626.5599.725,30011,100HD 232.
Sorrell LockLA IbervilleGIWWN0.029.73.500FCA May 28.
St Francis Lk CSAR PoinsettOak Donnick FloodwayC0.00.0210.002,240FCA Oct 65.
Steele Bayou CSMS IssaquenaSteele BayouF0.068.560.000FCA 1941.
Tchula Lk Lower FGMS HumphreysTchula LkF0.0110.084.000FCA Jun 36.
Tchula Lk Upper FGMS HumphreysTchula LkF0.0108.092.000FCA Jun 36.
Teche-Vermilion PS & CSLA St MaryAtchafalaya RMI0.118.016.000 PL 89-789 , FCA May 28.
Tensas-Cocodrie PSLA CocordiaBayou CorcodrieF0.037.023.000FCA Oct 65.
Treasure Island PSMO DunklinLittle RF23.4252.0235.07,800180FCA Jul 46.
Wallace LkLA CaddoCypress BayouF96.1158.0142.09,3002,300RHA Mar 45, PL 75-761.
Wappapello LkMO WayneSt Francis RF613.2394.7354.723,2005,200HD 159.
Wasp LkMS HumphreysWasp Lk-Bear CrF0.0111.688.500FCA Jun 36.
West Hickman PSKY FultonMississippiF0.0302.0296.094FCA 1948.
Wood R PSIL MadisonIDDF0.00.00.000FC Act 38.
Yazoo City PSMS YazooYazooF0.096.069.000FCA Jun 36.
Missouri River Division
Bear Creek Dam & ResCO JeffersonBear CrF28.85,635.55,558.0718109 PL 90-483 .
FCR1.95,558.05,528.010917SD 87-90.
Big Bend Dam & Lk SharpeSD Lyman Buffalo HughesMissouri RF61.01,423.01,422.061,00060,000 PL 78-534 .
FNPIMCAR117.01,422.01,420.060,00057,000SD 247-78.
Blue Springs Dam & LkMO JacksonLittle Blue RF15.8820.0802.0982722 PL 90-483 .
FRC10.8802.0760.07220HD 169-90.
Blue Stem Lake & Dam 4NE LancasterOlive Br. Salt CreekF7.21,322.51,307.4660315 PL 85-500 .
FCR3.01,307.41,277.03151HD 396-84.
Bowman-Haley Dam & ResND BowmanNo Fk Grand RiverF72.72,777.02,754.85,1311,732 PL 87-874 .
FMCR15.52,754.82,740.01,732565HD 574-87.
Branched Oak Lk & Dam 18NE LancasterOak Creek trib. Salt CreekF71.61,311.01,284.03,6401,780 PL 85-500 .
FCR26.01,284.01,250.01,7800HD 396-84.
Bull Hook DamMT HillBull Hook Cr Scott CouleeF6.52,593.02,540.02830 PL 78-534 .
Cedar Canyon DamSD PenningtonDeadman's GulchF0.13,545.03,526.0112 PL 80-858 .
Chatfield Dam & ResCO DouglasS PlatteF204.75,500.05,432.04,7421,412 PL 81-516 .
FQ26.75,432.05,385.01,41212HD 669-80.
Cherry Cr Dam & ResCO AraphahoeCherry CrF80.05,598.05,550.02,637852 PL 77-228 .
FR14.05,550.05,504.08520HD 426-76, PL 78-534.
Clinton Dam & LkKS DouglasWakarusa RF267.8903.4875.512,8917,006 PL 87-874 .
FMCAR129.2875.5820.07,0060SD 122-87.
Cold Brook Dam & ResSD Fall RiverCold BrookF6.73,651.43,585.019836 PL 77-228 .
FR0.53,585.03,548.0360HD 655-76.
Conestoga Lake & Dam 12NE LancasterHolmes Cr Trib to Salt CrF8.01,252.01,232.9620230 PL 85-500 .
FCR2.61,232.91,197.02301HD 396-84.
Cottonwood Springs Dam & ResSD Fall RiverCottonwood Springs CrF7.73,936.03,875.021444 PL 77-228 .
FR0.23,875.03,868.04430HD 655-76.
Fort Peck Dam & ResMT Valley, Mc Cone GarfieldMissouri RF977.02,250.02,246.0249,000240,000 PL 73-409 .
FNPIMCAR13,649.02,246.02,160.0240,00092,000 PL 75-529 , HD 238-73.
PL 78-534 , SD 247-78.
Fort Randall Dam, Lk Francis CaseSD Gregory CharlesMissouri RF985.01,375.01,365.0102,00095,000 PL 78-534 .
FNPIMCAR3,021.01,365.01,320.095,00041,000SD 247-78.
Garrison Dam, Lk SakakaweaND Mercer McLeanMissouri RF1,494.01,854.01,850.0382,000365,000 PL 78-534 .
FNPIMCAR17,440.01,850.01,775.0365,000129,000SD 247-78.
Gavins Point Dam, Lewis & Clark LkSD YanktonMissouri RF61.01,210.01,208.032,00029,000 PL 78-534 .
NE KnoxFNPIMCAR95.01,208.01,204.529,00025,000SD 247-78.
Glenn Cunningham Lk, Dam 11NE DouglasLittle Papillion CrF14.01,142.01,121.0922392 PL 90-483 .
FRCA3.91,121.01,085.03920HD 349-90.
Harlan County LkNE HarlanRepublican RF498.01,973.51,946.023,06413,249 PL 77-228 .
FI342.61,946.01,875.013,2490HD 892-76, PL-78-534.
Harry S Truman Dam & ResMO BentonOsage RF4,005.9739.6706.0209,30055,600 PL 83-780 .
FPCR1,203.4706.0635.055,6000HD 549-81, PL 87-874.
HD 578-87.
Hillsdale LkKS MiamiBig Bull CrF83.6931.0917.07,4104,580 PL 83-780 .
FNMCAR76.3917.0852.44,5800HD 642-81.
Holmes Park Lk & Dam 17NE LancasterAntelope Cr Trib to Salt CrF5.71,266.01,242.4410100 PL 85-500 .
FCR0.81,242.41,218.01003HD 396-84.
Kanopolis LkKS EllsworthSmoky Hill RF370.01,508.01,463.013,9993,560 PL 75-761 .
FI55.81,463.01,425.03,5600 PL 78-534 , HD 842-76.
Kelly Road DamCO AraphoeWesterly CrF0.35,362.05,342.0380 PL 80-858 , PL 84-99.
Long Branch LkMO RandolphLittle East Fk Chariton RF30.4801.0791.13,6702,429 PL 89-298 .
FCAR34.6791.0751.12,4290HD 238-89.
Longview LkMO JacksonLittle Blue RF24.8909.0891.01,960930 PL 90-483 .
FCAR22.1891.0810.09300HD 169-90.
Melvern LkKS OsageMarais des Cygnes RF208.41,057.01,036.013,9486,928 PL 83-780 .
FNMCAR154.41,036.0960.06,9280 PL 75-761 , HD 549-81.
Milford LkKS GearyRepublican RF756.71,176.21,144.427,25517,270 PL 83-780 .
FCA388.81,144.41,080.015,7090HD 642-81, PL 75-761.
Oahe Dam & LkND 4 CountiesMissouri RF1,097.01,620.01,617.0373,000359,000 PL 78-534 .
SD 8 CountiesFNPIMCAR16,789.01,617.01,540.0359,000117,000SD 247-78.
Olive Cr Lk & Dam 2NE LancasterOlive Br of Salt CrF4.01,350.01,335.0355174HD 396-84.
FCR1.51,335.01,314.01744 PL 85-500 .
Papio Dam Site #18 & LkNE DouglasBoxelder Cr Papio CrF7.11,128.21,110.0595255 PL 90-483 .
FCAR3.41,110.01,060.52550HD 349-90.
Papio Dam Site #20 & LkNE SarpyTrib South Branch PapioF6.11,113.11,096.0493246 PL 90-483 .
FCAR2.71,096.01,069.024610HD 349-90.
Pawnee Lk & Dam 14NE LancasterNo. Middle Cr of Salt CrF21.01,263.51,244.31,470728 PL 85-500 .
FCR8.51,244.31,206.07281HD 396-84.
Perry LkKS JeffersonDelaware RF521.9920.6891.525,34212,202 PL 83-780 .
