19 C.F.R. § 351 app Annex I to Part 351

Current through November 30, 2024
Appendix Annex I to Part 351 - Deadlines for Parties in Countervailing Investigations

Day1 Event Regulation
0 daysInitiation
31 days2Notification of difficulty in responding to questionnaire351.301(c)(2)(iv) (14 days after date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
37 daysApplication for an administrative protective order351.305(b)(3)
40 daysRequest for postponement by petitioner351.205(e) (25 days or more before preliminary determination)
45 daysAllegation of critical circumstances351.206(c)(2)(i) (20 days before preliminary determination)
47 daysQuestionnaire response351.301(c)(2)(iii) (30 days from date of receipt of initial questionnaire)
55 daysAllegation of upstream subsidies351.301(d)(4)(ii)(A) (10 days before preliminary determination)
65 days (Can be extended)Preliminary determination351.205(b)(1)
72 daysSubmission of proposed suspension agreement351.208(f)(1)(B) (7 days after preliminary determination)
75 days3Submission of factual information351.301(b)(1) (7 days before date on which verification is to commence)
75 daysSubmission of ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
77 days4Request to align a CVD case with a concurrent AD case351.210(i) (5 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
102 daysRequest for a hearing351.310(c) (30 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
119 daysCritical circumstances allegation351.206(e) (21 days or more before final determination)
122 daysRequests for closed hearing sessions351.310(f) (No later than the date the case briefs are due)
122 daysSubmission of briefs351.309(c)(1)(i) (50 days after date of publication of preliminary determination)
125 daysAllegation of upstream subsidies351.301(d)(4)(ii)(B) (15 days before final determination)
127 daysSubmission of rebuttal briefs351.309(d) (5 days after dead-line for filing case brief)
129 daysHearing351.310(d)(1) (2 days after submission of rebuttal briefs)
140 days (Can be extended)Final determination351.210(b)(1) (75 days after preliminary determination)
150 daysSubmission of ministerial error comments351.224(c)(2) (5 days after release of disclosure documents)
155 daysSubmission of replies to ministerial error comments351.224(c)(3) (5 days after filing of comments)
192 daysOrder issued351.211(b)

1 Indicates the number of days from the date of initiation. Most of the deadlines shown here are approximate. The actual deadline in any particular segment of a proceeding may depend on the date of an earlier event or be established by the Secretary.

2 Assumes that the Department sends out the questionnaire within 10 days of the initiation and allows 7 days for receipt of the questionnaire from the date on which it was transmitted.

3 Assumes about 17 days between the preliminary determination and verification.

4 Assumes that the preliminary determination is published 7 days after issuance (i.e., signature).

19 C.F.R. § 351 app Annex I to Part 351