Note: The Canadian Government has issued similar regulations which apply in the Canadian portion of the waterway. Provisions which apply only in Canadian waters are noted throughout the text.
Captain of the Port means the United States Coast Guard Captain of the Port of Detroit, Michigan.
Detroit River means the connecting waters from Windmill Point Light to the lakeward limits of the improved navigation channels at the head of Lake Erie.
District Commander means Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District, Cleveland, Ohio.
Master means the master or operator, the person designated by the master or operator to navigate the vessel, or, on a vessel not requiring persons holding licenses or merchant mariner credential officer endorsements, the person in command of the vessel.
River Rouge means the waters of the Short Cut Canal and the River Rouge from Detroit Edison Cell Light 1 to the head of navigation.
St. Clair River means the connecting waters from the lakeward limit of the improved navigation channel at the lower end of Lake Huron to St. Clair Flats Canal Light 2.
SARNIA TRAFFIC means the Canadian Coast Guard traffic center at Sarnia Ontario.
33 C.F.R. §162.130