Complete this form, please follow these instructions.
In item #1. Check the block and give the date if this is for an existing agreement or reopener. The FLRA Certification number should be provided if available. If not known, please leave this item blank. Absence of this number will not impede processing of the Form.
In item #2. If other assistance in bargaining is requested please specify: e.g.; impact and implementation bargaining (I&I) and/or mid-term bargaining and provide a brief listing of issues, e.g. Smoking, Alternative Work Schedules (AWS), ground rules, office moves, or if desired, add attached list. This is only if such issues are known at time of filing.
In item #3. Please specify the issues to be considered for grievance mediation. Please refer to FMCS guidelines for processing these requests. Please make certain that both parties sign this request!
In item #4. List the name of the agency, as follows: The Department, and the subdivision or component. For example: U.S. Dept. of Labor, BLS, or U.S. Dept. of Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground, or Illinois National Guard, Springfield Chapter. If an independent agency is involved, list the agency, e.g. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) and any subdivision or component, if appropriate.
In item #5. List the name of the union and its subdivision or component as follows: e.g. Federal Employees Union, Local 23 or Government Workers Union, Western Joint Council.
In item #6. Provide the area where the negotiation or mediation will most likely take place, with zip code, e.g., Washington, D.C. 20427. The zip code is important because our cases are routed by computer through zip code, and mediators are assigned on that basis.
In item #7. Only the approximate number of employees in the bargaining unit and establishment are requested. The establishment is the entity referred to in item 4 as name of subdivision or component, if any.
In item #8. The filing need only be sent by one party unless it is a request for grievance mediation. (See item 9.)
In item #9. Please give the title of the official, phone number, address, and zip code.
In item #10. Both labor and management signatures are required for grievance mediation requests.
Send original to F.M.C.S.
Send one copy to opposite party.
Retain one copy for party filing notice.
29 C.F.R. §1425.2