FN243.2891.5825.01220HD 642-81.
Pipestem Dam & ResND StutsmanPipestem CrF137.01,496.31,442.44,754885 PL 89-298 .
FRC9.61,442.41,415.088562HD 266-89.
Pomme De Terre LkMO PolkPomme De Terre RF407.2874.0839.015,9807,890 PL 75-761 .
FNPCAR241.6839.0750.07,8900HD 549-81, PL 83-780 .
Pomona LkKS Osage110 Mile CrF176.81,003.0974.08,520400 PL 83-780 .
FNMAR70.6974.0912.04,0000HD 549-81.
Rathbun LkIA AppanooseChariton RF346.3926.0904.020,94811,013PL 83-780.
FNM205.4904.0844.011,0130HD 561-81.
Smithville LkMO ClayLittle Platte RF101.8876.2864.29,9957,192 PL 89-298 .
FMCAR144.6864.2799.07,1920HD 262-89.
Spring Gulch ImbankmentCO DouglasSpring GulchF1.85,600.005,535.0880 PL 81-516 , HD 669-80.
Stagecoach Lk & Dam 9NE LancasterHickman Br of Salt CrF4.71,285.01,271.1490196 PL 85-500 .
[GREATER THAN]FRC1.91,271.11,246.01960HD 396-84.
Standing Bear Lk & Dam 16NE DouglasTrib Big Papillion CrF3.71,121.01,104.0302137 PL 90-483 .
FRC1.51,104.01,060.01370HD 349-90.
Stockton LkMO CedarSac RF779.6892.0867.038,28824,777 PL 83-780 .
FARPN887.1867.0760.024,7770HD 549-89.
Tuttle Creek LkKS RileyBig Blue RF1,937.41,136.01,075.054,17914,875 PL 75-761 .
FN177.11,075.01,061.014,8750HD 842-76.
Twin Lakes & Dam 13NE SewardMiddle Cr Salt CrF5.31,355.01,341.0505255 PL 85-500 .
CFR2.81,341.01,306.02551HD 396-84.
Wagon Train Lk & Dam 8NE LancasterHickman Br of Salt CrF6.81,302.01,287.8660303 PL 85-500 .
FCR2.51,287.81,260.03034HD 396-84.
Wehrspann Lk & Dam 20NE SarpyTrib South Branch PapioF6.11,113.11,096.0493246 PL 90-483 .
FCAR2.71,096.01,069.024610HD 349-90.
Wilson LkKS RussellSaline RF530.71,554.01,516.019,9809,040 PL 78-534 .
FRC247.81,516.01,440.09,0400SD 191-78, SD 247-78.
Yankee Hill Lk & Dam 10NE LancasterCardwell Br of Salt CrF5.61,262.01,244.9475208 PL 85-500 .
FCR2.01,244.91,218.02080HD 396-84.
North Atlantic Division
Almond LakeNY SteubenCanacadea CrF14.61,300.01,255.0489124 PL 74-738 .
Alvin R. Bush DamPA ClintonKettle CrF73.4937.0840.01,430160FCA Sep 54.
Arkport DamNY SteubenCanisteo RF8.01,304.01,218.01920 PL 74-738 .
Aylesworth Cr LkPA LackawannaAylesworth CrF1.71,150.01,108.0877 PL 87-874 .
Beltzville Dam & LkPA Carbon, MonroePohopoco CrF27.0651.0628.01,411947 PL 87-874 .
Bloomington LkMD GarretNorth Branch Potomac RF36.21,500.01,466.01,184952 PL 87-874 .
Blue Marsh Dam & LkPA Lebanon BerksTulpehocken CRF27.1307.0290.02,1591,147 PL 87-874 .
Cowanesque LkPA TiogaCowanesque RF82.01,117.01,045.02,060410 PL 85-500 .
Curwensville LkPA ClearfieldWest Branch Susquehanna RF114.71,228.01,162.03,020790FCA Sep 54.
East Sidney LkNY DelawareOuleout CrF30.21,203.01,150.01,100210 PL 74-738 .
Foster Joseph Sayers DamPA CentreBald Eagle CrF70.2657.0630.03,4501,730FCA Sept 54.
Francis E. Walter Dam & ResPA Carbon, Luzerne, MonroeLehigh RF107.81,450.01,300.01,83080 PL 79-526 .
Gathright Dam & Lk MoomawVA Alleghany, BathJackson RF79.91,610.01,582.03,1602,530 PL 79-526 .
General Edgar Jadwin DamPA WayneDyberry CrF24.51,053.0973.06590 PL 80-858 .
Prompton Dam & ResPA WayneW Br Lackawaxen RF48.51,205.01,125.0910290 PL 80-858 .
Raystown LkPA HuntingdonRaystown BrF248.0812.0786.010,8008,300 PL 87-874 .
Stillwater LkPA SusquehannaLackawanna RF11.61,621.01,572.042283 PL 77-228 .
Tioga-Hammond Lakes HammondPA TiogaCrooked CrF54.21,131.01,086.01,770680 PL 85-500 .
Tioga-Hammond Lakes TiogaPA TiogaTioga RF52.51,131.01,081.01,630470 PL 85-500 .
Whitney Piont LkNY BroomeOtselic RF66.51,010.0973.03,3401,200 PL 74-738 .
York Indian Rock DamPA YorkCodorus CrF28.0435.0370.01,4300 PL 74-738 .
North Central Division
Badhill Dam & ResND BarnesSheyenne RFM68.61,266.01,257.25,4304,430FCA Dec 44.
Brandon Road L&DIL WillIllinois RN8.0539.0538.0300250 PL 71-126 .
Cedars L&DWI OutagamieFox RN1.8703.6698.7255140RHA of 1882, 1885.
Coralville Dam & ResIA JohnsonIowa RF439.0712.0680.024,8003,580 PL 75-761 .
C40.3680.0652.03,5800 PL 75-761 .
Depree L&DWI BrownFox RN9.4591.0586.79260 PL 71-126 .
Dresden Island L&DIL GrundyIllinois RN1.0505.0504.01,6901,550FCA 1958.
Eau Galle Dam & ResWI PierceEau Galle RFCR1.6940.0938.51,5001,350 PL 78-534 .
Farmdale DamIL TazwellFarm CrF11.3616.0551.03850 PL 78-534 .
Fondulac DamIL TazwellFondulac CrF2.3579.0530.0970 PL 78-534 .
Gull Lk Dam & ResMN CassGull RN70.41,194.01,192.713,10012,700RHA 1899.
Highway 75 Dam & ResMN Bigstone, Lacqui, ParleMinnesota RFC11.1952.3947.32,790910FCA Oct 65.
Homme Dam & ResND WalshPark RFM3.71,080.01,074.0190176FCA of 22 Dec 44.
L&D 1MN Hennepin, RamseyMississippi RN13.0725.1722.85,8005,500RHA 1910.
L&D 2MN Dakota, WashMississippi RN8.0687.2686.511,81011,000RHA 1927.
L&D 3MN Goodhue, PierceMississippi RN17.8675.0674.017,95017,650RHA 1930.
L&D 4WI Wabasha, BuffaloMississippi RN18.0667.0666.538,82036,600RHA 1930.
L&D 5MN Winona, BuffaloMississippi RN6.2660.0659.512,68012,000RHA 1930.
L&D 5AMN Winona, BuffaloMississippi RN7.2651.0650.07,5007,000RHA 1930.
L&D 6MN WinonaMississippi RN8.4645.5644.58,8708,000RHA 1930.
L&D 7MN WinonaMississippi RN2.6639.0639.013,44013,400RHA 1930.
WI LaCrosse
L&D 8MN HoustonMississippi RN20.4631.0630.020,80020,000RHA 1930.
WI Vernon
L&D 9WI CrawfordMississippi RN28.7620.0619.029,12528,300RHA 1930.
IA Allamakee
L&D 10IA ClaytonMississippi RN16.8611.0610.017,07016,500RHA 1930.
WI Grant
L&D 11IA DubuqueMississippi RN19.1603.1602.021,10020,000 PL 71-520 .
L&D 12IA JacksonMississippi RN12.2592.1591.013,00012,400 PL 71-520 .
L&D 13IL WhitesideMississippi RN24.2583.1582.030,00028,500 PL 71-520 .
L&D 14IA ScottMississippi RN9.0572.1571.010,5009,980 PL 71-520 .
