(4)Anchorage D. West of Goat Island, an area bounded by the following coordinates: Northeast Corner: 41°29.484' N, 071°19.975' W
Northwest Corner: 41°29.484' N, 071°20.578' W
Southwest Corner: 41°29.005' N, 071°20.578' W
Southeast Corner: 41°29.005' N, 071°19.975' W
(i) In this area the requirements of the Navy shall predominate from May 1 to October 1, subject at all times to such adjustments as may be necessary to accommodate all classes of vessels which may require anchorage room.(ii) Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors or moorings in place will be allowed in this area. Fixed mooring piles or stakes will not be allowed.(iii) Should any part of an anchored vessel extend into the recommended vessel route in the East Passage of Narragansett Bay, a securite call notifying mariners of the vessel's exact position and status shall be made at least hourly on VHF channels 13 and 16.(iv) As much as practicable vessels anchoring will do so in the following order: (A) Primary anchoring point: 41°29.25' N, 071°20.15' W(B) Secondary anchoring point: 41°29.38' N, 071°20.45' W(C) Tertiary anchoring point: 41°29.15' N, 071°20.50' W Note to paragraph (a): "Anchoring point" is the intended position of the anchor at rest on the bottom of the anchorage. All coordinates referenced use datum: NAD 83.