ADS-B Out is a function of an aircraft's onboard avionics that periodically broadcasts the aircraft's state vector (3-dimensional position and 3-dimensional velocity) and other required information as described in this section.
Navigation Accuracy Category for Position (NACP) specifies the accuracy of a reported aircraft's position.
Navigation Accuracy Category for Velocity (NACV) specifies the accuracy of a reported aircraft's velocity.
Navigation Integrity Category (NIC) specifies an integrity containment radius around an aircraft's reported position.
Position Source refers to the equipment installed onboard an aircraft used to process and provide aircraft position (for example, latitude, longitude, and velocity) information.
Source Integrity Level (SIL) indicates the probability of the reported horizontal position exceeding the containment radius defined by the NIC on a per sample or per hour basis.
System Design Assurance (SDA) indicates the probability of an aircraft malfunction causing false or misleading information to be transmitted.
Total latency is the total time between when the position is measured and when the position is transmitted by the aircraft.
Uncompensated latency is the time for which the aircraft does not compensate for latency.
14 C.F.R. §91.227