Original-To the licensee.
Executed copy-To the commanding officer.
Executed copy-To the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command or his designated representative.
Conformed copy-To the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-53).
Conformed copy-To the cognizant commander under § 766.6(b) .
Conformed copy-To the disbursing officer serving the performing activity in the case of local deposits, and to the Office of the Navy Comptroller (NAFC3) in the case of central deposits held at the Washington, DC level.
Conformed copy-To the Military Airlift Command (MAC) for DOD contract or charter airlift operations.
Conformed copy-To the Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service (MTMTS) for DOD contract or charter airlift operations.
32 C.F.R. §766.8