Current through November 30, 2024
Section 229.1402 - (Item 1402) Distribution of assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity; interest rates and interest differential(a) For each reported period, present average balance sheets containing the information specified below. The format of the average balance sheets may be condensed from consolidated financial statements, provided that the condensed average balance sheets indicate the significant categories of assets and liabilities, including all major categories of interest-earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities. Major categories of interest-earning assets must include, if material, loans, taxable investment securities, non-taxable investment securities, interest bearing deposits in other banks, federal funds sold, securities purchased with agreements to resell, and other short-term investments. Major categories of interest-bearing liabilities must include, if material, savings deposits, other time deposits, federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, commercial paper, other short-term debt, and long-term debt.(b) For each reported period, present an analysis of net interest earnings as follows: (1) For each major category of interest-earning asset and each major category of interest-bearing liability, the average amount outstanding during the period and the interest earned or paid on such amount.(2) The average yield for each major category of interest-earning asset.(3) The average rate paid for each major category of interest-bearing liability.(4) The average yield on all interest-earning assets and the average rate paid on all interest-bearing liabilities.(5) The net yield on interest-earning assets (net interest earnings divided by total interest-earning assets, with net interest earnings equaling the difference between total interest earned and total interest paid).(6) The registrant may, at its option, present its analysis in connection with the average balance sheet required by paragraph (a) of this section.(c) For the interest rates and interest differential analysis, (1) Present for each comparative reporting period(i) The dollar amount of change in interest income, and(ii) The dollar amount of change in interest expense.(2) For each major category of interest-earning asset and interest-bearing liability, segregate the changes presented pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section into amounts attributable to:(i) Changes in volume (change in volume times old rate),(ii) Changes in rates (change in rate times old volume), and(iii) Changes in rates and volume (change in rate times change in volume).(3) The rates and volume variances presented pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) must be allocated on a consistent basis between rates and volume variances, and the basis of allocation disclosed in a note to the table. Instructions to Item 1402:
1. If material, disclose how non-accruing loans have been treated for purposes of the analyses required by paragraph (b).2. In the calculation of the changes in the interest income and interest expense required by paragraph (c), exclude any out-of-period items and adjustments and disclose the types and amounts of items excluded in a note to the table.3. If material loan fees are included in the interest income computation, disclose the amount of such fees.4. If tax-exempt income is calculated on a tax equivalent basis, describe the extent of recognition of exemption from Federal, state, and local taxation and the combined marginal or incremental rate used in a brief note to the table.5. If disclosure regarding foreign activities is required pursuant to Item 1401(d) of this subpart, the information required by paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section must be further segregated between domestic and foreign activities for each significant category of assets and liabilities disclosed pursuant to paragraph (a). In addition, for each reported period, present separately, on the basis of averages, the percentage of total assets and total liabilities attributable to foreign activities.