21 C.F.R. § 1301.25

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1301.25 - Registration regarding ocean vessels, aircraft, and other entities
(a) If acquired by and dispensed under the general supervision of a medical officer described in paragraph (b) of this section, or the master or first officer of the vessel under the circumstances described in paragraph (d) of this section, controlled substances may be held for stocking, be maintained in, and dispensed from medicine chests, first aid packets, or dispensaries:
(1) On board any vessel engaged in international trade or in trade between ports of the United States and any merchant vessel belonging to the U.S. Government;
(2) On board any aircraft operated by an air carrier under a certificate of permit issued pursuant to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1301 ); and
(3) In any other entity of fixed or transient location approved by the Administrator as appropriate for application of this section (e.g., emergency kits at field sites of an industrial firm).
(b) A medical officer shall be:
(1) Licensed in a state as a physician;
(2) Employed by the owner or operator of the vessel, aircraft or other entity; and
(3) Registered under the Act at either of the following locations:
(i) The principal office of the owner or operator of the vessel, aircraft or other entity or
(ii) At any other location provided that the name, address, registration number and expiration date as they appear on his/her Certificate of Registration (DEA Form 223) for this location are maintained for inspection at said principal office in a readily retrievable manner.
(c) A registered medical officer may serve as medical officer for more than one vessel, aircraft, or other entity under a single registration, unless he/she serves as medical officer for more than one owner or operator, in which case he/she shall either maintain a separate registration at the location of the principal office of each such owner or operator or utilize one or more registrations pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.
(d) If no medical officer is employed by the owner or operator of a vessel, or in the event such medical officer is not accessible and the acquisition of controlled substances is required, the master or first officer of the vessel, who shall not be registered under the Act, may purchase controlled substances from a registered manufacturer or distributor, or from an authorized pharmacy as described in paragraph (f) of this section, by following the procedure outlined below:
(1) The master or first officer of the vessel must personally appear at the vendor's place of business, present proper identification (e.g., Seaman's photographic identification card) and a written requisition for the controlled substances.
(2) The written requisition must be on the vessel's official stationery or purchase order form and must include the name and address of the vendor, the name of the controlled substance, description of the controlled substance (dosage form, strength and number or volume per container) number of containers ordered, the name of the vessel, the vessel's official number and country of registry, the owner or operator of the vessel, the port at which the vessel is located, signature of the vessel's officer who is ordering the controlled substances and the date of the requisition.
(3) The vendor may, after verifying the identification of the vessel's officer requisitioning the controlled substances, deliver the control substances to that officer. The transaction shall be documented, in triplicate, on a record of sale in a format similar to that outlined in paragraph (d)(4) of this section. The vessel's requisition shall be attached to copy 1 of the record of sale and filed with the controlled substances records of the vendor, copy 2 of the record of sale shall be furnished to the officer of the vessel and retained aboard the vessel, copy 3 of the record of sale shall be forwarded to the nearest DEA Division Office within 15 days after the end of the month in which the sale is made.
(4) The vendor's record of sale should be similar to, and must include all the information contained in, the below listed format.

Sale of Controlled Substances to Vessels

(Name of registrant) _______________________________

(Address of registrant) _______________________________

(DEA registration number) _______________________________

Line No.Number of packages orderedSize of packagesName of product Packages distributedDate distributed

FOOTNOTE: Line numbers may be continued according to needs of the vendor.

Number of lines completed _______________________________

Name of vessel _______________________________

Vessel's official number _______________________________

Vessel's country of registry _______________________________

Owner or operator of the vessel _______________________________

Name and title of vessel's officer who presented the requisition _____________

Signature of vessel's officer who presented the requisition ______________

(e) Any medical officer described in paragraph (b) of this section shall, in addition to complying with all requirements and duties prescribed for registrants generally, prepare an annual report as of the date on which his/her registration expires, which shall give in detail an accounting for each vessel, aircraft, or other entity, and a summary accounting for all vessels, aircraft, or other entities under his/her supervision for all controlled substances purchased, dispensed or disposed of during the year. The medical officer shall maintain this report with other records required to be kept under the Act and, upon request, deliver a copy of the report to the Administration. The medical officer need not be present when controlled substances are dispensed, if the person who actually dispensed the controlled substances is responsible to the medical officer to justify his/her actions.
(f) Any registered pharmacy that wishes to distribute controlled substances pursuant to this section shall be authorized to do so, provided:
(1) The registered pharmacy notifies the nearest Division Office of the Administration of its intention to so distribute controlled substances prior to the initiation of such activity. This notification shall be by registered mail and shall contain the name, address, and registration number of the pharmacy as well as the date upon which such activity will commence; and
(2) Such activity is authorized by state law; and
(3) The total number of dosage units of all controlled substances distributed by the pharmacy during any calendar year in which the pharmacy is registered to dispense does not exceed the limitations imposed upon such distribution by § 1307.11(a)(1)(iv) and (b) of this chapter.
(g) Owners or operators of vessels, aircraft, or other entities described in this section shall not be deemed to possess or dispense any controlled substance acquired, stored and dispensed in accordance with this section. Additionally, owners or operators of vessels, aircraft, or other entities described in this section or in Article 32 of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, or in Article 14 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, shall not be deemed to import or export any controlled substances purchased and stored in accordance with that section or applicable article.
(h) The Master of a vessel shall prepare a report for each calendar year which shall give in detail an accounting for all controlled substances purchased, dispensed, or disposed of during the year. The Master shall file this report with the medical officer employed by the owner or operator of his/her vessel, if any, or, if not, he/she shall maintain this report with other records required to be kept under the Act and, upon request, deliver a copy of the report to the Administration.
(i) Controlled substances acquired and possessed in accordance with this section shall be distributed only to persons under the general supervision of the medical officer employed by the owner or operator of the vessel, aircraft, or other entity, except in accordance with part 1317 of this chapter.

21 C.F.R. §1301.25

62 FR 13951, Mar. 24, 1997, as amended at 79 FR 53561, Sept. 9, 2014; 84 FR 68342, Dec. 16, 2019
84 FR 68342, 12/16/2019