L&D 15IL Rock IslandMississippi RN5.5561.1559.03,7253,540 PL 71-520 .
L&D 16IL Rock IslandMississippi RN12.1545.1544.013,00012,400 PL 71-520 .
L&D 17IL MercerMississippi RN7.5537.1536.07,5807,200 PL 71-520 .
L&D 18IL HendersonMississippi RN11.0529.1528.013,30012,600 PL 71-520 .
L&D 19IA LakeMississippi RN55.0518.2517.233,50031,800 PL 71-520 .
L&D 20MO LewisMississippi RN5.8481.5476.57,9607,550 PL 71-520 .
L&D 21IL AdamsMississippi RN8.6470.1469.69,3908,910 PL 71-520 .
L&D 22MO PolkeMississippi RN8.4459.6459.18,6608,230 PL 71-520 .
Lac qui Parle Dam & ResMN Chippewa SwiftMinnesota RFC119.3941.1931.213,5006,400FCA of 22 Jun 36.
Lagrange L&DIL BrownIllinois RN0.0429.0429.010,50010,500 PL 73-184 .
Leech Lake Dam & ResMN CassLeech RN300.21,295.71,293.2139,000107,200RHA of 1882 1895.
Little Kaukauna L&DWI BrownFox RN3.6601.0592.844742.0RHA of 1882 1885.
Little Chute L&DWI OutagamieFox RN0.4694.2688.97467RHA of 1882 1885.
Lockport LockIL WillChicago San Ship CanalFNP2.7579.0577.51,8501,800RHA 1930.
Lower Appleton L&DWI OutagamieFox RN0.2710.9706.34340RHA of 1882 1895.
Marseilles Lk & DamIL LaSalleIllinois RN0.7483.0482.81,4001,320 PL 71-126 .
Marsh Lake Dam & ResMN Swift, Lacqui, ParleMinnesota RFC23.9941.1937.68,6505,150FCA Jun 36.
Menasha Dam Lk WinnebagoWI WinnebagoFox RFN452.0746.8743.5181,120168,500
Mount Morris DamNY LivingstonGenesee RF337.4760.0585.03,3000 PL 74-738 .
O'Brien L&DIL CookCalumetN0.3581.9578.25050RHA of 1946.
Peoria L&DIL PeoriaIllinois RN0.0440.0440.027,80027,800 PL 73-184 .
Pine Dam & ResMN Crow WingPine RN40.41,230.31,227.313,90013,000RHA of 1899.
Pokegama Dam & ResMN ItascaMississippi RN52.41,274.41,270.313,70012,000RHA of 1899.
Rapid Croche L&DWI OutagamieFox RN3.4608.5602.15680RHA 1885.
Red Lake Dam & ResMN ClearwaterRed Lake RFA1,810.01,174.01,173.5288,800287,300FCA Dec 44.
Red Rock Dam & ResIA MarionDes Monies RF1,670.0780.0728.065,4008,000 PL 75-761 .
R72.0728.0690.08,0000 PL 75-761 .
Reservation Control ResMN TraverseFC58.8981.0976.012,40010,950FCA 1936.
SD Roberts
Sandy Lake Dam & ResMN AitkinSandy RN37.51,218.31,214.310,6008,200RHA of 1899.
Saylorville Dam & ResIA PolkDes Moines RF586.0890.0836.016,7005,950FCA 1936.
St Anthony Falls Lwr L&DMN HennepinMississippi RN0.0750.0750.05050RHA of 1937 1945.
St Anthony Falls Upr L&DMN HennepinMississippi RN17.4801.0799.08,8008,600RHA of 1937 1945.
Starved Rock L&DIL LaSalleIllinois RN1.0459.0458.01,1551,020 PL 69-100 .
Upper Appleton L&DWI OutagamieFox RN7.4738.7735.41,1711,040RHA of 1882 1885.
Upper Kaukauna L&DWI OutagamieFox RN1.1656.8652.8134115RHA of 1882 1885.
White Rock Dam & ResMN TraverseBois De SouixFC78.6981.0972.010,5004,000FCA 1936.
SD Roberts
Winnibigoshish Dam & ResMN Cass ItascaMississippi RN98.71,300.91,296.998,70062,000RHA of 1899.
New England Division
Ball Mountain LkVT WindhamWest RF52.41,017.0830.581020 PL 78-534 , 83-780.
Barre Falls DamMA WorcesterWare RF24.0807.0761.01,4000 PL 78-228 .
Birch Hill DamMA WorcesterMillers RF49.9852.0815.03,2000 PL 75-761 .
Black Rock LkCT LitchfieldBranch BrookF8.5520.0437.019021 PL 86-45 .
Blackwater DamNH MerrimackBlackwater RF46.0566.0515.03,2800 PL 75-111 .
Buffumville LkMA WorcesterLittle RF11.3524.0492.5530200 PL 77-228 .
Colebrook River LkCT LitchfieldWest BranchF50.2761.0708.01,185750 PL 86-645 .
MA BekshireFarmington R
Conant Brook DamMA HampdenConant BrookF3.7757.0694.01580 PL 86-645 .
East Brimfield LkMA Hampden, WorcesterQuinebaug RF29.9653.0632.02,300360 PL 77-228 .
Edward MacDowell LkNH HIllsboroNubanusit BrookF12.8946.0911.0840165 PL 75-111 .
Everett LkNH Hillsboro, MerrimackPiscataquog RF91.5418.0340.02,900130 PL 75-761 .
Franklin Falls DamNH Belknap, MerrimackPemigewasset RF150.6389.0307.02,800440 PL 75-111 .
Hancock Brook LkCT LitchfieldHancock BrookF3.9484.0460.026640 PL 86-645 .
Hodges Village DamMA WorcesterFrench RF13.3501.0465.57400 PL 77-228 .
Hop Brook LkCT New HavenHop BrookF6.9364.0310.027021 PL 86-645 .
Hopkinton LkNH MerrimackContoocook RF70.1416.0380.03,700220 PL 75-761 .
Knightville DamMA HampshireWestfield RF49.0610.0480.09600 PL 75-761 .
Littleville LkMA Hampden, HampshireMiddle Br, Westfield RF23.0576.0518.0510275 PL 85-500 .
Mansfield Hollow LkCT TollandNatchaug RF49.2257.0205.51,880200 PL 77-228 .
New Bedford-Fairhaven Hurr BarrierMA BristolF0.00.00.000 PL 85-500 .
North Hartland LkVT WindsorOttauquechee RF68.8546.5425.01,100215 PL 75-761 .
North Springfield LkVT WindsorBlack RF50.0545.5467.01,200100 PL 75-761 .
Northfield Br LkCT LitchfieldNorthfield BrF2.4576.0500.0677 PL 86-645 .
Otter Br LkNH CheshireOtter BrookF17.6781.0701.037470 PL 83-780 .
Stamford Hurr BarrierCT FairfieldF0.00.00.000 PL 86-645 .
Surry Mountain LkNH CheshireAshuelot RF31.7550.0500.0970260 PL 75-761 .
Thomaston DamCT LitchfieldNaugatuck RF42.0494.0380.09600 PL 78-534 .
Townshend LkVT WindhamWest RF32.9553.0478.073595 PL 78-534 , PL 83-780.
Tully LkMA WorcesterEast Br Tully RF20.5668.0636.01,13078 PL 75-761 .
Union Village DamVT OrangeOmpompanoosuc RF38.0564.0420.07400 PL 74-738 .
West Hill DamMA WorcesterWest RF12.4264.0234.01,0250 PL 78-534 .
West ThomsponCT WindhamQuinebaug RF25.6342.5305.01,250200 PL 86-645 .
Westville LakeMA WorcesterQuinebaug RF11.0572.0525.091323 PL 77-228 .
North Pacific Division
Albeni Falls Dam, Lk Pend, OreilleID BonnerPend Oreille RFNP1,155.02,062.52,049.795,00086,000 PL 81-516 .
Applegate LkOR JacksonApplegate RFIR75.21,987.01,854.0988221FCA 1962, PL 87-874, PL 87-874.
Big Cliff DamOR Marion, LinnN Santiam RP3.51,206.01,182.013098HD 544, PL 75-761, PL 87-874.
Blue River LkOR LaneBlue RF6.51,357.01,350.0975940HD 531.
FNI78.81,350.01,180.0940133 PL 81-516 .
