Section 92.4 - Authority of notarizing officers of the Department of State under Federal law(a) All notarizing officers are required, when application is made to them within the geographic limits of their consular district, to administer to and take from any person any oath, affirmation, affidavit, or deposition, and to perform any notarial act which any notary public is required or authorized by law to perform within the United States. The term "notarial act" as used herein shall not include the performance of extraordinary acts, such as marriages, that have not been traditionally regarded as notarial, notwithstanding that notary publics may be authorized to perform such acts in some of the states of the United States. If a request is made to perform an act that the notarizing officer believes is not properly regarded as notarial within the meaning of this regulation, the officer shall not perform the act unless expressly authorized by the Department upon its determination that the act is a notarial act within the meaning of 22 U.S.C. 4215 and 4221 . The language "within the limits of the consulate" is construed to mean within the geographic limits of a consular district. With respect to notarial acts performed by notarizing officers away from their office, see § 92.7 . Notarial acts shall be performed only if their performance is authorized by treaty provisions or is permitted by the laws or authorities of the country wherein the notarizing officer is stationed.(b) These acts may be performed for any person regardless of nationality so long as the document in connection with which the notarial service is required is for use within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government of the United States or within the jurisdiction of one of the States or Territories of the United States. (However, see also § 92.6 .) Within the Federal jurisdiction of the United States, these acts, when certified under the hand and seal of office of the notarizing officer are valid and of like force and effect as if performed by any duly authorized and competent person within the United States. Documents bearing the seal and signature of a secretary of embassy or legation, consular officer (including consul general, vice consul or consular agent) are admissible in evidence within the Federal jurisdiction without proof of any such seal or signature being genuine or of the official character of the notarizing officer.(c) Every notarizing officer may perform notarial acts for use in countries occupied by the United States or under its administrative jurisdiction, provided the officer has reason to believe that the notarial act will be recognized in the country where it is intended to be used. These acts may be performed for United States citizens and for nationals of the occupied or administered countries, who reside outside such countries, except in areas where another government is protecting the interests of the occupied or administered country.(d) Chiefs of mission, that is, ambassadors and ministers, have no authority under Federal law to perform notarial acts except in connection with the authentication of extradition papers (see § 92.40 ).(e) Consular agents have authority to perform notarial services but acting consular agents do not.22 FR 10858, Dec. 27, 1957, as amended at 27 FR 12616, Dec. 20, 1962; 60 FR 51721, Oct. 3, 1995