17 C.F.R. § 270.23c-3

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 270.23c-3 - Repurchase offers by closed-end companies
(a)Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(1)Periodic interval shall mean an interval of three, six, or twelve months.
(2)Repurchase offer shall mean an offer pursuant to this section by an investment company to repurchase common stock of which it is the issuer.
(3)Repurchase offer amount shall mean the amount of common stock that is the subject of a repurchase offer, expressed as a percentage of such stock outstanding on the repurchase request deadline, that an investment company offers to repurchase in a repurchase offer. The repurchase offer amount shall not be less than five percent nor more than twenty-five percent of the common stock outstanding on a repurchase request deadline. Before each repurchase offer, the repurchase offer amount for that repurchase offer shall be determined by the directors of the company.
(4)Repurchase payment deadline with respect to a tender of common stock shall mean the date by which an investment company must pay securities holders for any stock repurchased. A repurchase payment deadline shall occur seven days after the repurchase pricing date applicable to such tender.
(5)Repurchase pricing date with respect to a tender of common stock shall mean the date on which an investment company determines the net asset value applicable to the repurchase of the securities. A repurchase pricing date shall occur no later than the fourteenth day after a repurchase request deadline, or the next business day if the fourteenth day is not a business day. In no event shall an investment company determine the net asset value applicable to the repurchase of the stock before the close of business on the repurchase request deadline.
(i) For an investment company making a repurchase offer pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the number of days between the repurchase request deadline and the repurchase pricing date for a repurchase offer shall be the maximum number specified by the company pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(i)(D) of this section.
(ii) For an investment company making a repurchase offer pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, the repurchase pricing date shall be such date as the company shall disclose to security holders in the notification pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section with respect to such offer.
(iii) For purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a repurchase pricing date may be a date earlier than the date determined pursuant to paragraph (a)(5) (i) or (ii) of this section if, on or immediately following the repurchase request deadline, it appears that the use of an earlier repurchase pricing date is not likely to result in significant dilution of the net asset value of either stock that is tendered for repurchase or stock that is not tendered.
(6)Repurchase request shall mean the tender of common stock in response to a repurchase offer.
(7)Repurchase request deadline with respect to a repurchase offer shall mean the date by which an investment company must receive repurchase requests submitted by security holders in response to that offer or withdrawals or modifications of previously submitted repurchase requests. The first repurchase request deadline after the effective date of the registration statement for the common stock that is the subject of a repurchase offer, or after a shareholder vote adopting the fundamental policy specifying a company's periodic interval, whichever is later, shall occur no later than two periodic intervals thereafter.
(b)Periodic repurchase offers. A registered closed-end company or a business development company may repurchase common stock of which it is the issuer from the holders of the stock at periodic intervals, pursuant to repurchase offers made to all holders of the stock, Provided that:
(1) The company shall repurchase the stock for cash at the net asset value determined on the repurchase pricing date and shall pay the holders of the stock by the repurchase payment deadline except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. The company may deduct from the repurchase proceeds only a repurchase fee, not to exceed two percent of the proceeds, that is paid to the company and is reasonably intended to compensate the company for expenses directly related to the repurchase. A company may not condition a repurchase offer upon the tender of any minimum amount of shares.
(i) The company shall repurchase the security pursuant to a fundamental policy, changeable only by a majority vote of the outstanding voting securities of the company, stating:
(A) That the company will make repurchase offers at periodic intervals pursuant to this section, as this section may be amended from time to time;
(B) The periodic intervals between repurchase request deadlines;
(C) The dates of repurchase request deadlines or the means of determining the repurchase request deadlines; and
(D) The maximum number of days between each repurchase request deadline and the next repurchase pricing date.
(ii) The company shall include a statement in its annual report to shareholders of the following:
(A) Its policy under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section; and
(B) With respect to repurchase offers by the company during the period covered by the annual report, the number of repurchase offers, the repurchase offer amount and the amount tendered in each repurchase offer, and the extent to which in any repurchase offer the company repurchased stock pursuant to the procedures in paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
(iii) A company shall be deemed to be making repurchase offers pursuant to a policy within paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section if:
(A) The company makes repurchase offers to its security holders at periodic intervals and, before May 14, 1993, has disclosed in its registration statement its intention to make or consider making such repurchase offers; and
(B) The company's board of directors adopts a policy specifying the matters required by paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, and the periodic interval specified therein conforms generally to the frequency of the company's prior repurchase offers.