Bonneville L&D LkWA SkamaniaColumbia RNP138.077.070.020,80019,850RHA 1935.
Chena River LakesAK North Star BuroughChena RF34.0506.7490.05,400400 PL 90-483 .
Chief Joseph Dam Rufus Woods LkWA Douglas, OkanoganColumbia RP192.3956.0930.08,4006,800HD 693, PL 79-525.
Cottage Grove LkOR LaneCoast Fk, Willamete RF29.8791.0750.01,155295HD 544, PL 75-761.
Cougar LkOR LaneSouth FkF11.31,699.01,690.01,2801,235HD 531.
FNPI143.91,690.01,532.01,235635 PL 81-516 .
P9.91,532.01,516.0635602 PL 83-870 .
Detroit LkOR MarionNorth SantiamF19.11,569.01,563.03,4903,455HD 544, PL 75-761.
Dexter DamOR LaneMiddle Fk, Willamette RFNPI4.8695.0690.0990940HD 544, PL 75-761 .
Dorena LkOR LaneCow RF5.5835.0832.01,8851,815HD 544.
FNI65.0832.0770.51,815520PL 75-761.
Dworshak Dam and ResID ClearwaterNorth Fk, Clearwater RFNP2,016.01,600.01,445.017,0909,050HD 403, PL 87-874.
Fall Cr Dam and LkOR LaneFall CrF7.5834.0830.01,8651,760HD 531.
FNI107.5830.0728.01,760460 PL 81-516
Fern Ridge LkOR LaneLong Tom RF15.7375.1373.510,3059,340HD 544.
FNI93.9373.5353.09,3401,515 PL 75-761
Foster LakeOR LinnSouth Santiam RF4.9641.0637.01,2601,195HD 544
FNPI24.9637.0613.01,195895 PL 86-645
Green Peter LkOR LinnMiddle Fk, Santiam RF18.31,015.01,010.03,7053,605HD 531.
FNPI249.91,010.0992.03,6052,072 PL 81-516 , PL 83-780.
Hills Creek LkOR LaneMiddle Fk, Willamette RF5.61,543.01,541.02,8502,710HD 531.
FNPI194.61,541.01,448.02,7101,575 PL 81-516 .
Howard Hanson DamWA KingGreen RF80.01,206.01,141.01,750763HD 531.
FA25.61,141.01,040.076313 PL 81-516 .
Ice Harbor Dam Lk SacajaweaWA Walla, Walla, FranklinSnake RNP24.9440.0437.08,3708,210HD 704, PL 79-14.
John Day Dam Lk UmatillaOR ShermanColumbia RF158.0268.0265.055,00052,000HD 531.
FNP150.0265.0262.052,00049,000 PL 81-516 .
Libby Dam Lk KoocanusaMT LincolnKootenai RFP4,979.52,459.02,287.046,36514,391HD 531, PL 81-516.
Little Goose L&D Lk BryanWA Columbia, WhitmanSnake RPN49.0638.0633.010,0309,620HD 704, PL 79-14.
Lookout Point LkOR LaneMiddle Fk, Willamette RP12.2825.0819.02,0901,860HD 544.
FNPI324.2926.0825.04,2552,090 PL 75-761 .
Lost Creek LkOR JacksonRogue RFPIR315.01,872.01,751.03,4301,800HD 566, PL 87-874.
Lower Granite L&DWA Garfield, WhitmanSnake RNPI43.6738.0733.08,9008,540HD 704, PL 79-14.
Lucky Peak Dam and LkID AdaBoise RF13.93,060.03,055.02,8172,745 PL 79-526 .
Lwr Monumental L&D Lk HG WestWA Walla, Walla, FranklinSnake RNP20.0540.0537.06,7006,550HD 704, PL 79-14.
McNary L&D, Dam Lk WallulaWA BentonColumbia RNP185.0340.0335.038,80036,000HD 704, PL 79-14.
OR Umatilla
Mill Creek Dam LkWA Walla, WallaMill CrF7.51,265.01,205.022553HD 578, PL 75-761.
Mud Mountain DamWA King, PierceWhite RF106.31,215.0895.09630 PL 74-738 .
The Dalles L&D Lk CeliloWA KlickitatColumbia RNP52.5160.0155.011,20010,350HD 531, PL 81-516.
OR Wasco
Willow Creek LkOR MorrowWillow CrF11.62,113.52,047.026996 PL 89-298 .
Wynoochee Dam and LkWA Grays, HarborWynoochee RFMCA65.4800.0700.01,170193HD 601, PL 93-251.
Ohio River Division
Allegheny L&D 2PA AlleghenyAllegheny RN0.0721.0710.000RHA 1935.
Allegheny L&D 3PA AlleghenyAllegheny RN0.0734.5721.000RHA 1935.
Allegheny L&D 4PA Allegheny WestmorelandAllegheny RN0.0745.0734.500RHA 1912.
Allegheny L&D 5PA ArmstrongAllegheny RN0.0756.8745.000RHA 1912
Allegheny L&D 6PA ArmstrongAllegheny RN0.0769.0756.800RHA 1912.
Allegheny L&D 7PA ArmstrongAllegheny RN0.0782.1769.000RHA 1912.
Allegheny L&D 8PA ArmstrongAllegheny RN0.0800.0782.100RHA 1912, 1935.
Allegheny L&D 9PA ArmstrongAllegheny RN0.0822.0800.000RHA 1935.
Allegheny Res Kinzua DamPA WarrenAllegheny RF607.01,365.01,328.021,18012,080 PL 74-738 .
Alum Cr LkOH DelawareAlum CrF53.1901.0888.04,8523,387 PL 87-874 .
Atwood LkOH TuscarawasIndian Fk CrF26.1941.0928.02,4601,540PW 1933.
Barkley Dam Lk BarkleyKy Lyon, LivgstCumberland RF1,213.0375.0359.093,43057,920 PL 79-525 .
Barren River LkKY Allen, BarrenBarren RF558.8590.0552.020,15010,000 PL 75-261 .
Beach City LkOH TuscarawasSugar CrF69.9976.5948.06,150420PW 1933.
Beech Fk LkWV WayneBeech Fk CrF28.3614.5592.01,847725 PL 87-874 .
Belleville L&DWV WoodOhio RN0.0582.0560.000RHA 1909.
OH Meigs
Berlin LkOH Mahoning, PortageMahoning RF38.31,032.01,024.75,5003,590 PL 75-761 .
Bluestone LkWV SummersNew RF592.61,520.01,410.09,1802,040 PL 74-738 .
FCR7.51,410.01,406.02,0401,800 PL 75-761 .
Bolivar DamOH Stark, TuscarawasSandy CrF149.6962.0895.06,5000PW 1933.
Brookville LkIN FranklinE Fork of Whitewater RFMR128.4748.0713.05,2602,430 PL 75-761 .
Buckhorn LkKY LeslieMiddle Fk of Kentucky RF135.8840.0782.03,6101,230 PL 75-761 .
Burnsville LkWV BraxtonL Kanawha RF51.5825.0789.01,902965 PL 75-761 .
CJ Brown Dam & ResOH ClarkBuck CrF26.81,023.01,012.02,7202,120 PL 87-874 .
CM Harden LkIN ParkeRaccoon CrF83.5690.0661.03,9102,060 PL 75-761
Caesar Cr LkOH WarrenCaesar CrF140.2883.0849.06,1102,830 PL 75-761 .
Cagles Mill LkIN PutmanMill CrF201.0704.0636.04,8401,400 PL 75-761 .
Cannelton L&DKY HancockOhio RN0.0383.0358.000RHA 1909
IN Perry
Carr Fk LkKY KnottCarr CrF25.11,055.01027.01,120710 PL 87-874 .
Cave Run LkKY RowanLicking RF391.5765.0730.014,8708,270 PL 74-738
Center Hill LkTN DekalbCaney FKF762.0685.0648.023,06018,220 PL 75-761 .
Charles Mill LkOH AshlandBlack FkF80.61,020.0997.06,0501,350PW 1933.
Cheatham L&DTN CheathamCumberland RP19.8385.0382.07,4505,630RHA 1946, PL 396 .
N84.2382.0345.05,6300PL 396.
Clendening LkOH HarrisonBrush FkF27.5910.5898.02,6201,800PW 1933.
