Any application under this subpart must contain the following information in the form prescribed:
(a)Initial statement.Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Application for License for Major Unconstructed Project or Major Modified Project
(1) [Name of applicant] applies to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a [license or new license, as appropriate] for the [name of project] water power project, as described in the attached exhibits. [Specify any previous FERC project number designation.](2) The location of the proposed project is:State or territory: _______________________________
County: _______________________________
Township or nearby town: _______________________________
Stream or other body of water: _______________________________
(3) The exact name, business address, and telephone number of the applicant are:_______________________________
(4) The applicant is a (citizen of the United States, association of citizens of the United States, domestic corporation, municipality, or State, as appropriate) and (is/is not) claiming preference under section 7(a) of the Federal Power Act. See16 U.S.C. 796 .(5)(i) The statutory or regulatory requirements of the state(s) in which the project would be located and that affect the project as proposed with respect to bed and banks and to the appropriation, diversion, and use of water for power purposes, and with respect to the right to engage in the business of developing, transmitting, and distributing power and in any other business necessary to accomplish the purposes of the license under the Federal Power Act, are: [provide citation and brief identification of the nature of each requirement; if the applicant is a municipality, the applicant must submit copies of applicable state or local laws or a municipal charter or, if such laws or documents are not clear, any other appropriate legal authority, evidencing that the municipality is competent under such laws to engage in the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power.](ii) The steps which the applicant has taken, or plans to take, to comply with each of the laws cited above are: [provide brief description for each requirement]