(v) The following legend: Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund's prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund's prospectus, reports to shareholders, and other information about the Fund online at [______]. You can also get this information at no cost by calling [______] or by sending an email request to [______].
(A) The legend must provide a website address, other than the address of the Commission's electronic filing system; toll free (or collect) telephone number; and email address that investors can use to obtain the Statutory Prospectus and other information. The website address must be specific enough to lead investors directly to the Statutory Prospectus and other materials that are required to be accessible under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, rather than to the home page or other section of the website on which the materials are posted. The website could be a central site with prominent links to each document. The legend may indicate, if applicable, that the Statutory Prospectus and other information are available from a financial intermediary (such as a broker-dealer or bank) through which shares of the Fund may be purchased or sold. If a Fund relies on § 270.30e-3 of this chapter to transmit a report, the legend must also include the website address required by § 270.30e-3(c)(1) (iii) of this chapter if different from the website address required by this paragraph (b)(1)(v)(A).(B) If a Fund incorporates any information by reference into the Summary Prospectus, the legend must identify the type of document (e.g., Statutory Prospectus) from which the information is incorporated and the date of the document. If a Fund incorporates by reference a part of a document, the legend must clearly identify the part by page, paragraph, caption, or otherwise. If information is incorporated from a source other than the Statutory Prospectus, the legend must explain that the incorporated information may be obtained, free of charge, in the same manner as the Statutory Prospectus. A Fund may modify the legend to include a statement to the effect that the Summary Prospectus is intended for use in connection with a defined contribution plan that meets the requirements for qualification under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 401(k) ), a tax-deferred arrangement under section 403(b) or 457 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 403(b) or 457 ), or a variable contract as defined in section 817(d) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 817(d) ), as applicable, and is not intended for use by other investors.