I, ________ declare that the spirituous beverages here specified are the products that were produced by me (us), as described below, with the use of rum that was received by me (us); that the rum used in producing the beverages was received by me (us) on
________ (date), from ________ (name and address of owner or exporter in the beneficiary country or in the U.S. Virgin Islands, as applicable); and that such rum accounts for at least 90 percent of the alcoholic content by volume, as shown below, of each spirituous beverage so produced.
Marks and numbers | Description of products and of processing | Alcoholic content of products; alcoholic content (%) attributable to rum1 |
1 The production records must establish, for each lot of beverage produced, the quantity of rum the growth, product or manufacture of a CBI beneficiary country or of the U.S. Virgin Islands under 19 U.S.C. 2703(a)(6) that is used in producing the finished beverage; the alcoholic content by volume of the finished beverage; and the alcoholic content by volume of the finished beverage, expressed as a percentage, that is attributable to the qualifying rum. If rum from two or more qualifying sources (e.g., rum the growth, product or manufacture of a CBI beneficiary country or of the U.S. Virgin Islands and other rum the growth, product or manufacture of another CBI country) are used in processing the beverage, the alcoholic content requirement may be met by aggregating the alcoholic content of the finished beverage that is attributable to rum from each of the qualifying sources used in processing the finished beverage, as reflected in the production records.
Date _______________________________
Address _______________________________
Signature _______________________________
19 C.F.R. §10.199