(i) The company shall not suspend or postpone a repurchase offer except pursuant to a vote of a majority of the directors, including a majority of the directors who are not interested persons of the company, and only:
(A) If the repurchase would cause the company to lose its status as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code [26 U.S.C. 851-860 ] ;
(B) If the repurchase would cause the stock that is the subject of the offer that is either listed on a national securities exchange or quoted in an inter-dealer quotation system of a national securities association to be neither listed on any national securities exchange nor quoted on any inter-dealer quotation system of a national securities association;
(C) For any period during which the New York Stock Exchange or any other market in which the securities owned by the company are principally traded is closed, other than customary week-end and holiday closings, or during which trading in such market is restricted;
(D) For any period during which an emergency exists as a result of which disposal by the company of securities owned by it is not reasonably practicable, or during which it is not reasonably practicable for the company fairly to determine the value of its net assets; or
(E) For such other periods as the Commission may by order permit for the protection of security holders of the company.
(ii) If a repurchase offer is suspended or postponed, the company shall provide notice to security holders of such suspension or postponement. If the company renews the repurchase offer, the company shall send a new notification to security holders satisfying the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(i) No less than twenty-one and no more than forty-two days before each repurchase request deadline, the company shall send to each holder of record and to each beneficial owner of the stock that is the subject of the repurchase offer a notification providing the following information:
(A) A statement that the company is offering to repurchase its securities from security holders at net asset value;
(B) Any fees applicable to such repurchase;
(C) The repurchase offer amount;
(D) The dates of the repurchase request deadline, repurchase pricing date, and repurchase payment deadline, the risk of fluctuation in net asset value between the repurchase request deadline and the repurchase pricing date, and the possibility that the company may use an earlier repurchase pricing date pursuant to paragraph (a)(5)(iii) of this section;
(E) The procedures for security holders to tender their shares and the right of the security holders to withdraw or modify their tenders until the repurchase request deadline;
(F) The procedures under which the company may repurchase such shares on a pro rata basis pursuant to paragraph (b)(5) of this section;
(G) The circumstances in which the company may suspend or postpone a repurchase offer pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this section;
(H) The net asset value of the common stock computed no more than seven days before the date of the notification and the means by which security holders may ascertain the net asset value thereafter; and
(I) The market price, if any, of the common stock on the date on which such net asset value was computed, and the means by which security holders may ascertain the market price thereafter.
(ii) The company shall file three copies of the notification with the Commission within three business days after sending the notification to security holders. Those copies shall be accompanied by copies of Form N-23c-3 (§ 274.221 of this chapter) ("Notification of Repurchase Offer"). The format of the copies shall comply with the requirements for registration statements and reports under § 270.8b-12 of this chapter.
(iii) For purposes of sending a notification to a beneficial owner pursuant to paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section, where the company knows that shares of common stock that is the subject of a repurchase offer are held of record by a broker, dealer, voting trustee, bank, association or other entity that exercises fiduciary powers in nominee name or otherwise, the company shall follow the procedures for transmitting materials to beneficial owners of securities that are set forth in § 240.14a-13 of this chapter.
(5) If security holders tender more than the repurchase offer amount, the company may repurchase an additional amount of stock not to exceed two percent of the common stock outstanding on the repurchase request deadline. If the company determines not to repurchase more than the repurchase offer amount, or if security holders tender stock in an amount exceeding the repurchase offer amount plus two percent of the common stock outstanding on the repurchase request deadline, the company shall repurchase the shares tendered on a pro rata basis; Provided, however, That this provision shall not prohibit the company from:
(i) Accepting all stock tendered by persons who own, beneficially or of record, an aggregate of not more than a specified number which is less than one hundred shares and who tender all of their stock, before prorating stock tendered by others; or
(ii) Accepting by lot stock tendered by security holders who tender all stock held by them and who, when tendering their stock, elect to have either all or none or at least a minimum amount or none accepted, if the company first accepts all stock tendered by security holders who do not so elect.
