10 C.F.R. § A to Subpart F of Part 431

Current through July 31, 2024
Appendix A to Subpart F of Part 431 - Uniform Test Method for the Measurement of Energy Consumption of Commercial Package Air Conditioning and Heating Equipment (Excluding Air-Cooled Equipment With a Cooling Capacity Less Than 65,000 Btu/h)


Prior to May 15, 2025, representations with respect to the energy use or efficiency of commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment (excluding air-cooled equipment with a cooling capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h), including compliance certifications, must be based on testing conducted in accordance with:

(a) The applicable provisions (appendix A to subpart F of part 431 for air-cooled equipment, and table 1 to § 431.96 for water-cooled and evaporatively-cooled equipment) as they appeared in subpart F of 10 CFR part 431, revised as of January 1, 2024; or

(b) This appendix.

Beginning May 15, 2025, and prior to the compliance date of amended standards for commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment (excluding air-cooled equipment with a cooling capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h) based on integrated ventilation, economizing, and cooling (IVEC) and integrated ventilation and heating efficiency (IVHE) (see § 431.97 ), representations with respect to energy use or efficiency of commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment (excluding air-cooled equipment with a cooling capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h), including compliance certifications, must be based on testing conducted in accordance with this appendix.

Beginning on the compliance date of amended standards for commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment (excluding equipment with a cooling capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h) based on IVEC and IVHE (see § 431.97 ), representations with respect to energy use or efficiency of commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment (excluding air-cooled equipment with a cooling capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h), including compliance certifications, must be based on testing conducted in accordance with appendix A1 to this subpart.

Manufacturers may also certify compliance with any amended energy conservation standards for commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment (excluding air-cooled equipment with a cooling capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h) based on IVEC or IVHE prior to the applicable compliance date for those standards (see § 431.97 ), and those compliance certifications must be based on testing in accordance with appendix A1 to this subpart.

1. Incorporation by Reference

DOE incorporated by reference in § 431.95 , the entire standard for AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. However, certain enumerated provisions of AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, as set forth in this section 1 are inapplicable. To the extent there is a conflict between the terms or provisions of a referenced industry standard and the CFR, the CFR provisions control.

1.1. AHRI 340/360-2022:

(a) Section 1 Purpose is inapplicable,

(b) Section 2 Scope is inapplicable,

(c) The following subsections of Section 3 Definitions are inapplicable: 3.2 (Basic Model), 3.4 (Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning Equipment), 3.5 (Commercial and Industrial Unitary Heat Pump), 3.7 (Double-duct System), 3.8 (Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)), 3.12 (Heating Coefficient of Performance (COPH)), 3.14 (Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER)), 3.23 (Published Rating), 3.26 (Single Package Air-Conditioners), 3.27 (Single Package Heat Pumps), 3.29 (Split System Air-conditioners), 3.30 (Split System Heat Pump), 3.36 (Year Round Single Package Air-conditioners),

(d) Section 7 Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings is inapplicable,

(e) Section 8 Operating Requirements is inapplicable,

(f) Section 9 Marking and Nameplate Data is inapplicable,

(g) Section 10 Conformance Conditions is inapplicable,

(h) Appendix B References-Informative is inapplicable,

(i) Appendix D Unit Configuration for Standard Efficiency Determination-Normative is inapplicable,

(j) Appendix F International Rating Conditions-Normative is inapplicable,

(k) Appendix G Examples of IEER Calculations-Informative is inapplicable,

(l) Appendix H Example of Determination of Fan and Motor Efficiency for Non-standard Integrated Indoor Fan and Motors-Informative is inapplicable, and

(m) Appendix I Double-duct System Efficiency Metrics with Non-Zero Outdoor Air External Static Pressure (ESP)-Normative is inapplicable.

1.2. ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009:

(a) Section 1 Purpose is inapplicable

(b) Section 2 Scope is inapplicable, and

(c) Section 4 Classifications is inapplicable.

2. General

Determine the applicable energy efficiency metrics (IEER, EER, and COP) in accordance with this appendix and the applicable sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.

Section 3 of this appendix provides additional instructions for testing. In cases where there is a conflict, the language of this appendix takes highest precedence, followed by AHRI 340/360-2022, followed by ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. Any subsequent amendment to a referenced document by the standard-setting organization will not affect the test procedure in this appendix, unless and until the test procedure is amended by DOE.

3. Test Conditions

The following conditions specified in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 apply when testing to certify to the energy conservation standards in § 431.97 . For cooling mode tests for equipment subject to standards in terms of EER, test using the "Standard Rating Conditions Cooling". For cooling mode tests for equipment subject to standards in terms of IEER, test using the "Standard Rating Conditions Cooling" and the "Standard Rating Part-Load Conditions (IEER)". For heat pump heating mode tests for equipment subject to standards in terms of COP, test using the "Standard Rating Conditions (High Temperature Steady State Heating)".

For equipment subject to standards in terms of EER, representations of IEER made using the "Standard Rating Part-Load Conditions (IEER)" in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 are optional. For equipment subject to standards in terms of IEER, representations of EER made using the "Standard Rating Conditions Cooling" in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 are optional. Representations of COP made using the "Standard Rating Conditions (Low Temperature Steady State Heating)" in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 are optional and are not to be used as the basis for determining compliance with energy efficiency standards in terms of COP.

10 C.F.R. §A to Subpart F of Part 431

80 FR 79670, Dec. 23, 2015
89 FR 44046, 8/5/2024