Current through November 30, 2024
Section 18.51 - Processing material(a)General. A proprietor may produce processing material or receive processing material produced elsewhere. Fermented processing material may not be used in the manufacture of concentrate. Processing material may be used if it contains no more alcohol than is reasonably unavoidable, and must be used when produced, or as soon thereafter as practicable.(b)Record of processing material. A proprietor shall maintain a record, by kind and quantity, of processing material used.T.D. ATF-104, 47 FR 23921, June 2, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-381, 61 FR 37003, July 16, 1996 T.D. ATF-104, 47 FR 23921, 6/2/1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-381, 61 FR 37003, 7/16/1996; 89 FR 87937 , 12/6/2024 Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0022