(6) The company shall permit tenders of stock for repurchase to be withdrawn or modified at any time until the repurchase request deadline but shall not permit tenders to be withdrawn or modified thereafter.
(i) The current net asset value of the company's common stock shall be computed no less frequently than weekly on such day and at such specific time or times during the day that the board of directors of the company shall set.
(ii) The current net asset value of the company's common stock shall be computed daily on the five business days preceding a repurchase request deadline at such specific time or times during the day that the board of directors of the company shall set.
(iii) For purposes of section 23(b) [15 U.S.C. 80a-23(b) ], the current net asset value applicable to a sale of common stock by the company shall be the net asset value next determined after receipt of an order to purchase such stock. During any period when the company is offering its common stock, the current net asset value of the common stock shall be computed no less frequently than once daily, Monday through Friday, at the specific time or times during the day that the board of directors of the company shall set, except on:
(A) Days on which changes in the value of the company's portfolio securities will not materially affect the current net asset value of the common stock;
(B) Days during which no order to purchase its common stock is received, other than days when the net asset value would otherwise be computed pursuant to paragraph (b)(7)(i) of this section; or
(C) Customary national, local, and regional business holidays described or listed in the prospectus.
(8) The board of directors of the investment company satisfies the fund governance standards defined in § 270.0-1(a)(7) .
(9) Any senior security issued by the company or other indebtedness contracted by the company either shall mature by the next repurchase pricing date or shall provide for the redemption or call of such security or the repayment of such indebtedness by the company by the next repurchase pricing date, either in whole or in part, without penalty or premium, as necessary to permit the company to repurchase securities in such repurchase offer amount as the directors of the company shall determine in compliance with the asset coverage requirements of section 18 [15 U.S.C. 80a-18 ] or 61 [15 U.S.C. 80a-60 ], as applicable.
(i) From the time a company sends a notification to shareholders pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section until the repurchase pricing date, a percentage of the company's assets equal to at least 100 percent of the repurchase offer amount shall consist of assets that can be sold or disposed of in the ordinary course of business, at approximately the price at which the company has valued the investment, within a period equal to the period between a repurchase request deadline and the repurchase payment deadline, or of assets that mature by the next repurchase payment deadline.
(ii) In the event that the company's assets fail to comply with the requirements in paragraph (b)(10)(i) of this section, the board of directors shall cause the company to take such action as it deems appropriate to ensure compliance.
(iii) In supervising the company's operations and portfolio management by the investment adviser, the company's board of directors shall adopt written procedures reasonably designed, taking into account current market conditions and the company's investment objectives, to ensure that the company's portfolio assets are sufficiently liquid so that the company can comply with its fundamental policy on repurchases, and comply with the liquidity requirements of paragraph (b)(10)(i) of this section. The board of directors shall review the overall composition of the portfolio and make and approve such changes to the procedures as the board deems necessary.
(11) The company, or any underwriter for the company, shall comply, as if the company were an open-end company, with the provisions of section 24(b) [15 U.S.C. 80a-24(b) ] and rules issued thereunder with respect to any advertisement, pamphlet, circular, form letter, or other sales literature addressed to or intended for distribution to prospective investors.
(c)Discretionary repurchase offers. A registered closed-end company or a business development company may repurchase common stock of which it is the issuer from the holders of the stock pursuant to a repurchase offer that is not made pursuant to a fundamental policy and that is made to all holders of the stock not earlier than two years after another offer pursuant to this paragraph (c) if the company complies with the requirements of paragraphs (b) (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7)(ii), (8), (10)(i), and (10)(ii) of this section.
(d)Exemption from the definition of redeemable security. A company that makes repurchase offers pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of this section shall not be deemed thereby to be an issuer of redeemable securities within section 2(a)(32) [15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(32) ] .
(e)Registration of an indefinite amount of securities. A company that makes repurchase offers pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall be deemed to have registered an indefinite amount of securities pursuant to Section 24(f) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80a-24(f) ) upon the effective date of its registration statement.

17 C.F.R. §270.23c-3

58 FR 19343, Apr. 14, 1993; 58 FR 29695, May 21, 1993, as amended at 66 FR 3759, Jan. 16, 2001; 69 FR 46390, Aug. 2, 2004; 85 FR 33360, June 1, 2020
85 FR 33360, 8/21/2021