Conemaugh River LkPA Indiana, WestmorelandConemaugh RF270.0975.0880.06,820300 PL 74-738 , PL 75-761.
Cordell Hull Dam & ResTN SmithCumberland RPR17.8504.5499.012,2009,820RHA 1946.
Crooked Cr LkPA ArmstrongCrooked CrF89.4920.0840.01,940350 PL 74-738 , PL 75-761 .
Dale Hollow LkTN ClayObey RF353.0663.0651.030,99027,700 PL 75-761 .
Dashields L&DPA AlleghenyOhio RN0.0692.0682.000RHA 1909.
Deer Cr LkOH PickawayDeer CrF81.5844.0810.04,0461,277 PL 75-761 .
Delaware LkOH DelawareOlentangy RF118.0947.0915.08,5501,270 PL 75-761
Dewey LkKY FloydJohns CrF76.1686.0650.03,3401,100 PL 75-761
Dillon LkOH MuskingumLicking RF256.5790.0737.010,2801,560PL 75-761.
Dover DamOH TuscarawasTuscarawas RF203.0916.0858.010,1000PW 1933.
E Br Clarion River LakePA ElkE Br Clarion RF19.01,685.01,670.01,3701,160 PL 78-526 .
E Fk Res Wm H Harsha LkOH ClermontE Fk Little Miami RF202.2795.0733.04,6002,160 PL 75-761 .
East Lynn LkWV WayneE Fk TwelvepoleF65.3701.0662.02,3511,005 PL 75-761 .
Emsworth L&DPA AlleghenyOhio RN0.0710.0692.000RHA 1909.
Fishtrap LkKY PikeLevisa FkF126.7825.0757.02,6811,131 PL 75-761 .
Gallipolis L&DWV MasonOhio RN0.0538.0515.000RHA 1935.
OH Gallia
Grayson LkKY CarterL Sandy RF89.6681.0645.03,6331,509 PL 86-645 .
Green R L&D 1KY HendersonGreen RN0.0349.1337.300RHA 1888.
Green R L&D 2KY McLeanGreen RN0.0363.4349.100RHA 1888.
Green River LkKY TaylorGreen RF479.1713.0675.019,1008,210 PL 75-761 .
Greenup L&D 3KY GreenupOhio RN0.0515.0485.000RHA 1909.
OH Scioto
Hannibal L&DWV WetzelOhio RN0.0623.0602.000RHA 1909.
OH Monroe
Hildebrand L&DWV MonongaliaMonongahelaN0.0835.0814.000RHA 1950.
Huntington LkIN HuntWabash RF140.6798.0749.07,900900 PL 85-500 .
J Percy Priest Dam & ResTN DavidsonStones RF252.0504.5490.522,72014,400 PL 75-761 .
JW Flannagan Dam & ResVA DickensonPound RF78.61,446.01,396.02,0981,143 PL 75-761 .
Kentucky R L&D 1KY CarrollKentucky RN0.0430.0421.800RHA 1879.
Kentucky R L&D 2KY Henry OwenKentucky RN0.0444.0430.000RHA 1879.
Kentucky R L&D 3KY Henry OwenKentucky RN0.0457.1444.000RHA 1879.
Kentucky R L&D 4KY FranklinKentucky RN0.0470.4457.100RHA 1879.
Laurel River LkKY Laurel, WhitleyLaurel RP185.01,018.5982.06,0604,200 PL 86-645 .
Leesvillie LakeOH CarrollMcGuire Cr.F17.9977.5963.01,4701,000PW 1933.
London L&DWV KanawhaKanawha RN0.0614.0590.000RHA 1930.
Loyalhanna LkPA WestmorelandLoyalhanna CrF93.3975.0910.03,280210 PL 74-738 .
FC0.00.00.000 PL 75-761 .
M J Kirwan Dam & ResOH PortageW. Br Mahoning RF22.0993.0985.53,2402,650PL-74-738
FCAR52.9985.5951.02,650570 PL 75-761 .
Mahoning Cr LkPA ArmstrongMahoning CrF64.71,162.01,098.02,370280 PL 74-738 .
FRC5.11,098.01,075.0280170 PL 75-761 .
Markland L&DIN SwitzerlandOhio RN0.0455.0420.000RHA 1909
KY Gallatin
Marmet L&DWV Kanawha RKanawhaN0.0590.0566.000RHA 1930.
Martins Fk LkKY HarlanMartins Fk of Clover RF14.31,341.01,310.0578340 PL 89-298 .
Maxwell L&DPA Fayette WashingtonMonongahela RN0.0763.0743.500RHA 1909.
McAlpine L&DKY JeffersonOhio RN0.0420.0383.000RHA 1909.
IN Clark
Meldahl L&DKY BrackenOhio RN0.0485.0455.000RHA 1909.
OH Clermont
Mississinewa LkIN MiamiMIssissinewa RF293.2779.0737.012,8303,180 PL 85-500 .
Mohawk DamOH CoshoctonWalhonding RF285.0890.0799.27,9500PW 1933.
Mohicanville DamOH AshlandLk ForkF102.0963.0932.08,8000PW 1933.
Monongahela R L&D 2PA AlleghenyMonongahela RN0.0718.7710.000RHA 1902.
Monongahela R L&D 3PA AlleghenyMonongahela RN0.0726.9718.700RHA 1905.
Monongahela R L&R 4PA Washington WestmorelandMonongahela RN0.0743.5726.900RHA 1909.
Monongahela R L&D 7PA Greene, FayetteMonongahela RN0.0778.0763.000RHA 1922.
Monongahela R L&D 8PA Greene, FayetteMonongahela RN0.0797.0778.000RHA 1922, 1950, 1973.
Monroe LkIN MonroeSalt CrF258.8556.0538.018,45010,750FCA 1958.
Montgomery Island L&DPA BeaverOhio RN0.0682.0664.500RHA 1909.
Morgantown L&DWV Monongalia Monongahela RN0.0814.0797.000RHA 1909.
Mosquito Cr LkOH TrumbullMosquito CrF21.7904.0901.48,9007,850 PL 75-761 .
N Br Kokosing River LkOH KnoxNorth Br of Kokosing RF13.91,146.01,121.01,140154 PL 87-874 .
N Fk Pound LkVA WiseN Fk Pound RF8.01,644.01,611.0349154 PL 86-645 .
New Cumberland L&DWV HancockOhio RN0.0664.5644.000RHA 1909.
OH Jefferson
Newburgh L&DKY HendersonOhio RN0.0358.0342.000RHA 1909.
IN Warrick
Nolin LkKY EdmonsonNolin RF439.2560.0515.014,5305,790 PL 75-761 .
Ohio R L&D 52KY McCrackenOhio RN0.0302.0290.000RHA 1909, 1910, 1918.
IL Massac
Ohio R L&D 53KY BallardOhio RN0.0290.0276.600RHA 1909, 1910, 1918.
IL Pulaski
Old Hickory L&DTN Davidson SumnerCumberland RP63.0445.0442.022,50019,550RHA 1946.
Opekiska L&DWV MonongahelaMonongahela RN0.0857.0835.000RHA 1950.
Paint Cr LkOH Ross, HighlandPaint CrF124.7845.0798.04,7611,190 PL 75-761 .
Paintsville LkKY JohnsonPaint CrF32.8731.0709.01,8671,139 PL 89-298 .
Patoka LkIN DuBoisPatoka RF121.1548.0536.011,3008,880 PL 89-298 .
Piedmont LkOH HarrisonStillwater CrF32.2924.6913.03,1702,310PW 1933.
Pike Island L&DWV OhioOhio RN0.0644.0623.000RHA 1909.
OH Belmont
Pleasant Hill LkOH AshlandClear FkF74.21,065.01,020.02,600850PW 1933.
R D Bailey LkWV Mingo, WyomingGuyandot RF169.51,155.01,035.02,850630 PL 87-874 .
Racine L&DWV MasonOhio RN0.0560.0538.000RHA 1909.
OH Meigs
Rough River LkGrayson, BreckinridgeRough RF214.4524.0495.010,2605,100 PL 75-761 .
Salamonie LkIN WabashSalamonie RF202.9793.0755.09,3402,860 PL 85-500 .
Senecaville LkOH GuernseySeneca FkF45.1842.5832.25,1703,550PW 1933.
Shenango River LkPA MercerShenango RF151.0919.0896.011,0903,560 PL 75-761 .
