CBBT means the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.
Coast Guard Patrol Commander is a Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer who has been designated by the Commander, Coast Guard Sector Virginia.
Designated representative of the Captain of the Port means a person, including the command duty officer at Coast Guard Sector Virginia or the Coast Guard or Navy Patrol Commander who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port to act on his or her behalf and at his or her request to carry out such orders and directions as needed. All patrol vessels shall display the Coast Guard Ensign at all times when underway.
I-664 Bridge Tunnel means the Monitor Merrimac Bridge Tunnel.
Inland waters means waters within the COLREGS Line of Demarcation.
Thimble Shoal Channel consists of the waters bounded by a line connecting Thimble Shoal Channel Lighted Bell Buoy 1TS, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Gong Buoy 17, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 19, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 21, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 22, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 18, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 2, thence to the beginning.
Thimble Shoal North Auxiliary Channel consists of the waters in a rectangular area 450 feet wide adjacent to the north side of Thimble Shoal Channel, the southern boundary of which extends from Thimble Shoal Channel Lighted Buoy 2 to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 18.
Thimble Shoal South Auxiliary Channel consists of the waters in a rectangular area 450 feet wide adjacent to the south side of Thimble Shoal Channel, the northern boundary of which extends from Thimble Shoal Channel Lighted Bell Buoy 1TS, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Gong Buoy 17, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 19, thence to Thimble Shoal Lighted Buoy 21.
33 C.F.R. §165.501