A permit may be issued to a producer of cattle for movement of cattle across a modified point-of-origin boundary without brand inspection provided the following circumstances exist: the distance between origin and destination is forty (40) miles or less, by existing roadway; the cattle return only to the point of origin; and there is no change in ownership and the cattle are moved for pasture or feeding purposes only.
All cattle shipped in accordance with the permit shall be accompanied by a Cattle Movement Record and are subject to brand inspection.
The permit, based upon application by the producer, shall contain the following: name and address of the permittee; location of ranches covered by the permit; dates of issuance and expiration; maximum number of cattle to be shipped by the permit; and amount of fee.
A Livestock Movement Record, in an approved form, shall be completed by the permittee before movement, for each shipment of cattle shipped pursuant to the permit. Notice and verification shall be provided to the Bureau as required in the permit.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 897
Note: Authority cited: Sections 407- 409 and 20171, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 21059(d), Food and Agricultural Code.