Smithland L&DKY LivingstonOhio RN0.0324.0302.000RHA 1909.
IL Pope
Summersville LkWV NicholasGauley RF221.91,710.01,1652.04,9132,790 PL 75-761 .
Sutton LkWV BraxtonElk RFCAR60.0925.0850.01,520270 PL 75-761 .
Tappan LkOH HarrisonL Stillwater CrF26.5909.0899.33,1002,350PW 1933.
Tionesta LkPA ForestTionesta CrF125.61,170.01,085.02,770480 PL 74-738 . PL 75-761 .
Tom Jenkins Dam, Burr Oak, LkOH AthensE Br Sandy CrF17.6740.0721.01,192664FCA 1944.
FRM5.8721.0710.0664394 PL 78-534 .
Tygart LakeWV TaylorTygart RF178.11,167.01,094.03,4301,740PWA 1934.
Union City ResPA ErieFrench CrF47.61,278.01,210.02,2900 PL 87-874 .
Uniontown L&DKY UnionOhio RN0.0342.0324.000RHA 1909.
IN Posey
W FK of Mill Cr Winton Woods LkOH HamiltonW Fk Mill CrF9.8702.0675.0557183 PL 79-526 .
Willow Island L&DWV PleasantsOhio RN0.0602.0582.000RHA 1909.
OH Washington
Wills Cr LkOH Coshockton Wills Cr, MuskingumF190.0779.0742.011,450900PW 1933.
Winfield L&DWV PutnamKanawha RN0.0566.0538.000RHA 1935.
Wolf Cr Dam, Lk CumberlandKY RussellCumberland RP2,142.0723.0673.050,25035,820
F2,094.0760.0723.063,53050,250 PL 75-761 .
Woodcock Cr LkPA CrawfordWoodcock CrF15.01,209.01,181.0775325FCA 1962.
Youghiogheny R LkPA FayetteYoughiogheny RF99.51,470.01,439.03,5702,840FCA 1938.
South Atlantic Division
Aberdeen L&D and ResMS MonroeTombigbee RN3.9190.5189.54,3593,883 PL 79-525 .
Aliceville Lock Dam & ResAL PickensTombigbee RN7.6136.5135.58,6557,945 PL 79-525 .
Allatoona Dam & ResGA BartowEtowah RF302.6860.0840.019,20111,862 PL 77-228 .
B Everett Jordan Dam & LkNC ChathamHaw RF538.4240.0216.031,81113,942 PL 88-253 .
Bay Springs Lock Dam & ResMS TishomingoTombigbee RN37.0414.0408.06,7005,740 PL 79-525 .
Buford Dam Lk, Sidney LanierGA Forsyth, GwinnettChattahoochee RF
PL 79-14 .
Carters Dam & ResGA MurrayCoosawattee RF89.21,099.01,074.03,8803,275 PL 79-14 .
Claiborne Lock Dam & ResAL MonroeAlabama RN16.635.032.05,9305,210 PL 79-14 .
Clarks Hill Dam & LkGA ColumbiaSavannah RF390.0335.0330.078,50071,100 PL 78-534 .
SC McCormickFP1,045.0330.0312.071,10045,000
Coffeeville Lock Dam & ResAL Clark, ChoctawTombigbee RN19.932.530.08,5007,500 PL 60-317 .
Columbus Lock Dam & ResMS LowndesTombigbee RN8.5163.5162.59,4008,500 PL 79-525 .
Demopolis Lock Dam & ResAL Sumter, MarengoTombigbee RN0.073.073.010,00010,000 PL 60-317 .
Falls Dam & LkNC WakeNeuse RF220.9264.0250.120,81011,310 PL 89-298 .
G W Andrews L&D and ResAL HoustonChattahoochee RN8.2102.096.01,5401,190 PL 79-14 .
GA Early
Gainesville L&D and ResAL Sumter, GreeneTombigbee RN5.8109.5108.56,9205,900 PL 79-525 .
Hartwell Dam & LkGA HartSavannah RF293.0665.0660.061,40055,950 PL 81-516 .
SC AndersonFP1,416.0660.0625.055,95027,650
Holt Lock Dam & ResAL TuscaloosaBlack-Warrior RNP3.3187.0186.03,2963,252 PL 60-317 .
Inglis Dam Lk RousseauFL Levy, Marion, CitrusCross FL Barge CanalN13.027.524.04,0302,040 PL 77-675 .
Jim Woodruf L&DFL Gadsden, JacksonApalachicola RNP20.077.576.538,85036,000 PL 79-14 .
John H Kerr Dam & ResVA MecklenburgRoanoke RF1,281.4320.0300.083,20048,900 PL 78-534 .
John Hollis Bankhead L&D and ResAL TuscaloosaBlack-Warrior RNP27.1255.0252.09,2458,730 PL 60-168 .
Lk OkeechobeeFL Okeechobee, Glades, Hendry, Palm Beach, MartinCentral and Southern FLFNIMC2,859.017.510.5454,900326,000 PL 71-520 , PL 75-392, PL 79-14, PL 80-858, PL 83-780, PL 90.
Lock AMS MonroeTombigbee RN0.9220.5219.5980850 PL 79-525 .
Lock BMS MonroeTombigbee RN2.7245.5244.52,8412,615 PL 79-525 .
Lock CMS ItawambaTombigbee RN1.6270.5269.51,6991,586 PL 79-525 .
Lock DMS ItawambaTombigbee RN2.0300.5299.52,0211,959 PL 79-525 .
Lock EMS Itawamba, PrentissTombigbee RN0.9330.5329.5889821 PL 79-525 .
Millers Ferry L&DAL WilcoxAlabama RNP16.780.079.017,20116,160 PL 79-14 .
Okatibbee Dam & ResMS LauderdaleOkatibbee CrF46.5352.0343.06,5803,800 PL 87-874 .
Chickasawbay RRMA34.3343.0328.03,8001,275
Philpott Dam & LkVA HenrySmith RF34.2985.0974.03,3702,880 PL 78-534 .
R B Russell Dam and LkGA ElbertSavannah RF140.0480.0475.029,34026,653 PL 89-789 .
SC AbbevilleFP126.8475.0470.026,65324,117
Robert F Henry Lock Dam & ResAL Autauga, LowndesAlabama RNP44.6125.0124.013,30010,470 PL 79-14 .
Rodman Dam & Lk OcklawahaFL Putman & MarionCross FL Barge CanalN48.023.220.017,35012,950 PL 77-675 .
S-10 & Water Cons Area 1FL Palm BeachCentral and Southern FLF181.918.317.0141,250141,250 PL 80-858 .
S-11 & Water Cons Area 2AFL Palm Beach BrowardCentral and Southern FLF236.316.614.5110,500110,500 PL 80-858 .
FIMC165.014.513.0110,500107,500 PL 83-780 .
S-12 & Water Cons Area 3AFL Broward & DadeCentral and Southern FLF1,661.014.510.5487,200385,000 PL 80-858 .
FIMC465.010.59.5385,000316,000 PL 83-780 .
Selden Lock and ResAL Hale, GreeneBlack-Warrior RN9.195.594.08,2006,900 PL 60-317 .
W Kerr Scott Dam & ResNC WilkesYadkin RF112.01,075.01,030.04,0001,475 PL 79-526 .
Walter F George L&DGA ClayChattahoochee RNP244.0190.0184.045,18136,375 PL 81-516 .
AL Henry
West Point Dam & ResGA TroupChattahoochee RNPMAR306.1635.0620.025,86415,512 PL 87-874 .
William Bacon Oliver L&D and ResAL TuscaloosaBlack Warrior RN0122.9122.9790790 PL 60-317 .
South Pacific Division
Alamo Dam & LkAZ Mohave, YumaBill Williams RF1,046.21,235.01,174.013,3077,045 PL 78-534 .
Bear DamCA MariposaBear CrF7.7413.5344.02650 PL 78-534 .
Black Butte LkCA TehamaStony CrFI137.1473.5414.64,453577 PL 78-534 .
Brea Dam & ResCA OrangeBrea CrF4.0279.0208.01630FCA 1936.
Buchanan Dam H.V. Eastman LkCA MaderaChowchilla RF45.0587.0559.01,7851,482 PL 78-874 .
Burns DamCA MercedBurns CrF6.8300.0266.06620 PL 78-534 .
Carbon Canyon Dam & ResCA OrangeCarbon CrF6.6475.0403.02250 PL 74-738 .
Coyote Valley Dam Lk MendocinoCA MendocinoEast Fork, Russian RF50.1764.8737.51,9221,740 PL 75-761 .
Dry Cr (Warm Springs) Lk & ChannelCA SonomaDry CrF136.0495.0451.13,6002,600 PL 87-874 .
Farmington DamCA San Joaquin, StanislausLittlejohn CrF52.0156.5120.04,1070 PL 78-534 .
Fullerton Dam & ResCA OrangeFullerton CrF0.8290.0261.0620FCA 1936.
Hansen Dam ResCA Los AngelesTujunga WashF25.41,060.0990.07810FCA 1936.
Hidden Dam Hensley LkCA MaderaFresno RF65.0540.0485.81,567811 PL 87-874 .
Isabella LkCA KernKern RFI568.12,605.52,470.011,45426 PL 785-34 .
Lopez Dam ResCA Los AngelesPocoima WashF0.41,272.91,253.7400FCA 1936.
Mariposa DamCA MariposaMariposa CrF15.0439.5370.05120 PL 78-534 .
Martis Cr LkCA NevadaMartis CrF19.65,838.05,780.076261 PL 87-874 .
Mathews Canyon Dam & ResNV LincolnMathews CanyonF6.35,461.05,420.03000 PL 81-516 .
Mojave River Dam & ResCA San BernardinoMojave RF89.73,134.02,988.01,9780 PL 86-645 .
New Hogan LkCA CalaverasCalaveras RF165.0713.0666.24,3332,818 PL 78-534 .
Owens DamCA MariposaOwens CrF3.6407.5347.01740 PL 78-534 .
Painted Roc Dam & ResAZ MaricopaGila RF2,491.5661.0524.053,2000 PL 81-516 .
Pine Canyon Dam & ResNV LincolnPine CanyonF7.85,675.05,604.02540 PL 81-516 .
Pine Flat Lk Kings RCA FresnoKings RF1,000.0951.5565.55,9560 PL 78-534 .
Prado Dam & ResCA RiversideSanta Ana RF196.2543.0460.06,6300FCA 1936.
San Antonio Dam & ResCA Los AngelesSan Antonio CrF7.72,238.02,125.01450FCA 1936.
Santa Fe Dam & ResCA Los AngelesSan Gabriel RF32.1496.0421.01,0840FCA 1936, 1941.
Sepolveda Dam & ResCA Los AngelesLos Angeles RF17.4710.0668.01,3350FCA 1936.
Success LkCA TulareTule RFI75.0652.5588.92,477409 PL 78-534 .
Terminus Dam Lk KaweahCA TulareKaweah RFI136.1694.0570.01,913276 PL 78-534 .
Whitlow Ranch Dam & ResAZ PinalQueen CrF35.62,166.02,056.08280 PL 79-526 .
Whittler Marrows Dam & ResCA Los AngelesSan Gabriel Rio Hondo RF34.9228.5184.02,4110FCA 1936.
Southwestern Division
Abiquiu DamNM Rio ArribaRio ChamaF572.26,283.56,220.07,4694,120 PL 80-858 .
Addicks ResTX HarrisBuffalo BayouF200.8112.071.116,4230HD250-83-2.
Aquilla LkTX HillAquilla CrF161.4564.5537.58,9803,280 PL 90-483 .
Arcadia LkOK OklahomaDeep Fork RF64.41,029.51,006.03,8201,820 PL 91-611 .
B A Steinhagen LkTX Taylor, JasperNeches RF24.583.081.013,70010,950SD98-76-1.
Bardwell LkTX EllisWaxahachie CrF79.6439.0421.06,0403,570 PL 86-399 .
Barker ResTX Harris Ft BendBuffalo BayouF209.0106.073.216,7340HD250-83-2, RHA 1938.
Beaver LkAR Carrol, Benton, WashingtonWhite RF299.61,130.01,120.031,70028,220 PL 83-780 .
FPM925.11,120.01,077.028,22015,540 PL 85-500 .
Belton LkTX BellLeon RF640.0631.0594.023,60012,400 PL 79-526 .
Benbrook LkTX Tarrant, ParkerClear Fk Trinity RF170.4724.0694.07,6303,770HD103-771.
Big Hill LKKN LabetteBig HIll CrF13.1867.5858.01,5201,240 PL 87-874 .
Birch LkOK OsageBirch CrF39.0774.0750.52,3401,140 PL 87-874 .
Blue Mountain LkAR Yell, LoganPetit Jean RF233.3419.0384.011,0002,910PA 75-761.
Broken Bow LkOK McCurtainMountain Fk RF450.2627.5599.518,00014,200 PL 85-500 .
Bull Shoals LkAR Baxter, Marion, BooneWhite RF2,360.0695.0654.071,24045,440 PL 77-228 .
MO Ozark, TaneyPF1,003.0654.0628.545,44033,800
Canton LkOK BlainN Canadian RF265.81,638.01,615.415,7107,910 PL 75-761 .
Canyon LkTX ComalGuadalupe RF346.4934.0909.012,8908,240 PL 79-14 .
Clearwater LkMO Reynolds, WayneBlack RF391.8567.0494.010,4001,630 PL 75-761 .
Cochiti LkNM Sandoval, Sante Fe, Los AlamosRio GrandeF545.05,460.55,356.69,3611,200 PL 86-645 .
Conchas LkNM San MiguelCandian RF198.84,218.04,201.013,6649,692HD 308-74.
Copan LkOK WashingtonL Caney RF184.3732.0710.013,3804,850 PL 87-874 .
KS ChautauquaFMCA42.8710.0687.54,850110HD563-87-2.
Council Grove LkKS MorrisNeosho RF63.81,289.01,274.05,4003,230 PL 81-516 .
DeQueen LkAR SevierRolling Fork RF101.3473.5437.04,0501,680 PL 85-500 .
Dierks LkAR Sevier, HowardSaline RF67.1557.5526.02,9701,360 PL 85-500 .
Eldorado LkKS ButlerWalnut RF79.21,347.51,339.010,7408,000 PL 89-298 .
Elk City LkKS MontgomeryElk RF239.5825.0796.013,1504,450HD440-76-1.
Eufaula LkOK McIntosh, Pittsburg, HaskellCandian RF1,510.9597.0585.0147,960105,480 PL 79-525 .
Fall River LkKS GreenwoodFall RF234.5987.5948.510,4002,350HD440-76-1.
Fort Gibson LkOK WagonerNeosho (Grand) RF919.2582.0554.051,00019,900FEC 1941.
FP53.9554.0551.019,10016,950RHA 1946.
Fort Supply LkOK WoodwardWolf CrF86.82,028.02,004.05,6901,820 PL 74-738 .
Galisteo DamNM Santa FeGalisteo CrF79.45,608.05,496.02,0600 PL 86-645 .
Georgetown LkTX WilliamsonN.F. San Gabriel RF87.6834.0791.03,2201,310 PL 87-874 .
MC29.2791.0699.01,3100HD 591-82-2.
Gillham LkAR Howard, PolkCossatot RF188.7569.0502.04,6801,370 PL 85-500 .
Granger LkTX WilliamsonSan Gabriel RF162.2528.0504.011,0404,400 PL 87-874 .
Grapevine LkTX Denton, TarrantDenton CrF243.1560.0535.012,7107,280HD103-77-1.
Great Salt Plains LkOK AlfalfaSalt FkF240.01,138.51,125.027,7308,693 PL 74-738 .
Arkansas RFC31.41,125.01,115.08,6900
Greers Ferry LkAR Cleburne, Van BurenLittle Red RF934.0487.0461.040,48031,460 PL 75-761 .
FP716.5461.0435.031,46023,740 PL 83-780 .
Heyburn LkOK CreekPolecat CrF48.4784.0761.53,700917 PL 79-526 .
Hords Cr LkTX ColemanHords CrF16.71,920.01,900.01,260510 PL 77-228 .
Hugo LkOK ChoctawKiamichi RF809.1437.5404.534,49013,250 PL 79-526 .
Hulah LkOK OsageCaney RF257.9765.0733.013,0003,570 PL 74-738 .
KS ChautauguaFMA31.1733.0710.03,5700 PL 84-843 .
Jemez Canyon DamNM SandovalJemez RF73.05,232.05,196.12,8771,370 PL 80-858
PL 81-516 .
Joe Pool LkTX Dalla, Ellis, TarrantMountain CrF1,238.0536.0522.010,9407,470 PL 89-298 .
John Martin ResCO BentArkansas RF270.33,870.03,851.017,63011,655 PL 74-738 .
John Redmond Dam & ResKS CoffeeNeosho RF559.01,068.01,039.031,7009,300 PL 81-516 .
Kaw LkOK Kay, OsageArkansas RF919.41,044.51,010.038,02017,040 PL 87-874 .
KS CowleyFMARC343.51,010.0978.017,0405,590
Keystone LkOK TulsaArkansas RF1,180.0754.0723.054,30023,600 PL 81-516 .
L&D 01, NorrellAR ArkansasArkansas Post CanalN0.0142.0142.0140140HD 758-79, RHA 1946.
L&D 02, Wilbur D. Mills DamAR Desha, ArkansasArkansas RN18.7162.3160.510,7009,400HD 758-79, RHA 1946.
L&D 03AR Jefferson, LincolnArkansas RN8.3182.3180.03,7503,180HD 758-79, RHA 1946.
L&D 04AR JeffersonArkansas RN12.9196.3194.05,8205,200HD 758-79, RHA 1946.
L&D 05AR JeffersonArkansas RN14.4213.3211.06,9005,550HD 758-79, RHA 1946.
L&D 06, David D. TerryAR PulaskiArkansas RN9.6231.3229.04,8304,130HD 758-79.
L&D 07, MurrayAR PulaskiArkansas RN24.7249.7247.010,3508,100RHA 1946.
L&D 08, Toad Suck FerryAR Faulkner, PerryArkansas RN8.7265.3263.04,1303,600RHA 1946.
L&D 09, Arthur V. Ormond L&D, W. Rockefeller LkAR ConwayArkansas RN15.8287.0284.05,6604,910HD 758-79.
L&D 10, Lk DardanelleAR Pope YellArkansas RNP72.3338.2336.034,70031,140HD 758-79, RHA 1946.
L&D 11, Ozark-Jetta TaylorAR FranklinArkansasNPR25.3372.5370.011,1008,800RHA 1946, HD 758-79.
L&D 13, James W. TrimbleAR Sebastian, CrawfordArkansas RN18.1392.0389.06,8205,200RHA 1946.
L&D 14, W. D. MayoOK Sequoyah, LefloreArkansas RN0.0413.00.01,6000 PL 79-525 .
L&D 15, Robert S. Kerr ResOK Leflore, SequoyahArkansas RNP84.7460.0458.043,80040,760 PL 79-525 .
L&D 16, Webbers Falls ResOK MuskogeeArkansas RNP32.4490.0487.010,9009,300 PL 79-525 .
L&D 17, ChouteauOK WagonerVerdigris RN0.0511.0511.02,2702,270 PL 79-525 , HD 758-79-2.
L&D 18, Newt GrahamOK WagonerVerdigris RN0.0532.0532.01,4901,490 PL 97-525 .
Lake O' The PinesTX MarionCypress CrF579.5249.5228.538,20018,700 PL 79-526 .
Lavon LkTX CollinEast Fork, Trinity RF
HD 533-78-2.
Lewisville Lk Garza-Little Elm DamTX DentonElm Fork Trinity RF525.2532.0515.039,08023,280HD 403-77-1.
Marion LkKS MarionCottonwood RF60.21,358.51,350.59,0506,200 PL 81-516 .
Millwood LkAR Little R HempsteadLittle RF1,650.0287.0259.295,20029,200 PL 79-526 .
FMC153.3259.2252.029,20013,100HD 785-79.
Navarro Mills LkTX Navarro HillRichland CrF143.2443.0424.511,7005,070HD 498-83-2.
Nimrod LkAR Perry, YellFourche La Fave RF307.0373.0342.018,3003,550FCA 1938.
Norfork LkAR Baxter, FultonNorth Fork RF731.8580.0552.030,70021,990 PL 75-761 .
MO OzarkFP707.0552.0510.021.99012,320FCA 1941
North Fork LkTX WilliamsonN.F. San Gabriel RF87.6834.0791.03,2201,310 PL 87-874 .
MC29.2791.0699.01,3100HD 591-82-2.
O. C. Fisher LkTX Tom GreenN. Concho RF277.21,938.51,908.012,7005,440 PL 77-228 .
Oologah LkOK RogersVerdigris RF965.6661.0638.056,80029,460 PL 75-761 .
Optima LkOK TexasN. Candian RF100.52,779.02,763.57,6405,340 PL 74-738 .
Pat Mayse LkTX LamarSanders CrF64.6460.5451.07,6805,993 PL 87-874 .
FMCR119.9451.0415.05,993996HD 88-71.
Pine CrOK McCurtainLittle RF388.1480.0443.517,2304,980 PL 85-500 .
FMAC77.6443.5414.04,980700HD 170-85-1.
Proctor LkTX ComancheLeon RF310.11,197.01,162.014,0104,610 PL 83-780 , HD 535-81-2.
Sam Rayburn ResTX Jasper, San Augustine, AngelinaAngelina RF1,099.4173.0164.4142,700114,500HD 981-76-1.
Santa RosaNM GuadalupePecos RF340.04,746.24,776.510,7403,823 PL 83-780 .
SardisOK PushmatahJackfork CrF122.6607.0599.016,96013,610HD 602-79-2.
Somerville LkTX Washington, Lee, BurlesonYegua CrF337.7258.0238.024,40011,460 PL 83-780 .
StiatookOK OsageHominy CrF178.0729.0714.013,69010,190HD 563-87.
Stillhouse H. LkTX BellLampasas RF390.6666.0622.011,8306,430 PL 83-780 .
Table Rock LkMO Taney, Stone, BarryWhite RF760.0931.0915.052,25043,070 PL 77-228 .
AR Carroll, BooneFP1,181.50915.0881.043,07027,300FCA 1938.
Tenkiller Ferry LkOK Cherokee, SequoyahIllinois RF576.7667.0632.020,80012,900RHA 1946.
Texoma Lk, Denison DamTX MarshallRed RF2,669.0640.0617.0144,00088,000 PL 75-761 .
OK Bryan, Cook, GraysonFPM1,612.0617.0590.088,00041,000
Toronto LkKS WoodsonVerdigris RF179.8931.0901.511,7402,660HD 440-76-1.
Trinidad LkCO Las AnimasPurgatorie RF58.06,260.06,230.02,1071,453 PL 85-500 .
Two Rivers DamNM ChavesRio Hondo RF150.04,032.03,945.04,8060 PL 83-780 .
Waco LkTX MclennanBosque RF3.3500.0455.019,4407,270 PL 83-780 .
M100.8455.0370.07,2400HD 535-81-2.
Waurika LkOK JeffersonBeaver CrF140.4962.5951.415,00010,100 PL 88-253 .
Whitney LkTX Hill, BosquelBrazos RF1,372.0571.0533.049,82023,560 PL 77-228 .
PM381.9533.0425.023,560475HD 390-76-1.
Wister LkOK LeflorePouteau RF387.0502.5474.623,0705,000 PL 75-761 .
Wright Patman LkTX Bowie, CassSulphur RF2,363.7259.5220.0119,70020,300 PL 79-526 .

1 Res-Reservoir; Lk-Lake; Div-Diversion: R-River; Cr-Creek; Fk-Fork; L&D-Lock & Dam; GIWW-Gulf Intercoastal Waterway; FG-Floodgate; CS-Control Structure: DS-Drainage Structure; PS-Pump Station.

2 F-Flood Control; N-Navigation; P-Hydropower; I-Irrigation; M-Municipal and/or Industrial Water/Supply; C-Fish and Wildlife Conservation; R-Recreation; A-Low Flow Augmentation or Pollution Abatement; Q-Quality or Silt Control.

3 PL-Public Law; HD-House Document; RHA-River & Harbor Act; PW-Public Works: FCA-Flood Control Act; WSA-Water Supply Act.

33 C.F.R. §222.5

47 FR 44544, Oct. 8, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 15804, Apr. 30, 1987; 52 FR 23816, June 25, 1987; 57 FR 35757, Aug. 11, 1992. Redesignated at 60 FR 19851, Apr. 21, 1995